
Interview with Valve's Doug Lombardi

Spong.com got the chance to sit down with Doug Lombardi, director of marketing at Valve at this year's Leipzig Games Convention.

Doug, if you didn't know, is a thoroughly 'Good Bloke'. His profile up on Valve's website introduces him quite nicely: "After years in the music industry, Doug decided to get a real job. Then he came to his senses and made the decision to get into the gaming industry instead."

Doug joined Valve back in the heady days of the first Half Life, and has been with the company through numerous sequels, new franchises and the introduction of a little online service called Steam.

From the luxury of EA's business stand (revolving bar and all) Doug and Spong talked about Valve, Steam, PC gaming, online services, Half Life and Darwinism. First, however, they got into the much talked-about but little acted-upon subject of episodic gaming. Read on...

ulath6666114d ago

Nice interview, really nice. Valve is really one of the good guys of developers. They know what most of us want.
And Doug didnt say anything that could be misinterpreted/used/abused by console fanboys on either side of the war, and thats refreshing in these days of comment wars....


Essential Video Games Everyone Needs To Play At Least Once

Video games are no longer just a simple past time. Today's games are evolving into true works of art. Offering intriguing narratives, cinematic setpieces, and profound messages, games can entertain us for hundreds of hours.

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Chard38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

I never got around to mass effect - I’m skeptical that it would hold up if I were to try it now

Furesis38d ago

I would say it does. The combat is a bit shit for todays standards but everything else is great.

anast38d ago

It's worth a play through today.

gold_drake38d ago

the first one is abit the odd one out but after u finished it, believe it it gets tremendously better and better


Team Fortress 2 Gets An Unexpected Next-Gen Update After 17 Years

Valve has finally introduced the much-needed 64-bit support in an unexpected Team Fortress 2 update after 17 years since its release.

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Michiel198940d ago

64 bit support is not the same as a next gen upgrade. 64 bit has been used for like 12-15 years now?


Infamous Video Game Endings That Left a Bad Taste

The most disappointing and infamous video game endings even sour the overall thoughts of a game. Most of these titles represent some of the finest entries in their respective series, marred by an ending we can't quite forgive.

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banger8858d ago

Far Cry 5....bullshit. This game had a great ending imo.

MrNinosan58d ago

There is no game called Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2, but Rebirth had a great ending imo. Felt robbed by the ending at first, but the more I've seen it and during my 3rd playthrough, I started to understand and realize a lot more that make me appreciate the ending.

Nerdmaster57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

I was enjoying FFVII Remake, even though those whispers throughout the game were annoying. But the ending was so bad that I don't even want to play Rebirth. On top of that, from what I saw on reviews, the ending of Rebirth is even worse.

Also, I'm glad to see Zero Time Dilemma being recognized as the trainwreck it is. After the amazing two first games (especially the near perfect second one), the low quality of the trilogy end is baffling. The new characters are bad, the old characters don't feel like themselves, a surprise "alien technology" pops out of nowhere, the big twist was like "eh?", and it doesn't really finish the story nor explains the loose threads from the second game.