
(Don't) Give me that old time RPG combat

Joystiq: The Kickstarter success of Wasteland 2 may be one of the most important developments in Western role-playing games in years. It could re-open the doors to bringing back party-based, less cinematic role-playing games of the sort that have been largely gone since the mid-1990s. The trick, however, will be in using a style of combat that assures both quality and popularity for Wasteland 2. Because if it simply follows in the footsteps of the original Wasteland, it may have problems on both of those fronts.

dedicatedtogamers4438d ago

This article makes a whole lot out of nothing. Brian Fargo - since day one - has explicitly said that the game will use tactical, context-sensitive combat similar to the Fallout and Jagged Alliance series. There's no risk of the game turning into an old-school menu-based cRPG.

Letros4438d ago

Yea, IMO it should be complex and old school like Fallout/BG/Planescape, with some modern touch, the last thing anyone wants is another Dragon Age 2.

Baka-akaB4438d ago (Edited 4438d ago )

Come on Joystiq ... those project happens ans are funded because of what old time fans wants . Unless they manage to get funding elsewhere from a big publisher and decide to compromise , dont go expecting that "simplified/dumb crap" that is so trendy right now .

There is a big difference between giving a modern lifting to something that works , and ditching the soul of a game for what's popular now


Why the Switch Can Be the New Home of the CRPG

KeenGamer: "Where has the cRPG genre gone? The classic and complex genre has found its way from obscurity into the world of the massively popular Nintendo Switch. Can these old games (and their subsequent successors) get a new lease on life with the hybrid console? There's a number of signs that point to yes."

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Unknown_Gamer57941187d ago

I do think handhelds are great for classic-style games, so why not CRPGs? The Switch is definitely ideal for that.


Amazon Under $21 Game Sale On PS4, XB1 & Switch

Daily Video Game writes: "If you are currently looking to pick up new video games to play on your PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch on a budget, the largest e-commerce platform Amazon is running various video games on sale under $21 for these gaming platforms right now, and we’re here to give you the scoop to get the best games under $21"

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MadLad1491d ago

Well, I highly recommend Kingdom Come: Deliverence, and Planescape Torment, if you have an Xbox.

The first being one of the freshest, most in-depth open world RPGs I've played in a long time. Just a great game in general. Planescape Torment is simply a classic, with amazing writing, great character progression that actually affects the world, and a lot of player agency on how you tackle things. You also get Icewind Dale. Also a great game, but not nearly as good, in my opinion.

Doesn't seem to be a lot of good games offering the sale for the PS4, unfortunately.


Amazon Action-Adventure & Role-Playing Game Sale: Up To 83% Off

Daily Video Game writes: "There are various nice action-adventure and role-playing titles on sale with big discounts across multiple gaming platforms that include PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. While the savings may vary from title to title, those of you who are looking to pick up new games to play right now will be able to save up to 83% off on various action-adventure and role-playing games at Amazon!"

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Black-Helghast1498d ago

I'm gonna have to start staying away from these type of articles since there's always a chance I'll buy at least 2 games and in the current state that the world is in, I'm about to be a father so i gotta prioritize my son but goddamn I'd buy at least 5 games from this list.

1497d ago
GameStallion1498d ago

Mutant Year Zero (shown), is a good little game if you like Xcom style combat.