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User Review : Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition

  • Characters
  • World
  • Combat

    A Unique Game About Friendship

    I played the Royal Edition of Final Fantasy 15 after skipping Final Fantasy 13 and 14. I went in not expecting much but was pleasantly surprised. I absolutely loved the road trip aspect of the game. Hanging out with buds and cranking some tunes. Eating at diners and having conversations. Camping at the beach. I played it during lock down and it saved my sanity to an extent. Unlike many others I didn't find the world to be empty. There are plenty of monsters to fight and some challenging dungeons.

    Combat was a new spin on the old formula. A lot to juggle and yet a lot of it is automated for you as far as your companions are concerned. Not to the extent it was in final Fantasy 12 which for me felt very unsatisfying. Your various weapons all had interesting designs and abilities.

    The final act of the game was very dark and didn't really jive with the rest of it but it was relatively short so I didn't mind. Noctis and his crew come out the other side a little worse for wear but hopeful as you might expect from a light fantasy game but darker than I would have imagined going in.

    The music was excellent as is always the case in a Final Fantasy title. The ability to listen to the songs from older Final Fantasy games via your in game MP3 player was a nice bonus but I wish it applied to the fight music as well.

    Overall I highly recommend playing the game if you haven't already. I don't think I've played another game where the "escapism" was so complete. Hit the road and set off on an adventure.

    Fun Factor

    Ranking the Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition DLC Episodes

    Rango writes: I recently beat Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition for the first time and I've got to say it was an impressive game. Now that I've finished tackling the DLC episodes, I would like to briefly cover each episode and how well they stack up with one another and the core game as a whole.

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    VersusDMC966d ago

    Episode Ignis is the best...not even a debate.
    Of the episodes in the Royal Edition.

    I haven't played Episode Ardyn though. It's on my mind now. Right after Death Stranding then.

    Teflon02966d ago

    I forgot to try them. This reminded me I've never done them. I may have to go back and do them now

    Snookies12966d ago

    You are correct, Ignis had the best DLC hands down.

    Iltapalanyymi965d ago

    still mad they cancelled the other dlc episodes


    Next-Gen: The Backwards-Compatibility Anomaly

    The PlayStation 5 has beat out Series X in many multiplatform comparisons to varying degrees. Last-gen games, however, showcase a major role reversal with Series X offering a more tangible advantage.

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    isarai1170d ago

    It's not an anomaly, MS spent all last gen working on their BC software, Sony just started. Will we see it expand to meet MSs version? Who knows, would be cool, but i wouldn't hold my breath. Just greatful we get any for of BC honestly

    phoenixwing1170d ago

    this mentality melts away once you get a pc. then it's not about luck it's about gaming with a complete library :)

    Sunny123451170d ago

    Lol complete library with not a single exclusive goty in the last 10 years. I think pc had like 2 exclusive games above the meta of 90 online past 5-7 years. No thanks to your mediocre library

    phoenixwing1170d ago

    You have to be really delusional to hate on pc gaming library that spans around 40 years.

    isarai1170d ago

    I have a PC, it isn't that easy, especially with older games where you have to start running off dos, fiddling with compatibility modes or virtual machines. Sure modern games are fine, but if we're talking going back as far as consoles, it's not easy

    AndrewM1169d ago

    Just recently got a gaming pc for first time in over 12 years....and your comment is still dumb.

    Dragonopolis1169d ago (Edited 1169d ago )

    Its not a totally dumb comment but a bit harsh. As far as a full library..... most are generic knock offs of popular games within their genre. 60%-70% of the games are blah on pc.

    Add in all the cheaters and exploiters makes online pc gaming not fun.

    Also in the PC world the regular gamer who has the most expensive hardware is at major advantage over those gamers who stick to basic controls mechanisms. Great Hardware goes a long way in overcoming poor strategies. Hardware can make or brake a gamer, no matter how good they are, and paying for premium PC hardware is a must for any serious gamer on PC

    Type 40 or more wordspm and a macro keyboard is godlike on PC

    NapalmSanctuary1168d ago


    You're missing the point dude. With PC you don't just get PC games, you get ALL the games.

    + Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1168d ago
    darthv721170d ago (Edited 1170d ago )

    I love that the new hardware is bringing a new lease on life to existing games. Hell... I'd love it if Sony could add in PS3 support at some point as well. I know i will get disagrees who think new machine means 'only' new games but we are seeing new experiences with existing games. So why not embrace the benefits of making something old feel new again?

    Orchard1170d ago (Edited 1170d ago )

    Totally agree - I would love PS3 backwards compatibility. I'd love to replay MGS4 on a modern console at 60FPS (or even a stable 30fps if Konami won't patch it - the game struggles a bit on PS3).

    Fist4achin1170d ago

    Full BC would be the greatest!

    dmonee1170d ago

    Are we still doing this? I thought fanboy articles were a ps3, xbox360 thing?

    SPEAKxTHExTRUTH1170d ago

    Thank God last gen games are BC and better than ever because if it weren't for them we'd all still be playing Demon's Soul's and The Medium for the last 5 months....

    Killa781305d ago

    They're all phenomenal tbh but Persona 5 took my heart...

    1304d ago