
Why Nintendo Switch Exclusives Are Crushing PlayStation 4 & Xbox One Releases in 2019

Nintendo Switch exclusives of 2019 look a lot stronger than those on PS4 and Xbox One.

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Antnee5341929d ago

I would have to think its because the games have become to sparse kind of like the wii u days. Its hard to find reason to play switch when the games come every 3 to 4 months. So now the games that do come out get blown out of the water. Look at nsmb its only doing good cause there is no other switch games saddly.

I really think nintendo needs to make more beefy machines so they can be on par with 3rd party support because this system is a drag most of the months out ofthe year even though its my favorite system of the three.

remixx1161928d ago

Also PS4 and Xbox one are on there way out, why anyone would think they would have a MASSIVE lineup when they are gearing up to launch new consoles is beyond me.

Lionsguard1928d ago

Well I don't know about Xbox but PS4 still has The Last of Us 2 and Death Stranding, and the two dark horses that will either be smash hits or abysmal failures are Days Gone and Dreams. Aside from that, the PS4 schedule looks pretty barren. It's really no wonder why Sony decided to skip E3 this year. If the PS5 isn't ready yet, there's really nothing to bring.

WickedLester1928d ago (Edited 1928d ago )

PS4 also has Ghost of Tsushima, Concrete Genie, Nioh 2, and Shenmue 3 coming along with Days Gone, Death Stranding, and Dreams. I'm not saying they're all coming in 2019 but the PS4 is FAR from done in terms of exclusives.

ABizzel11928d ago

Their exclusives don't crush PlayStation at all if we're talking about reviews and accolades, both companies rival one another in that regard as amazing games makers with Nintendo mastering fun and attainability, meanwhile Sony mastering narrative and experience.

When it comes to sales of software Nintendo's biggest IPs are some of the best selling games because, of 4 things:

1. Nintendo fans, buy almost exclusively for Nintendo.
2. Nostalgia and iconic IPs (grandfather of gaming)
3. Nintendo games are E for Everyone
4. Nintendo owns JP (mobile)
5. Secondary console.

Nintendo platforms are bought almost exclusively to play Nintendo games. Nintendo has 3rd party support, but it's minor support due to the majority of 3rd party games being inferior on their platforms for the last 10+ years, and generally speaking better on Xbox and PlayStation, where franchises like GTA and COD have blown up.

Another reason is Nintendo wins the heart of gamers simply due to nostalgia of classic franchises that have managed to stand the test of time like Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Mario Kart, Smash etc... These franchises have resonated with children of the 80's, the 90's, 2000's, and current gamers, and that success has carried over to sales.

Nintendo games and platforms cater to the E for everyone crowd, so off top they have a larger market to appeal to. An adult can buy a Nintendo platform, and one for a child, and worry less about their kids finding the goriest games, huge piles of nudity, or exaggerated violence in Nintendo games / exclusives.

Nintendo owns the Japanese market, which is the smallest of the big 3, but it offers them an unrivaled boost in that region that helps their overall sales, especially in the handheld market. JP is basically Nintendo's equivalent of Sony's domination of the EU market, except JP is much smaller.

Finally Nintendo platforms offer a vastly different gaming experience from the other 2/3 competitors (consoles / PC) which makes it the perfect companion device, which ties back to the first reason.

StormSnooper1928d ago

PS4 still has some awesome incoming games. I don’t think anything can compare to their line up right now.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1928d ago
Zeldafan641928d ago

Unless you're into rpgs then you've got way too much to play. I have over 40 games on Switch and about half of them are rpgs.

BrettAwesome1928d ago

And cartoony shit. Don't get me wrong. I love mine to death! But I'm looking primarily for a more traditional gaming experience in a portable package. I got stuff like Mario kart 8, Odyssey and Zelda, sure. But I also have Skyrim and Doom, stuff like that, and there ain't too much of that around, really.

Father__Merrin1928d ago

i was going to say the same, theres never anything on the system same with wiiu and wii apart from the usual suspects. nsmb or zelda or mario its the same old games every generation that people buy. if i bought a swutch it would only be to buy zelda mario nsmb and mario kart

Saigon1928d ago

I bought it for those top 3, but I have several others for my kids. I've, played it, but not as much since finishing Zelda. Trying to finish my PS4 backlog, I find that more important right now.

BrettAwesome1927d ago

Well, the good multiplats are few and far between. But Skyrim on a handheld...I never bothered on ps4, but watching it run on that tiny little machine...there'd something about it. And it even looks good. I mean, it would looks serviceable at best on my tv, but on that little 720p screen...it's like it comes to life. Doom is awesome too. It runs like shit compared to the other versions. But it's just so awesome playing these heavy hitting AAA's on the go. Well...sorry for the long reply. I wish they'd port more last gen games to switch

1928d ago
Shiken1928d ago

The Switch has just as much overall content as the PS4 and X1 in their first two years, and FAR more quality exclusives in the same timeframe.

Man I have never seen people reach so hard to downplay. Just accept that the Switch is a desired device with great exclusives and move on. You are only living in denial trying to put a negative spin on everything.

3-4-51928d ago

* Hold on....Wii U = you are correct....not with the Switch though.

Switch has good 3rd party support, just not huge mainstream 3rd party support. There are a lot of good games on the Switch, but yea it will never probably have the number that a PS4 has because it won't get the COD's & BF's & Madden's and what not....those games stack up quickly.

Anybody I know who has played a Switch likes it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1927d ago
1929d ago Replies(13)
SuperSonic911929d ago

Not even gonna bother with this click bait insanity.

DwightSchrute011928d ago ShowReplies(2)
EddieNX 1929d ago (Edited 1929d ago )

Nintendos 2019 exclusives line up is about 5 times the size of Sonys or Microsoft's. Nintendo should win this year with ease .

Nintendo isn't just the best out of the big three, they're the best developers of all time. Period.

Moving on...

Inzo1928d ago

Quantity over quality right?

"Nintendo isn't just the best out of the big three, they're the best developers of all time. Period."

Is that why Sony has been spanking them for the past 20 years?

EddieNX 1928d ago (Edited 1928d ago )

In terms of exclusive game ratings and exclusive game sales, I think you'll find it's Nintendo that's been doing the spanking my friend!

Switches exclusives have outsold (crushed infact) those on PS4 in less than 2 years with a third of the installed base. This is always the case with Nintendo.

Sure, Sony has some of the most talented studios out there , but Nintendo EAD are consistently the best developers of games and have been for over 30 years.

And the debate for 2019 exclusives is a none argument. Nintendo simply has more confirmed for this year than the other 2. With stuff like Luigi's Mansion 3, Animal crossing , Astral chain, Mario Maker 2, Bayonetta 3 . Nintendo will be making huge waves this year in comparison to smaller splashes made by Sony and Microsoft in the exclusives market.

DaDrunkenJester1928d ago


It's easy to sell so many exclusives when your player base is starved for ANY games. When you don't have options from 3rd party devs then you get desperate to buy up all those niche little JRPG's just to play SOMETHING.

DwightSchrute011928d ago

Lol u should be a comedian looool

Inzo1928d ago

Yeah, it still doesnt make it quality. Still, your comment on Switch "crushing" PS4 exclusive is not "in fact". With the exception of Super Smash Bros, games like GOW, Spider-Man, U4, Horizon are in the same time frame, still comfortably outpacing most of what Nintendont has to offer with GOW and Spider-Man quickly creeping up on the Switch's highest selling game which they will soon surpass. And those two games did this in less than a year and a full year after Mario Cart was released.

DwightSchrute011928d ago

"Kart" dumbass sony fanboy lmao

Zeldafan641926d ago (Edited 1926d ago )

Sony will never have an exclusive that sells over 20 million on a single console. Remastering is the only way they reach that number. Nintendo is going to have 3 over 20 million on Switch, possibly 4.

Silly gameAr1929d ago (Edited 1929d ago )

Only speaking for myself, but not one game announced for Switch makes feels like I have to to go out and spend money on buying another one just to play it. You don't have to belittle another line up on another console to make another consoles line up seem better than it really is.

Gemmol1928d ago

Is this your first time on here, Sony fans on here do it posting Sony fan website articles, even Xbox fans do it from their fan websites. When I say fan websites I do not mean Xbox games only or Nintendo games only, but websites that prefer those systems even tho they talk about other systems too, for example DualShockers a Sony website but it talks about all games

VariantAEC1923d ago

Yeah but Nintendo fans definitely don't come to N4G to talk trash, right?

Wait a minute, I see what you did there!

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anast7h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics6h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX6h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon4h ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie1h ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.


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RhinoGamer888h ago

The actual gameplay looks jerky as hell. FC 24 level of stutter!