
Destiny Beta PS4 vs PS3 Comparison Screenshots And GIF Shows Massive Graphics/Visual Differences

Bungie's upcoming sci-fi shooter Destiny is in beta testing phase and is available on Playstation 4 and Playstation 3. Here are some comparison screenshots showcasing graphics/visuals difference between Destiny PS4 vs PS3

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XiSasukeUchiha3607d ago

The differences are staggering!

cyguration3607d ago

Okay, no. Sorry. I looked at them and other than some slight lighting changes, they don't look that "massive".

Some of the PS3 shots actually look very impressive measured up against the PS4.

Greyfoxdbz3607d ago (Edited 3607d ago )

are you joking?
The PS4 version looks waaaaay better. To begin with it is in the ever lauded 1080p. This is a massive improvement for a multiplatform game

Look at these two;

stuna13607d ago

Bungie did an excellent job on this multi/cross platform title the differences are negligible! Meaning as far as looks go, those who buy this on last gen consoles should be just as pleased and excited as those who buy it on this gens consoles.

wsoutlaw873607d ago

but check out that shadow in the 3rd pic down in the middle.

guitarded773607d ago

You must need glasses. The textures alone are night and day. The lighting, shadows and jaggies are different between the two. I mean the PS3 version is playable, but damn... don't discount that the PS4 version looks far better.

Deadlead3607d ago

At first glance I wasn't impressed either, but it's the size of the images provided that fails to detail the visual fidelity on the PS4 version. If you take the time to actually pull up each image and switch back and forth the difference truly is impressive. That said the PS3 version really is quite nice.

ramiuk13607d ago

i suggest you look again,the difference in huge,especially shadows and textures

UltraNova3607d ago

Textures are somewhat better, lighting is a bit better. AA is where the huge difference is!

All in all for a cross gen game I say Bungie did ok.

With that said I thing cross-gen differences are not as strong as AC:4's were. This goes either way, meaning that Bungie made an excellent work on the last gen version or simply did an average one on next gen versions.

rawz3607d ago (Edited 3607d ago )

Even though you don't 'see it' doesn't mean the difference doesn't exist.


Now try that comparison again on a large native 1080p screen and tell me the difference is small.

x2good4u2x3607d ago

I had the game running side by side on the ps3 and ps4 and the differences really are huge at full resolution. I was shocked at how much worse the ps3 version was tbh.

Ju3607d ago

Of course the PS4 version is better - considering it runs at a higher resolution alone. But the PS3 version is mighty impressive to come so close. This is a impressive job done from Bungie.

user56695103606d ago

yeah im not seeing whats so graphically impressive about this game

RVanner_3606d ago (Edited 3606d ago )

Completely agree, impressive for the PS3, PS4 looks noticeably sharper due to the resolution but not much else stands out that's a game changer for the PS4 version. Previous gen users should be happy

sonypsnow3606d ago

The Power of PS3 CELL CPU !!!

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3606d ago
Fixay3607d ago

Minor differences imo. The PS3 version looks pretty damm good

Vantage3607d ago

Staggering - to astonish or deeply shock. Nope

Marginal - very slight or small. Yep

Panthers3606d ago

Some of those shots show a huge difference. Especially with the shadows, AA, and haze effects, which are nearly non existent in the PS3 version.

Orionsangel3607d ago (Edited 3607d ago )

You know when differences are staggering. When you compare Pitfall to Uncharted. Yes, the PS4 version looks much better than the PS3 version. There's no denying that, but it's not night and day or anything. I think both will be great experiences and if you want better resolution and sharper graphics with some more detail. You can have that too, but no one will be shocked by the differences here. Unless you're a graphics whore.

peshkavusCA3606d ago

I know which fanboys dominates the graphic whores department :D

bigbic3606d ago

xbox 360 fanboys? With all there digital foundry comparisons of grass blades?

ITPython3607d ago

To those who say the difference is minor, seriously.. get your eyes checked and get some glasses/contacts already. You need it REALLY bad. The difference is beyond night and day.

These two are the most telling IMO. Open them up side-by-side in tabs, and let the browser scale the PS4 picture so they are the same size, then switch back and fourth while looking at the same spot.


This is basically PS2 to PS3 difference in graphics here, and I sorry so many of you cannot tell due to poor eyesight. Goto wal-mart, they sell those cheap magnifying reading glasses for a few $$, then check the pics again to have your mind blown.

DougLord3607d ago

"Open them up side-by-side in tabs, and let the browser scale the PS4 picture so they are the same size, then switch back and fourth while looking at the same exact spot using a magnifying lens..."

Yeah that's the definition of moderately better, not STAGGERING of "night-vs-day". I can tell the difference between night and day with out any effort, without focusing on the same spot. Night and day is like PS1 vs PS4.

3607d ago
IcarusOne3607d ago

Clearly you don't know the difference between night and day.

ITPython3607d ago

Ok, I grabbed a random pics off the net and did some modifying to it for those in dire need of glasses.

Compare these two pics, the difference you see (which has been exaggerated due to your poor vision) is the same level of difference people with good eyesight and/or corrected vision see with the PS3/PS4 Destiny pics.

PS3 - http://i.imgur.com/hFDeQdp....
PS4 - http://i.imgur.com/zWrAbmS....

That is the difference you would be able to see if you got some glasses or contacts. Think about it!

Deadlead3607d ago

Haha thanks for the laugh. Both versions look great(the PS4 with a clear advantage) but this game is still obviously a victim of cross-gen development. Still it is odd people aren't seeing how pronounced the differences are between the two versions.

Eddie201013607d ago (Edited 3607d ago )

PS4 version has higher resolution textures, better lighting and shadows, more detailed sky maps, over all much more detail. Oh, and the resolution is obviously higher. My guess is that it runs much better on the PS4 too.

PS3 version looks good, but it is obvious the PS4 version is a good degree better.

LOL to your post.

IcarusOne3607d ago

I think you guys are confusing "not seeing" with "not caring." The differences are there, but they are not staggering. If they are indeed staggering to you, I would argue you've forgotten how good the PS3 can look.

iiwii3607d ago

lol.. I played the PS4 on the Alpha, but wanted to bring in a couple of my PS3 friends on the Beta. That's what it felt like when I first started it up. I felt like it was really low res and in areas felt like detail was washed out a bit. There was a clear cut difference in the graphics.

BUT... after jumping in and playing for a few minutes, you forget all about it. It's still the same game and just as fun (except trying to get use to the difference of the PS3 controller layout)''

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3607d ago
trancefreak3607d ago (Edited 3607d ago )

Here is what I do not understand! If the captured shots provided here produce a native gaming TV output Image of 1080p PS4, and 720p PS3 respectively; wouldn't the PS3 image needed to be stretched to compare the same height and scale of both variants of the PS4 versions. It looks more like a windowed mode for the PS3 this way to my eyes.

My point is if the PS3 version was stretched or enlarged to fill my display it would look visually less impressive compared to the PS4. I understand that these pictures are at their native resolution, but with that being seen the PS3 version is not allowing me to enlarge the shot that would be comparable to what would be seen on a monitor or TV screen blown up at 1280x720 output on a 40"TV.

I hope that makes some sense because we are more less looking into a smaller windowed ps3 capture unless you own a monitor that is actually 1280x720.

The PS4 enlarged really shows how much more is in the game without looking ballooned or over blowned by a larger TV @720p.

I like to mention I might be looking at this all wrong as well but was curious to why both versions don't have the same screen fill from the captures. TBH though, I think Bungie did a fantastic JOB here by keeping the game visually impressive on all platforms while maintaining the same gaming experience across multi platforms it appears.

Akarogg 3606d ago


I bet you didn't even look at the pictures.

FanboyKilla3606d ago

just finished playing the beta on ps4. sighs i dont know about the difference between ps4 and ps3, but i can say i doubt its that huge. cmon fellas its cross gen no matter how u slice it. and im unimpressed with the graphics on ps4. its obvious they wanted the game in the hands of as many people as possible, if you are looking for next gen, you wont find it in destiny. the game is still interesting none the less.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3606d ago
Wingsfan243607d ago

Like how you guys NEVER list a source for where you get your stuff. Shinobi would be that source, it might be a good idea to let readers know where you got your information so you look more credible. They're screenshots, but not directly from you.

Abriael3607d ago

To be more precise, Neogaf is the source, but you do have a point.

Wingsfan243607d ago

Sourcing, the no man's land of games journalism ha.

3607d ago
yewles13607d ago

Considering it's Bungie's only time one PS3 and their previous 360 work, I wouldn't be surprised if the PS3 version was as low as 1024x576.

RadioActiveTwinky3607d ago

Considering that the Sony platforms are the lead platforms. I wouldn't be surprised that you are wrong.

Me-Time3607d ago

Hmm, I didn't know the PS3 and PS4 were structured the same way.


Bathyj3607d ago

Its a good point. Devs took year to get to grips with PS3's exotic architecture. Bungie are doing it in the twilight of the generation?

I'm amazed that made it look so good, but dont be surprised if the technical and performance aspects are not up to scratch with the 360 version which that are well versed in.

SirDjss3607d ago

I thought the differences would be bigger? Next gen my as. Only difference are better AA on the shadows on walls.

Cryptcuzz3607d ago

It is up to the developers how they go about handling the next gen versions of a game.

If a game is developed both for last gen and the current gen, then more than likely (the current gen version) won't be up to par with the best visuals of what a current gen only game would look like.

That is why, for example, The Witcher 3 developers have decided to develop the game with current gen and PC only. Same for many other developers with games in the works that are skipping on last gen version and creating games with current gen systems in mind only.

"Only difference are better AA on the shadows on walls"

That is not the only difference from what I can tell.

Textures are clearly better and sharper, The overall image of the PS4 version is clearer too. The PS3 version has a blurred look to it. PS4 version is 1080P and the PS3 version will be 720P. That is why the PS3 version looks like it is zoomed in with a smaller point of view and less things displayed on screen at once.

SirDjss3607d ago

Yea sure, the imige might be clearer if you really look hard because of the resolution. But im not kidding myself to seeing something that isnt there just because i want it to be there.

Thats why i keep saying that the differece arent that big between them. Oh .. Its not called point of view, its field of view (FOV) Basic PC terms there ;)

Anonagrog3607d ago

The field of view and the resolution are functionally independent from each other, so there won't be any change there. If you glance the edges of the picture-pairs you'll notice the perspective projection's view angle is the same in both.

Back-to-Back3607d ago

PS3 is also missing alot of foliage PS4 has.

Cryptcuzz3607d ago (Edited 3607d ago )

Field or view or point of view, you got the point didn't you?
If you want to knick pick about words:

"I thought the differences would be bigger? Next gen my as"
It's Ass, as in your ass. Simple words everyone knows how to spell :D

Not trying to persuade you one way or another about the difference, but the visuals are clearly better on the PS4. Whether big enough for you or not, hey, there are those that will always find something to be dissatisfied about.

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Destiny Made Over $160 Million In Microtransaction Revenue In Less Than 2 Years

Destiny has made over $160 million in MTX revenue, and these numbers only account the data from late 2017 to early 2019.

Sgt_Slaughter369d ago

That's extremely low for microtransactions, especially for a game that's essentially designed around it

LucasRuinedChildhood369d ago (Edited 369d ago )

This was back when the game wasn't free to play.

The figures are from November 2017 to February 2019 (1 year and 4 months).

Based on that projection, the MTX revenue for Destiny 2 likely would have been closer to ~$240m for 2 years.

Not sure if premium expansions are included in that figure either although ... I'd hope that they are though and that most of the revenue was for actual content like Forsaken.

People spend way too much money on cosmetics.

Rude-ro369d ago (Edited 369d ago )

Seasons($10 and just got bumped to $12) and dungeon keys($10 each, two a year) are through the eververse(micro transaction) store.
So for those two years, in order to play a season, you would pay through micro transactions.

Sonic1881369d ago (Edited 369d ago )

Bungie Marathon will be worse since it's designed around it as well

Kurt Russell368d ago

It makes me sad to agree... but at the same time I am looking forward to giving it a go. Destiny 2 is so far in, I find it difficult to figure out what I am meant to do first.

buffig369d ago

I think FIFA alone makes over $1bn a year from mtx

anast369d ago

FIFA promotes a worldwide sport. It should make more money than destiny.

CantThinkOfAUsername369d ago (Edited 369d ago )

Let's compare something similar. Apex Legends and its ridiculous $18/$40 skins make EA a billion each year.

z2g369d ago

For as much as ppl complain how much they hate microtransactions, they sure don’t act like it. No wonder they aren’t going anywhere.

spicelicka369d ago

By "people" you're referring to millions and millions of people. Obviously the ones complaining aren't necessarily the same as the ones spending all that money.

369d ago Replies(1)
369d ago
Father__Merrin369d ago

There's millions that purchase MTX and there's nothing we can do about it

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Stop Trying To Make Destiny

In Episode 1 of Spot On, a new weekly news show, Gamespot talks about the dangers of chasing a trend.

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Destiny 1 Becomes Playable on PC via Emulation

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spoonard521d ago

I've been thinking about playing through D1 again before it goes away...

CobraKai520d ago

That’s the sad reality of a game like this. I bought it, invested lots of money, and it can go away at anytime. I still think this was more fun than 2.

jeromeface519d ago

prob because 2 is a grindfest slog

spoonard517d ago

That's the bummer of 'games as a service'.