
Here Is What the Cancelled Version of Doom 4 Looked Like

The new Doom game will be revealed in about a month, and today a number of screenshots from the cancelled version of Doom 4 got revealed.

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ATi_Elite3302d ago

Just want to thank another game company for completely wasting time and money. Goes to show you why this crap was not shown at Quake Con.

Many may disagree but Doom 4 needs to be given to Cliffy B. as he is a developer that currently understands what Doom is all about and knows how it should be done.

R.I.P. to another classic,historic,and genre defining franchise that made video games what they are today

3302d ago
BlackWolf123302d ago

Uhhhhh no. Cliffy B can stay the he'll away from Doom and ANY future AAA title. That guy has lost touch with the gaming industry.

MonsterChef3302d ago

Umm cliffy b stop caring the second GeoW made it big, I remember seeing interviews with him pre GeoW release and then a year later completely different completely douche showing up in a lambo and leather jacket had a Dane cook smug to him

DefenderOfDoom23302d ago (Edited 3302d ago )

Maybe Cliffy B would be good for the multiplayer side of DOOM. But i would love to see John Romero and Sandy Pederson make twisted non linear levels for the new DOOM game . But of course neither would happen .

Now that the Wolfenstein New Order DLC OLD BLOOD is done . I would love see Machine Games help ID SOFTWARE finish the new DOOM game . They both work under the ZENIMAX/BETHESDA umbrella .

Yeah, it would be awesome if they just added BRUTAL DOOM as a bonus when you buy the new DOOM game . It has never been available on consoles .

Revolver_X_3302d ago


I completely agree. Machine Games knows what they're doing.

Summons753302d ago

Ugh, Cliffy B is the LAST person I want touching a classic franchise. Unreal Tournament says hello to how badly he Fs things up.

This is not the new Doom, this was a nightmare that deserved to be cancelled. New Doom is going to be like Classic Doom which is amazing in and of itself.

super_bruno3302d ago

This screenshots has that Gears of War look. One would think Cliffy B was involved.

N4g_null3301d ago

This looks like a movie.... doom player don't want a movie wtf... Doom is about shooting and surviving... ummmm hell. not a bunch of sad face people, that are render pretty well.

Im really getting tired of video games becoming an indie movie dumping ground. if you didn't make the ip leave it along.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3301d ago
deadpoolio3163302d ago

Ummmm your joking right cause a portal opening on earth sounds a hell of a lot better than when we get another lame ass portal on Mars...Like we need another sequel like Doom 3 that is basically just the first 2 games retold with pretty graphics...Oh but wait people like to cry when anyone tries something different, we really do need more of that generic as hell Doom set on generic Mars AGAIN

TheCommentator3302d ago

Yes, Doom 3 was a remake of the first Doom. Doom 2 takes place on Earth however, not Mars, so Doom 4 is technically a remake of Doom 2.

On a side note, Rage was not only a graphics experiment, but an experiment in open world gaming for Id. If Doom 4 is able to eliminate the issues that held back Rage from being a huge success, it will be fantastic when it ships.

ZaWarudo3302d ago


I hope Doom 4 will be like Brutal Doom https://www.youtube.com/wat...

MrDead3302d ago (Edited 3302d ago )

I love Brutal Doom, the team who worked on it did something amazing that I though wasn't possible, they were able to improve the original game! I know saying that is blasphemous but the people who’ve played it know that it’s true, even John Romero has given them praise.

Here's a link to the Brutal Doom site: http://www.moddb.com/mods/b...

3302d ago Replies(1)
MilkMan3302d ago

Didn't look bad, looks pretty good actually (at least the CGI stills did), but it didn't "feel" like Doom. Lets see what ID has up their sleeves this E3.

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New footage revealed for the cancelled COD-like version of Doom 4

Today, some new in-game footage from the prototype versions of the cancelled COD-like Doom 4 surfaced online.

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Feralkitsune1258d ago

What's cool is you can see some of the animations they kept and revised for 2016.

nirwanda1258d ago

When you strip everything back you can really see how great the animation is.
It's amazing how far games have come.

glenn19791258d ago

For me its always interesting to see some prototype of a game of something else and see the final product on why they go another direction in the end

RaidenBlack1258d ago

My favorite is the MGS:Rising vs MGR:Revengeance.(I preferred the Kojima's one)
Another interesting one is Splinter Cell Conviction Concept vs Retail

spicelicka1258d ago

I don't see what is "COD-like" here? Just because there's 2 seconds footage with ironsight?

Concertoine1258d ago

The devs were openly going for the cinematic shooter style that was popular in the years this was developed. COD-like Doom was pretty much the pitch.

Fluke_Skywalker1258d ago

Looks pish, no wonder it got canned.


Every Doom Game Ever

Whilst the FPS genre has since had a tonne of fantastic franchises, such as Quake, Unreal and Serious Sam, Doom remains at the top of the pile, and has one of the best comeback stories in video game history. Doom is almost 30 years running, and has even bled into other mediums such as feature films and novels. As it has been going for so long, there have been a large number of entries in the series, and there are probably a few you never played. This is every Doom game ever.

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Why Development Stopped On DOOM 4

According to ID Executive Producer Marty Stratton, DOOM 4 was scrapped because "it was more 'DOOM' in name than really anything."

Dabigsiebowski1560d ago

Because they wanted to punish John Carmack.

AK911560d ago

From reports apparently Doom 4 was shaping up to be COD but set in the DOOM universe, honestly really glad that didn’t happen.

Profchaos1560d ago

Pretty much they wanted to make it to meet what was selling at the time and in doing so it lost the soul of what makes doom doom.

MadLad1560d ago

Even Doom 3 did that, despite being a solid game all the same. Not mind blowing, in my opinion, but a solid title.

1560d ago
Segata1560d ago

Because it was Call of Duty with generic demons on Earth. Looked worse than the 2009 Wolfenstein. They made the right call.