
Team VVV's Racing Game Of The Year 2016 Awards: Best Graphics

VVV: "Playground Games’ latest open world extravaganza Forza Horizon 3 is by far and away the best-looking racing game of 2016, and arguably this generation so far. Every car is meticulously modeled inside and out, but it's the stunning scenery where you can see the abundant passion that that's been poured into the picture perfect visuals . Playground Games went to extraordinary lengths to authentically recreate Australia in all its glory: the team spent several months on location taking photos and capturing video to make sure every drop of detail was spot on. Even the skies are authentically Australian because the team painstakingly recorded the skyline on location to use in the game. Now that’s dedication."f

obidanshinobi2697d ago

Tis a great looking game.
Shame the XB1 version I'm playing crashes a lot, especially when entering the Byron Bay festival site.
Fix it Playground !!!

FlameWater2697d ago

lol best graphics!?!?!? just because you advertise the game with bull shots doesn't mean it deserves an award. This game could be up scaled to 8k and it would still look bland. Detailed cars? you mean the 720p resolution textures that ported like a bad skin rash. make up on a pig at best.

Immorals2697d ago

This game is stunning, both screenshots and gameplay on Xbox one, and is even better on PC.

Amazing stuff for a huge open world game


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Knushwood Butt442d ago

Add PSVR2 support to ACC and I might play it.

ApocalypseShadow441d ago

Same. Good sales. But if they are smart, they'll release a VR update on console for PS VR 2. Get more sales. More money.

TheColbertinator441d ago

Impressive series and well known for being challenging

ChiefofLoliPolice441d ago

Jesus really? Damn I didn't know Assetto Corsa was that popular. Now that I look at the sales numbers and the sheer about of mods for the PC version I guess I can see it now.

Obscure_Observer441d ago

Really impressive numbers.

There´re more racing simulators fans out there than most racing games studios acknowledges.

Father__Merrin441d ago (Edited 441d ago )

Wish AC1 was at least one X enhanced but it's only sold a lot because of its price

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