
Rated-R: Angels Fall First interview

This time they are interviewing one of the guys behind the 1st person shooter, Angels Fall First.
Also, Overload Kickstarter success, Albert Einstein and Pi-day, Uranus, Space-twins and the new guy makes wookie-sounds about US politics!

* New Bammsters member: Draconusx
* Overload kickstarter hit their goal with 2 hours to spare
* Albert Einstein’s bday, and pi-day, and odd ways of writing dates
* Uranus was discovered 235 years ago, yesterday
* Scott and Mark Kelly used to see how space affects the human body
* Bamm asks about Donald Trump, and Draconusx goes wookie

Special Guest:
This week Bammsters have Josh Grafton of the game Angels Fall First, a combined-arms sci-fi wargame, talking about the current state of the game, where it all started, and where it is heading!
Angels Fall First, by Strangely Interactive, started out as a mod many, many years ago, and only later ended up being a stand-alone game. Josh tells us about the early days, about being a small but diverse team spread our geographically, and about the project going on strong through multiple iterations. We also discuss which older games served as inspiration, and might just have given away our respective ages as we discuss games from 3 decades ago.
The game is available on Steam, under the Early Access category, and by golly, it is an awesome “little” shooter.

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Someone made an unofficial fan Unreal Engine Donkey Kong Country game & is available for download

A Tribute To Donkey Kong features 12 levels, 200+ 3D models, 20+ characters with 120+ animations, 1000+ new game assets, 400+ textures, 30+ particles effects and over 3000 lines of code.

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getbacktogaming2293d ago (Edited 2293d ago )

Isn't this old news!? As cool as this is it has been released since 2014.


Strangely Interactive is the third dev publicly admitting server issues due to Spectre/Meltdown

DSOGaming writes: "Earlier this month, Epic Games and Housemargue publicly revealed major server performance issues due to the Spectre and Meltdown security fixes that were released. And from the looks of it, Strangely Interactive, is the third developer that has publicly admitted it."

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Angels Fall First review (Bammsters)

So what is Angels Fall First? AFF is an FPS that has both ground and space combat with space ships, vehicles and even mechs! It even has an RTS element thrown in just for good measure. In addition to fighting your way through each of the areas on the front line you can also issues commands to your squad, or even switch into the map view and (as the commander) issue orders to the entire team to deploy to and take or defend different objectives.

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