
IGN Review of Wii Music

IGN writes:I've remained outwardly skeptical of Wii Music since its unveiling because, for all of Nintendo's demo's of the title, I've never really been convinced that there is an interesting or fun mechanic to playing the wide assortment of instruments housed within. And disappointingly, my extended time with the finished product has not wiped away that skepticism. If anything, it's only confirmed my suspicions, specifically that Nintendo's first step into the music / rhythm genre is actually a misstep, one resulting in a product so unsophisticated that it practically plays itself.

PoorDelayedFlop5705d ago (Edited 5705d ago )

lol, almost as low as Lair and Haze!

pixelsword5705d ago

Wii, meet flop, flop, meet Wii.

amir0x5706d ago

lol at wii music. Some people at Gaf/vgchartz forums were saying that wii music will be the greatest game this fall. I hope they dont start selling their wii

Bubble Buddy5706d ago

Sigh, SSBB is basically the only thing I play left; and only at parties. PS3 and 360 have so much more games I'm interested in.

Perjoss5705d ago

it don't even deserve a news story here, Miyamoto already said its not even a game.

Maxned5705d ago

So far this game has gotten a 5/10 on IGN, a 7/10 on Gamespy (3.5/5) and an A-/A on 1up.com
Those are some varied scores right there. Im guessing this is gonna end up with a meta score of 6-6.5

Miyamoto's first flop of a game?

barom5705d ago

These scores doesn't really matter, the game's gonna sell like any other Nintendo casual gamer game.

gaffyh5705d ago

5/10 is way too much, this should be 2/10. If there is no challenge in the game, then it is NOT a game.

Also @maxned - wtf 1up gave this A-, which Nintendo fanboy reviewed this pile of crap game?

KillJoi995705d ago

This fooking piece of sh1t is an embarrassment to gamers everywhere. And I have officially given up on EGM after their review of this game.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5705d ago
TheColbertinator5706d ago

Yay! It stops here Nintendo.Sorry

Silellak5706d ago

Yeah, right. The game will probably sell half a million copies if only because it's developed by Nintendo and has the word "Wii" on the front.

Sarcasm5706d ago

It already sold 50,000 copies on launch day in Japan didn't it?

I'm waiting for their next project Wii Chair which will probably sell just as much.

SolidSnake935705d ago

Nintendo is still a boulder, but like a stream every bad game they make withers away the "Wii" titles and forces to focus on their real titles ie: Zelda.

mfwahwah5705d ago

I can't wait for Miyamoto's next game.

Wii go to the Supermarket, Come Back Home to Cook Dinner, Then Sit in Our Comfy Chair and Relax.

Maxned5705d ago

Youre demonstrating the usefullness of your ScreenName well!

facepalm5705d ago

^-^ Yup, that's the sad truth about "Wii" products...

They can make a game that's titled "Wii R Stupid" and it would sell millions because of the "Wii" that's in the front...

They minus well have all their games sport the "Wii" name, like they did with the "64" from the N64 Generation...

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5705d ago
Homicide5706d ago

The sad part, this is still going to sell millions.

ParaDise_LosT5706d ago

GoeW2 and LBP combined :C sadly thats how the world is...
o well

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friv2kizi22454d ago

Nice Article, It is very useful for my project thanks.


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WeAreLegion3560d ago

I was expecting an article about the entire industry. This is sort of the norm for these types of games though.