
Burnout Paradise demo: PS3 version shinier, Xbox 360 has rumble

GamePro's Blake Snow writes about the release of the Burnout Paradise demo on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360:

Available now at the PlayStation Store and Xbox Live Marketplace, the Paradise demo features three playable levels including three-person online play.

We downloaded and compared both versions side-by-side this afternoon, and after a cursory inspection, here's what we know. The PS3 version looks shinier. The Xbox 360 version has rumble. So its pretty much a wash.

More impressive, however, is the games fresh take on the genre. There are no game menus; a voice tutorial helpfully leads the way. It can take a while to get your bearings before running jumps, turning tricks, and winning races, but Paradise show promise in one of the meatiest demos released this year.

Violater6015d ago

The PS3 version has rumble too.
Imported white dual shock 3 FTMFW

ruibing6015d ago

Importing it is basically the cost of a full retail game, I went with the game so I guess I'm just gonna have to wait a lil. Or I guess I can duct tape my cellphone to my hands and get someone to call me whenever something happens on the screen...

TripleTags6015d ago

this one when we can rub it in!

resistance1006015d ago

@ tripletags

True, My mates are envious of me, as i can play uncharted, ratchet, motorstorm, GT5: Prologue etc all with rumble months before they can ^_^

Polluted6015d ago

@Ruibing: That's the dumbest joke I've heard all day, but it put a smile on my face. Bubbles!

smirx6015d ago

That was pretty funny dude. Me, I personally don't care about rumble. After you play with rumble for 10 minutes you forget it's even there.

Ghoul6014d ago

jup its rumbling

dualshock3 here too

The 3rd Place6014d ago

This is waiting!

For Sony to release DS3 outside Japan!

MaximusPrime6014d ago

yep me too. I got DS3 and it is fantastic!

Laexerias6014d ago

ps3 is shinier and got rumble, owned.

athlon7706014d ago (Edited 6014d ago )

You can go into options and enable the sixaxis controll and use the controller as a stearing wheel. takes a little getting used to, but neat.

SlappyMcTaint6014d ago

Grasp at straws much? "360 has rumble" Wow! 'Cause PS3 will too in a couple months, Fcktools.

You might as well say, "PS3 is shinier, while the 360 is a white console." Duhr!

stevenhiggster6014d ago

Dualshock3 off ebay £39.99,
Carriage £6.99,
being able to stick your fingers up to xbots priceless.

ambientFLIER6014d ago

What the heck are you retards so proud of? The fact that you need to import an expensive controller in order to have rumble, or the fact that your version is shinier? Hah...

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 6014d ago
sonarus6015d ago

ps3 version has rumble too assuming you have the dualshock controller( i do).Burnout was one of the first announced ps3 titles to have rumble support. The ps3 version is a bit shinier i didnt play side by side but i have played both versions and the first impression was ps3 version jst looks a lil bit better

mikeslemonade6014d ago

This story isn't even accurate. There is 4 person online not 3 person.

Rice6015d ago

true, so the ps3 vrsion is better. woo hooo

toughNAME6015d ago

since when is shinier better?

chances are the 360 version is better

but PS3 was the lead platform...so who knows


Was anyone else as unimpressed with the demo as I was?
It was so open, it seemed more like NFS
but maybe I should give the demo some more time

xplosneer6015d ago

Won't argue on the first point, we will have to wait and see.

I LOVED it for the openness of it. Since someone stole my Most Wanted and Carbon downright sucked, I'm glad to see one. I wish it had cops, but the crashes are so funny and different that I kept laughing at myself for all the weird crashes. Also, Pro Street went somewhere into the realm of realistic(which it can't compete to Forza, GT5, or PGR4) and ditched the open world completely so I'm happy.

Fighter6015d ago

Gamepro did a side to side comparison and determined that the PS3 version looks more polished. Keep in mind that this is only a demo and the Xbox 360 version could look better than it already is when the game launches but that would also mean that the PS3 version will look even more spectacular.

This whole year we PS3 owners got the second rate product when it came to multi platform games but now it's our turn to receive the benefits. Just live with it, Xbox owners, you guys have boasted about your version now it's time for us to do the exact same.

sonarus6015d ago

yea to be honest am not really feeling the whole open world thing jst yet. It works great for multiplayer but thats bout it. They put too much focus on multiplayer in my opinion

6015d ago
Lord Cheese6014d ago

felt the demo was a bit sparse - good fun in multiplayer as at least you can mess around attempting takedowns, but single player the demo didnt really have enough events to get a real feel of how the game is going to pan out.

Have to say though, the way in which the online/offline modes are so seemless is amazing - love the way that if you drop out of a game, you just carry on playing as if nothing had changed.

Wasnt a fan of the last burnout on the 360, but this one has potential - just wish the demo had shown a bit more in the way of features....

toughNAME6014d ago

what are you new to the comment section? You think that was the dumbest comment of the day? I should nominate YOU jsut for making such a stupid suggestion

Read my comment again, I agree with you...I just wouldn;t be at all surprised if the 360 version was better

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 6014d ago
pwnsause6015d ago

finally, an EA game that doesnt suck. I was playing it today, and it was amazing, this and GT5 will rock next year!!

Polluted6015d ago

Criterion developed the game. They also made that awesome shooter "Black". There are lots of good devs under the EA umbrella. It's the games that EA develops themselves that tend to suck.

nanometric6014d ago

Yeah, I loved Black on PS2... hey but what happened to Black 2?

jorellpogi6014d ago

Criterion is a good developer. BLACK was well polished. I hope they will develope the BLACK2.

Maddens Raiders6015d ago

I was never a big fan of burnout, but played this game today with a few of you fellas here on N4G and had a blast. The controls were intuitive and the online, jump-in-and-play aspect is great. Don't know if I'll buy it on first offer, but it's definitely worth considering.

toughNAME6015d ago

Since when did you get bubble number 5 back?

I've been working on getting you to 3 for months!

Maddens Raiders6015d ago

you guys have been killing me for years and I'm still standing. I ain't going nowhere.

Snukadaman6015d ago

anyways..on topic...the game is ok..playing with people on your friends list cant be any easier...but as tough name said..i aint digging the open ended thing going on...but its a first day buy for me...why not...shiny is great....bfd....worry about online before you find out which version is better, this game will be on ea servers, not dedicated ones.

The Dude6015d ago

maddden radders you are the biggest gamer poser out there pretending to be all about the games.. You'll always be a loser not going anywhere.

nanometric6014d ago

Maddens was normal last year, dunno what happen this year, maybe the 360 power brick hit his head?

Killjoy30006014d ago

were all in this together guys

marionz6014d ago

actually after playing the demo i was disapointed, where has the burnout majic gone? this may as well be test drive 2, its not a bad game but its not burnout anymore

why do they have to wreck a great game, taking out traffic checking was a huge mistake

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 6014d ago
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How Burnout Paradise bucked the trend and made open-world racing irresistible

Met with derision from existing Burnout-series fans at the time, Burnout Paradise remains arguably the greatest open-world racing game of all time. Here's why.

SullysCigar390d ago

I don't know why - and I know I'm probably on my own here - but I liked Takedown more. I think it was just 'different' enough to feel fresh. I also loved the destruction.

On that note, a new Motorstorm would be nice! All that mud, dust and car pieces flying everywhere blew my mind on PS3 - imagine what they could do now.

NJShadow390d ago

I loved Burnout Paradise, but Burnout 3: Takedown will always be the best game in the series, for me. Burnout 3 is arguably the most fun game ever made, with the greatest licensed soundtrack ever.

EazyC390d ago

I played through the remaster quite recently. It's not as good as I remember, but I think a lot of that is because the "open world" thing was still pretty fresh back then.

I do think there's a gap in the market for a game like Burnout. With the new gen they could really make car damage a huge selling point again.

BrainSyphoned390d ago

Paradise gave me open world burnout before I knew it was a thing.


Burnout paradise remastered and original are my favorite, i got the platinum trophy for both games the nighthawk is my favorite car

Einhander1971390d ago

Personally don't give a shit for open world racers. Give me a new Motorstorm, Split second, Outrun.

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Ranking The Burnout Games From Worst To Best

Cultured Vultures: The Burnout series has plenty of great games to play, but which one is definitively the best? We're here to rank them all.

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waverider1040d ago

I think the crash mode should comeback. Tryng to make the most damage was very cool.

camel_toad1040d ago

That mode was so damn fun. Couldn't believe it when they ditched it.

Flewid6381039d ago (Edited 1039d ago )


Flewid6381039d ago (Edited 1039d ago )

Yeah that made for a good time.

Rebel_Scum1040d ago

Burnout 2 should be above 3 imo. The aftertouch takedown mechanic slowed down the gameplay too much in 3.

Flewid6381039d ago

That's the mechanic that made me enjoy Burnout 3 over the others. It wasn't until they introduced it that I considered the series any good.

Chocoburger1040d ago

I love Takedown, Revenge, and Paradise. Dominator was okay, but it clearly felt like a B-tier game.

After playing those awesome games, I went back to try out part 1 and it was rough. I didn't like the controls (whereas the others felt perfect to me), the elevator music was generic and not enjoyable to listen to.

Finally the game's difficulty was extremely high. I could beat all single player races in Takedown, Revenge, Paradise, Dominator, but could not get first place in the very first race for the first Burnout game. It demands perfection and one slight mistake is all it takes to lose. I have yet to play part 2, but I'm hoping it's more like part 3 than part 1.

ChasterMies1040d ago

Burnout Takedown is my favorite racing game of all time. My wife was addicted to crash mode.

Xenial1039d ago

As soon as I saw Burnout 3: Takedown at #1, I knew the list was legit. lol


EA, It's Time To Bring Back The Burnout Series

No more Need For Speed, it's time to bring back Burnout.

Read Full Story >>
1169d ago Replies(6)
Marcello1169d ago

Its long long overdue but the problem is its just not a big money spinner. Thats why EA ditched it. Alex Ward has gone his own way with Three Fields Entertainment & made Dangerous Driving but its very low budget.

LucasRuinedChildhood1168d ago

Each game gets closer and closer to being good. It's kind of painful how close they are. haha. I hope Dangerous Driving 2 being open world isn't too ambitious for them and it's a polished, fun 7.5-8/10.

roadkillers1168d ago

Maybe not, but if a quality title in the reigns released now days...People do pay more attention to reviews comparitively

BrainSyphoned1168d ago

Burnout with real life car mechanic costs sounds about right if you want EA to go for it.

isarai1168d ago

Here's the thing, EA is sitting on so many great IPs i would like to return, but at the same thing i feel like modern EA would find a way to ruin it. Besides Respawn, EA hasn't dropped anything good for almost 2 generations IMO.

LucasRuinedChildhood1168d ago

"almost 2 generations" What? Are you talking about the PS3 and the 360?

I agree with the general sentiment that their catalogue of games since the PS4/XB1 has been comparatively terrible to what they used to do though.

andy851168d ago

Absolutely loved these games back in the day. Paradise was good too but didn't quite have the feel of the old games

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