
Batman: Arkham Asylum - nVidia PhysX PC trailer

Rocksteady and nVidia have released a trailer demonstrating the pc exclusive use PhysX technology available only in the PC version of Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Format: Streaming HD @ 720p HD
Length: 1:37 minutes

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5387d ago Replies(7)
Pandamobile5387d ago

PhysX may seem gimmicky at first, but it really does add a whole new level of detail in the game. All the paper flying around, the volumetric fog, the spiderwebs, and the cloth flags are an awesome spectacle to behold in a game.

Moragami5387d ago

I sure hope the frame rate is better than it was for that video. While the video looked awesome it was getting like 1 or 2 FPS. I assume that was to slow it down to show off the effects but I found it annoying.

Darkfocus5387d ago

psysx is awesome but the fact that its only available on nvidia cards makes it gimmicky seeing as many ati cards could easily handle

sloth4urluv5387d ago

Framerate was fine, there is a difference between framerate and time dilation.

Pandamobile5387d ago

That's because Nvidia bought Agiea, the guys that made that PPU (physics processing unit) a couple years ago and jammed it into the new Nvidia graphics cards :P

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Johnny_Cojones5387d ago

This is the version I preordered. Got a great deal on Amazon. In the last year I've been converted to a half pc/half console gamer. I have the PC versions of Fallout 3 & GTA 4 as well as the XBOX360 versions, & the visual fidelity on the PC versions is incredible by comparison.

My only problem with PC gaming is that games are more likely to have issues on day one than console releases.

It took a good bit for the PC GTA 4 to smooth out.

Pandamobile5387d ago

Well, GTA IV was a direct port of the 360 version.

Hence why it runs like balls on most systems. Very poor optimization. You have nothing to worry about with Batman: AA. The PC was the lead platform and ran great for me with PhysX and everything on max.

There's a demo to try out if you haven't already.

likedamaster5387d ago (Edited 5387d ago )

"Well, GTA IV was a direct port of the 360 version.

Hence why it runs like balls on most systems."

Another generalized statement from you. Tsk tsk. Gears 1 port to PC looks and runs better on PC, utilizes all 4 cores(for quadcore) unlike Crysis.

GTAIV felt like another "Crysis". Poorly optimized code and broken. I first popped in Crysis it wouldn't look side to side, it wouldn't do this or that. If you didn't max your RAM you weren't getting anywhere with even triple-sli of the latest GPU as far as visuals were concerned.

Pandamobile5387d ago

But Gears 1 runs on the UE3 engine, which is already fantastically optimized for PC. They had to port the entire GTA IV engine from the 360 version.

And Crysis uses all 8 of my threads when I play it. When I look at my CPU activity all 4 cores and 8 threads are averaging 30-40% usage.

Pizzagaki5387d ago

Ah yes, Batman, the ultimate in your face to Unreal engine haters.

dirthurts5387d ago

I don't have an Nvidia card. I wonder if there will be a notable difference?

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Xbox 360/PS3 Ports That Would Be Great on Nintendo Switch

Here's a list of Xbox 360/PS3 games that would be great on the Nintendo Switch (at a modest, reasonable price of course). These games could really flourish if given a new lease on life, introducing a new generation to their greatness.

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MichaelKnight83691d ago (Edited 691d ago )

I'm sure R* knows the Nintendo Switch install base and probably dont really care to port over more R* games to the Nintendo Switch tho i gotta say playing GTA4 & RDR1 on the go on the Nintendo Switch would be dope

Knightofelemia690d ago

I would buy Lollipop Chainsaw, Alice Madness Returns, Enslaved, Splatter House, Brutal Legends, Dante's Inferno, and Dead Space for sure if they were ported to the Switch.

Mobis-New-Nest690d ago

Deus Ex Human Revolution would be a great title to The Holy Grail of All Consoles aka The Nintendo Switch*. Also Haze Remastered, Grand Theft Auto 4 and 5 Remastered, Silent Hill HD Collection, Max Payne 3 Remastered, Call of Duty World At War Remastered, The Orange Box Remastered, Halo Master Chief Collection, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 Remastered, Metal Gear Solid 4 Remastered, Afro Samurai Remastered, Demons Souls Remastered, Xmen Destiny Remastered, Jack and Daxter Collection, Def Jam Icon Remake, Folklore Remastered, Spiderman Edge of Time Remastered, Persona 5 remastered, the list goes on. (*Best Selling Console of All Time)

MontyeKristo690d ago (Edited 690d ago )

Can we just get a Bully 2? 😒

iplay1up2690d ago

Seriously? Isn't it time Nintendo make a Switch successor? I mean they have the sales and money.

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10 Games that Break the Fourth Wall

"From winks & nods to straight-up gameplay-altering sequences, video games often break the fourth wall. Read on for some of the best moments." Mike @ Thumb Culture

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NecrumOddBoy740d ago

COMIX ZONE came to mind before even reading this.

Yui_Suzumiya739d ago

Doki Doki Literature Club 🥰


The Humble WB Batman Collection Bundle packs eight games for just $10

Humble Bundle has just released its new bundle that brings together eight popular Batman games. With every purchase of this bundle, you will be supporting the charity of your choice.

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Garethvk912d ago

I wonder how many already have them.

gamefreaks365912d ago

Yeah, that's a good point. Still, if anyone missed out on them, this is a great deal.

Jeriphro912d ago

Wow. That is so cheap, but I know I personally already have all the games in the list. haha. I guess I should have waited.