
PlayStation Phone 'Zeus Z1' caught on video again, this time you can actually see it (update)

A new video of the PlayStation Phone has been leaked onto the net and unlike the last blurry-cam video you can actually see the device this time.

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ForzaGT4929d ago (Edited 4929d ago )

this looks quite genuine

very slick like sony products yet solid

hope its not fake


Is the only Phone that have a good control Scheme for gaming.

darthv724929d ago (Edited 4929d ago )

with the exception of the game pad and buttons.

If it is real...it is real nice!

I'd trade my impression for this in a new york minute. Provided it doesnt require mandatory data plan. You dont need a data plan to make calls or (on this case) play games.

Please go multi-carrier. No ATT exclusive or exclusive carrier for that matter.

gaffyh4929d ago

It MUST be real, I don't think it's the 100% final design (most likely there'll be a PS logo instead of the S), but it looks pretty damn cool. Only issue I'd have with it is that it is a little fat.

Still, I might get rid of my iPhone for this.

-Alpha4929d ago (Edited 4929d ago )

But Where are the dual sticks? Are they those dots in the middle? They look touch-sensitive.

And what's the "S" when you slide it?


I hope it works well because it definitely looks like a touch sensitive area with the dots indicating the middle of where the analog nubs would be. I like the physical resistance of an analog stick better.

I'm going to assume the touch sensitive area will act as a navigator for web browsing and it is clear the screen is touch sensitive too so we may see plain old iPhone games as well as touch-screen PSP-built games

Looks pretty good overall I'd say. Doesn't look like a game device for those who may use it primarily as a phone yet looks like a PSP Go for those wanting to use it as one. I like how it says "Ericcson" to indicate a phone and (hopefully) when you use it as a PSP they add the PS Logo.

MisterAV4929d ago

maybe some kind of pseudotouchsensitiveanalogs.

However R and L don't seem solid

Nitrowolf24929d ago (Edited 4929d ago )


i believe so
idk exactly how they "work"
but i am assuming they are more like a motion base thing. Like on itouch you can have those 2 joysticks, here it looks the same

so touch sensing

Chubear4929d ago (Edited 4929d ago )

One strictly for gaming(and other multimedia functionality a la PSP) launching at $299 and one version with cell phone functionality at $499-$599

... I'm so coping one of these bad boys on launch. That thing looks sick s-l-i-c-k!



I don't know what you mean by two versions... You mean like the PSP2 is supposed to be a phone too? I really don't think this phone will run PSP2 games, as I don't expect the main interface for PSP2 to be android, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Anyway it should release before PSP2 if rumours are true and, if that is the case, I'll wait to see what I get (this, PSP2 or 3DS) 'cuz I really don't give my PSP the love it deserves, I simply didn't bought one single new game for it this entire year (and no, I don't hacked my PSP so I didn't played any new game too). I simply don't find myself in many ocasions planning on use that so I end up not caring it around. But as anyone I end up with free time outside here and there, always with a phone in my pocket. So I just skipped to buy console/PC games and some hardware (Move, G27, new monitor) this year as those I really know I'll use.

Now, I don't like to play on phone but this welcomed face buttons might change it. I'll just wait and see if the games are worth or just more mobile games and if either PSP2 or 3DS don't have some kind of phone add on (the kind I can actually use a phone signal to use, not skype, as I can't rely on wi-fi anywhere around here). Plus, I really want to hear about battery life on all 3.

Hideo_Kojima4928d ago


I am so glad this has been revealed my contract ends in March I might get this then.

nveenio4928d ago

Am I wrong, or does it seem that the little "dots" in the middle are sensors that work like analog sticks? If so, that would be awesome.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4928d ago
hakis864929d ago

Oh my God it's actually real!

Well we should give our honest opinions, I'm sure Sony leaked it to check what potential consumers think. =)

I think it looks OK, nice.. I'm more interested in the specs though... will it be outdated withina year, like the iPhone? There's a new iPhone every freakin year.

-Alpha4929d ago (Edited 4929d ago )

Sony has a tendency to get everything leaked. Jack Tretton even joked about it.

I don't know how it happens, perhaps they do it on purpose but more likely they just can't keep things a secret lol. Or they mistakenly hired a ninja who manages to leak all these things

Rage_S904929d ago

lol yh they do and valve always delay their games funny how the universe works

fossilfern4929d ago

Prototype or not its one nice looking phone I think I know whats going to replace my 3G :D

4929d ago
Hideo_Kojima4928d ago

Yeah this phone will almost certainly have its own extra PSP Phone only games... but it will most likely have all the android games as well... and hopefully some people will make free PSP Phone Games/Apps that take advantage of the extra controls.

iamtehpwn4929d ago

Playing God of War on a machine called Zeus...Kratos can't like this. Gotta be awkward for him.

SIX4929d ago

I know it's concept, but eww. I want them to square out the corners and slick up the controller pad.

Peppino74929d ago

Seems really cool. Now they only have to show a game running on it. Definitely makes me wanna get rid of my droid x.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4928d ago
Pedantic914929d ago

I wonder what uses the psuedo-dual analog stick will have.

Max Power4929d ago

I would imagine the uses would be similar to actual analog sticks.

Undeadwolfy4928d ago

Its called an Optical Trackpad. Its whats used on the HTC Bravo. :)

baodeus4929d ago

The top part looks like the blackberry phone for some reason.

Kran4929d ago (Edited 4929d ago )

Raging fanboys calling it fake incoming in 3.... 2.... 1.....

Personally, I can't tell if its fake or not. It looks genuine though...

ngecenk4929d ago

cmooon.. of course its a fake.or at least not a psp sequel. how come a playstation phone dont have any ps logo or psp logo on it. its like killing a brand they already built for years. it doesnt make sense.

probably its just another gaming phone from sony ericson, but definitely not psp successor.

rjdofu4929d ago

Calm down dude, this is not the final product, and who says this is psp successor?

Hell Sony even hasn't officially announced it yet.

xAlmostPro4928d ago (Edited 4928d ago )

@ngecenk dude its a phone.. not a PSP and not supposed to be either

Triella4929d ago

I wonder how someone in their right mind could call this fake while it has the complete design of the PSP Go (which apparently was only launched to be a market tester for this phone).

It's totaly real and will replace my actual phone ASAP.

TurismoGTR4929d ago

I love sony.. but I'll just stick to Apple's iPhone.

Close_Second4929d ago

IPhone will not advance as fast as Android. I dare say IPhone will remain a dominant force however, it won't be a single horse race anymore.

MisterAV4929d ago

the dominant horse that can't even really do real and complete multitasking like a 10 years ago symbian...

Thepro3184929d ago

android phones been out solding iphone this year what dominant force are you talking about

TheIneffableBob4928d ago

Android phones already have a significantly larger market share worldwide than iPhone. 25.5% to 16.7%. Symbian is still the leader, though, with 36.6%.

karl4929d ago

can anyone link me to a droid pls?

im not a cellphone fan.. always have the shittiest one but i was thinking about buying one u know...

Rage_S904929d ago

why dont you wait for the psp phone then ;)

Hideo_Kojima4928d ago (Edited 4928d ago )

Here are some good ones...
HTC Desire HD
Samsung Galaxy S
HTC Desire

saint_john_paul_ii4929d ago (Edited 4929d ago )

screw the iphone. this phone has the potential to take the android market to the next level for gaming. games like Sonic 4 for example would have to make an android appearance either way.

its a phone with a control scheme for gaming. that in itself pwns the iphone for gaming.

as for the phone, it may not be a PSP2, but the thing is just beautiful. i currently own a Motorola i1, its a nice phone, but the fact that it runs only on android 1.6 is just a disappointment. so this can push me to buy this PSP phone

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4928d ago
Stealth20k4929d ago (Edited 4929d ago )

Its probably real BUT not the psp 2 and the rumor is its only for microgames costing 10 dollars or less


its not the dedicated real gaming handheld like the psp 2 is

in reality it has nothing to do with the playstation

and whoever disagrees is wrong, weve also seen the mock of the psp2 and it looks compeltelt different and all the rumors are different

EA has the psp 2 and say its super powerful. And this phone isnt it nor does it even say sony of japan or playstation on it

its a sony ericson smartphone. Nothing more and most definitely not the psp 2. Thats been proven with solid pictures and leaked video

And fyi you wouldnt even be able to play most psp games well if you could since theres no analog

visualb4929d ago

i doubt its just for micro games

if anything, its a PSPGo with Android...so it'll play all PSP games through download + phones

PSP2 will be a whole other level, with more power and just a console

so PSPhone VS iPhone and PSP2 vs 3DS

Sony taking everyone on xD

silvacrest4929d ago

dont bother, this guy keeps on repeating himself and hammering home that this will only play mini games, as if he has any proof

my guess? hes scared this may steal some thunder from the PSP2 but it wont, the psp2 will no doubt be more powerful

if the leaked hardware specs are true this device is more the capable of playing PSP1 games and assuming the track pad in the middle will act as dual analogs some intresting things could be coming to this device

also "whoever disagrees is wrong, weve also seen the mock of the psp2"

so, whatever you say is truth and anyone with a differing opinion is wrong? i wouldnt keep coming back to those ultra blurry psp2 pics btw

my question is why do you want this device to fail so hard, you put it down in every single psp phone thread and you never have anything good to say except your "facts"

Hoje03084929d ago

Don't know why you got those disagrees, this obviously isn't the PSP2. Seems more like an attempt to get a chunk of the market the iPhone is currently enjoying.

Nitrowolf24929d ago (Edited 4929d ago )

No brainer it's not the psp2, other wise the headlines wouldn't be with "Playstation phone" Also the fact that it says Sony Erricson. I mean ebven if psp2 had cell phone i don't think it would be marketed as a Sony erricson either way.

The reason why it has something to do with playstation is
1. It's made by Sony
2. It has the X,O,[], and /\ buttons along with start and select and L/R bumpers.
I mean with that button layout i have a feeling it will have something to do with Playstation. I have a feeling it's more then just microgames, maybe it just might be a psp built into it, but then i see the 2 analog sticks

pork_chop_express4929d ago

what do u think the psp 2 will be?

touchscreen on the back!? lol

this has everything, hardware that blows the 3ds out the water, always on data, touchscreen, dual analogs, android.

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anast10h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics9h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX9h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon7h ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie4h ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.


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