
Exclusive: Info On The New PS3 Controller

Sev1512 of PlayStationLifeStyle.net writes:

It has been brought to my attention that PlayStation Underground held a secret focus group earlier this year. A small group of PS3 owners were sent to a facility in ****** ****, California to test a new PlayStation product in development.

Once inside the testing facility, these PS3 owners were shown a mini-tripod that stood about 12 inches high. and what looked like 4 black PS3 "wiimotes". Well they were essentially "wiimotes" for the PS3, but didn't need a "nunchuck" attachment. I will refer to them as "PS3motes" for now on.

You can have up to 4 of these "PS3motes" connected at one time. A demonstrator at this focus group was there showing off the "PS3motes" capabilities, along with some mini-games to play. The mini games ranged from tennis, to fencing, to a "really really cool" paintball game. The demonstrator even used the "PS3mote" to play "Quake" on his laptop.

The "PS3mote" is said to be incredibly responsive and accurate. When the demonstrator crouched while playing the paintball game, the character on screen did as well.

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Surfman5846d ago

Another good info from sev1512

chaosatom3335846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

thx sev, *puts him on track*

Good thing that Sony is experimenting with people and listening to them.

Question: how much would it cost? Would we see one in E3?

Breakfast5846d ago

LOL!...Sev is the likable GamesBlow.

No one like GamesBlow, and everyone likes Sev...

...and i think we should keep it that way.

Sev5846d ago

I would assume that it would be around $50 and bundled with some games that demo what it does a la WiiPlay.

And yes it should be at E3. Which I am going to so I will be reporting LIVE about this PS3mote. Hopefully I get some hands on time with it.

marinelife95846d ago

Hey Sev. On the fencing game did it have 1:1 movement onscreen vs the motion controller?

thesummerofgeorge5846d ago

If made, this in theory should be a far superior option than the wii controller in as far as accuracy and responsiveness, seeing as it's bluetooth... I always got annoyed with how you had to stand in a specific spot in front of the wii led censor, it was such a cheap design. Bluetooth just makes more sense for motion sensing. Now whether or not the design will be better than the wii's remote is to be seen.

sonarus5846d ago

ughhh. It will fail. Sony should be trying to do more with the ps eye

ice_prophecy5846d ago

I agree sonarus.

Minority report-esq controls is better and more applicable than the wiimote features.

Why would a new user want to pay the money for a ps3, if he can get a similar thing on a wii which was designed for it.

A different approach for a similar ideal/goal would have better perks.

Guwapo775846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

I must agree with you Sonarus. I would be much happier with the PS3eye vs anything close to a Wii controller.

Be the innovator Sony, not the duplicator. ...I got a Wii.

yanikins1115846d ago

From sonarus down

Think about it. If sony release this, and the price of the ps3 comes down consumers are going to be faced with 1) Wii, mostly crappy line up, only really appeals to casual gamers or 2)ps3, Bluray player, Hardcore games, Casual games, Good online facilities, Wii-mote style play and a better overall quality of games. Add that minority report-esq pseye thing and you have a pretty feature packed console.

Guwapo775846d ago

You list a lot of possibilities for the PS3. But once you lose focus you become the Jack of all traits and master of none. Basically what I'm saying here is that Sony is spreading itself too thin with all the different directions it wants to go. First Blu-ray vs HD-DVD, then PSN vs Live, next the battle of the controllers? We still don't have Home, still don't have the mega hits... We don't have a mega hit for the PS3Eye which I have collecting dust.

It needs to focus on what it has first. Even if they do bring out these PS3motes developers will still use the Wii because of the cost of development is much lower. Casual games need cheap development because it is a super gamble to see if it will catch on to the casual gamer.

Ok I'm done with my rant. *winks*

jtucker785846d ago

I'd be quite happy with no PS3mote.

Leave it to the Wii.
I owned a Wii, as I used to be a Nintendo fan and personally I think the Wiimote is over-rated.
Obviously the Wii is massively successful, but what great games does it have that that:
1) aren't casual sh1t
(Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Sonic & Mario, etc)
2) the Wii mote actually improves the game experience.
(I can only think of Metroid Prime 3, Zack and W and MoH2)

I respect Nintendo for wanting to make money and in attracting the casual crowd, but I don't want my PS3 turning out like it.
Having all our third party developers stopping working on FPS or Open world games and starting work on minigame compilations.
What a nightmare that would be.

yanikins1115846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

@ guwapo

I know what you mean about sony spreading themselves to thin, but i really dont think its a problem. Casual games are really another market from games like Resitance, uncharted, mgs etc, although those markets obviously cross over. I think if sony are deving the "playmote" themselves and not letting a third party do it, they have a few games planned for it, and judging from sonys past record of 1st party softtware i think its a safe bet to say they will atleast be decent. Personally i dont see the harm in having a playmote. I cant remember the term but its something like production scale. At the moment the ps3 user base is quite small, and games are quite expensive to make. If the ps3 can attract a large number of users, even if they are casuals, I think devs may see them as potential customers and be more willing to make exclusives that really take advantage of the ps3. Even if a few good 3rd party playmote style games come out, it may help in the development of a good 3rd party engine , kind of what UE3 is to the 360. Basically what im saying is that the more developers see the ps3 as a good source of income, the more time they will spend on it exclusively. This will lead to better games. Yes we will get lots of shovelware, but some people actually like the stuff. We will also see alot of good games come out of it i think.

On that note, i think we have hits. They may be new ip's, but i think resistance is a great game (very underrated. Give it time), uncharted breaks ground with its style of story telling and graphics, etc etc. There are lots of games that are very very good, they just dont have the rep.

EDIT: On a personal note i would really like to see wii-mote style play done right, by a good developer, with hd graphics. Just me tho...

jtucker785846d ago

I predict God of War 3 will use the playmote.

yanikins1115846d ago

Heavenly sword 2 is more likely. Its a new IP. Sony wouldnt f*** with something that is already so popular.

butterfinger5846d ago

Gamesblow has always had better information than Sev, regardless of likability.

CrazzyMan5845d ago

Unless they will bundle this controler with every PS3 and some games, what the point?
PS3 already has a standart controller for games, and i doubt that developers will use it in games, well they use very rare sixaxis, why would they now use ps3mote? =))
it could be something like Guitar Hero accessory, to be used for some specific games, though, they should just improve PS3 eye toy and make it more popular.

Sev5845d ago

I am just getting started...

butterfinger5845d ago

Take my 1.15 comment as motivation:) lol. I have great faith in your ability to deliver top notch inside information. Of course I can't hate on anyone who delivers reliable information about the PS3.

theKiller5845d ago

thanks for the info!
i believe u!

wow, a new wiimote like controller can be excellent if it was an add with DS3, not a replacement!!

if in 2009 we would see ps3mote controller than we can assume all wii fanbase will convert to ps3 and at that time ps3 will be around the wii price now!! so cool! i hope it happens!

5845d ago
butterfinger5845d ago

I hope that pointless rant on an old article was worth the ban you're due to receive:)

Nineofspades5845d ago

Wow! How long have u been trying 2 get that of your chest? Do you need a hug?

5845d ago
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steck675846d ago

Sev, you are a good man. Cant wait to see this in action.

Doppy5845d ago

As I said when Microsoft copied Nintendo "this is so stupid."

poopsack5845d ago

and if you would actually read this article, you would shut up. It has been said multiple times that the wii mote design was only for demonstration, this ps3mote will have a diff design (thats why they made them choose) better functionality and probably more features (if its still a transformer)

Doppy5841d ago

@ 2.2

And it's still stupid. If you're going to do something be an innovator don't copy and tweak something that's already been done. Make a controller that interacts with games. Have a screen on it to view your maps or something.

El_Colombiano5846d ago

Glad to see you getting the credit you deserve Sev, I've been reading your comments on the rumors for the last couple days and other people were credited. Keep up the great work my friend.

Sev5846d ago

You know.... At first I was totally pissed about not receiving credit for my info. But to be honest. It doesnt really matter. You guys know it came from me, and thats what matters. I do this for the PlayStation fans.
I dont even have ads on my site... (yet)

lodossrage5846d ago

I say get some ads on your site to get some $$$.

Heck, you deserve it. You're a source of CREDIBLE facts (unlike surfergirl)

Surfman5846d ago

Lol Sev is the new "surfergirl", but with truths.

Sev5846d ago

If you could guys, post a link to the N4G article to other forums you frequent. I am not a member at many forums, and I dont like to spam, but this is some good info and people should see it.

Tetsuryu5846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

No problem, I know some good places to place the N4G link.
I'll reward you with bubbles for your contributions to the N4G Community.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5846d ago
Imallvol75846d ago

But if this is true, how shallow of Sony . . and MS too. Just to say Nintendo did it, lets do it too. Try to be a little more original guys. People know the Wii as the casual console anyway. Even if the PS3 or 360 motes are better than Wii motes, people have the Wii Brand stuck in their heads.

Sev5846d ago

Its cool man, you dont have to believe. Noone at all believed me at first. I have made the readers believers by coming through with inside info before anyone else.
Keep reading PlayStationLifeStyle.net and you will end up believing.

Imallvol75846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

I will watch. I just don't see why they want to do this? Expand the PSEye capabilities. Motes have been done.

Dang . . Nice Website man. How do you get all this info?

Surfman5846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

Honestly, i don't really cares about a new controller. But still, the info is pretty good. It's nice to heard new things about the PS3. Plus, almost every rumors started by Sev are true. So love it or not, it's your choice.

name5846d ago

*adds website to firefox bookmarks*

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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


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DarXyde2d ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy011d 18h ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.


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DefenderOfDoom22d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..