
Devil May Cry: Pinnacle of Combat - First Gameplay Screenshots in High-Resolution Unveiled

Check out the first high-resolution gameplay screenshots of Devil May Cry: Pinnacle of Combat, the upcoming action rpg mobile game.

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NotanotherReboot2348d ago

grrrrr got excited cos I thought it was about the remaster

nevin12348d ago

I actually thought it was a new game as in console game.

2347d ago
Skuletor2348d ago

Oh, it's a mobile game, interest gone.

deadfrag2348d ago

Now just watch.. Capcom will eventually release a version of this game for the PS4 and Xbox One and even Switch and because they are lazy and love remasters they will only upgrade the resolution and call it sweet deal.

Pedantic912347d ago

Correction: they'll release this with bumped up resolution on consoles, but when the sales fail to reach their stupid sale goals they'll claim there is no interest in DMCV and cancel any DMC related developments.

That's the Capcom way for ya

Zabatsu2345d ago

It's a shame this once great company, turned into a turd.

Godmars2902347d ago

And charge $60 for it. Don't forget that.

Miss_Vixen2348d ago

Sorry, not interested in Mobile games. Never had and never will.

Nebaku2348d ago

Ah yes, nothing screams "perfect fit" for a game premised on split second input/reactions like a device with no physical buttons...

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Devil May Cry: Pinnacle of Combat To Release In June 2021

Devil May Cry: Pinnacle of Combat, the mobile version of Devil May Cry, has been in the news for a few years. The game has been through multiple betas but hasn't launched yet. Finally, a piece of good news has emerged today, the developers of the game have made the game available in the Chinese Appstore with an expected release date of June 11, 2021.

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1207d ago Replies(1)

Devil May Cry Mobile developer interview reveals new information

In a recent interview, the developer of Devil May Cry Mobile reveals some brand new information regarding their upcoming game.

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KaaF1533d ago

Mobile news should have "[Mobile]Title" format, reading DMC and getting exited just to read Mobile after it is depressing.

IanTH1533d ago

That sounds incredibly awkward, and since it didn't say "NEW DMC" or anything, I don't know why you'd get immediately excited - fast enough that you would get excited before the word mobile was read, at any rate. Would you get super jazzed if the story was "Devil May Cry is a really good series"? Same amount of time to get excited and then let down it isn't something exciting lol.

GamingonPhone1532d ago

The 4th word of the title is "Mobile" if you read it correctly. The other news stories do not mention "PC" or "PS" or "XBOX" on their title then why is this inequality towards Mobile?


Devil May Cry Hack-And-Slash Mobile Game Gets Slick Gameplay Trailer

Mobile action game Devil May Cry: Pinnacle of Combat is getting a 2020 test — but us Westerners may not get our hands on it anytime soon.

ApocalypseShadow1640d ago (Edited 1640d ago )

I wonder if this used to be what the PSP or Vita game was supposed to be?

BoredDemon1639d ago

Now I want to see a real DMC3 remake :3

autobotdan1639d ago

I dont need this mobile game. I am good with Devil May Cry V on my Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ using my Project X Cloud app. I have literally been playing Devil May Cry V on my cell phone at work on my lunch hours. Thank you Microsoft

JokerBoy4221639d ago

So this is why all the DMC5 DLC got canceled... awesome...

mixelon1639d ago

Doubtful. Different studio.

deadfrag1639d ago

This is very bad for the brand!Screwing the lore!