
PS3 gets cross game chat - Xbox still lacking 'text chat'


"Recently Sony released the latest firmware in a long series of iterative updates. The firmware added one feature that is really worth talking about - cross game text chat. This feature is so revolutionary gamers across the globe have jumped for glee as the PSN is now more robust than Xbox Live.

Ironically, the one feature Xbox Live does not have PSN gets - cross game 'text' chat rooms (not to be confused with messaging). I've been playing around with the new chat room feature and to be honest it really is neat. Gamers can now keep up to three chat rooms active while playing any game. These chat rooms will continue to run in the background until you decide to shut them down. Each chat room can hold up to 15 friends as well."

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PopEmUp5537d ago

I LMAO when I read the Title :P

likedamaster5536d ago

...but still no voicechat(let alone party chat) for PS3? Oh yeah, XMB wins over Xbox live, for sure. ROFL

lloyd_wonder5537d ago (Edited 5537d ago )

The text chat is really a great addition. I've been using it quite frequently when I play my single player games and it is pretty fun to use with a group of friends.

I don't think it's a feature the Live community will appreciate at this point, but it is always nice to have the option to use.

And, yes. Voice chat is coming as it is there for use in-game but grayed out.

MazzingerZ5537d ago (Edited 5537d ago )

Yeah, the article is a little too much (if it's not being ironic)...it's a nice feature that will be even more appreciated when we finally get in-game private voice chat, this text chat feature is the foundation for that...

it will be nice to have both choices, sometimes you need to keep things simple and fast other time you would need in-game private chat, but for now we only have on of those...people should care less about comparing PSN vs XBL...it's not like this can't be done on XBL

one focused on HW development while the other in SW development, both launched an incomplete product...well SW can be patched unlike HW, though

cRaZyLeGs 935537d ago

If u want text chat, use windows messenger on 360.

creatchee5537d ago

I hope that this article is trying to be ironic. Saying that text chat > voice chat is a solid fail.

But it's better than nothing, if not a little weird to use a first. I don't mind it - it's just not as good as voice chat.

Viper75537d ago

well text chat <> voice chat is pretty interesting thing to argument. The voice quality of current day voice chat and the way some ppl cant really speak english clearly enough pretty much makes ppl who dont speak english as their mother tongue to speak only in games where there are others who can speak his language.

Text chat is great as its easier to understand. If you have learned a language such as french or spanish in school try to have a conversation trough voice chat and youll notice it can be pretty hard, expecialy if the one who your talking with mumbles or talks very fast or uses some sort of dialect.
It is a lot easier to understand mothertongue than any learned language.

However it would be neat to have voice chat as the Playstation3's new text chat is almost unusable because of the horible censorship that filters out like 30% of the words?

GrieverSoul5537d ago

A really good comment. Bubbles.

U nailed the best feature in text chat. WORDS! Sometimes people cant speak english with proper accent and it annoying when someone starts saying: ´´Úhm.... what U said?`` and the other way around too ´´O niid ta chot im´´. U dont understand the other person talking. Text allows to mispell but still be 90% understood.

Many people fail to see this as a good feature simply because they are English/American and fail to see its usefullness.

thats_just_prime5537d ago (Edited 5537d ago )

what an idiotic uneducated fanboy this is. XBL has built in msn messenger and for all of those other uneducated fanboys yes this is a text based chat program. Not only does this work cross game but its cross platfrom you can text from you pc , cell phone, 360 or any thing else. psn still has a loooooooooooong ways to go to be on par with xbl

Viper does bring up a good point however I'd think (I could be wrong) that someone that cant speak english very well would not be to likely to be able to read or write it any better.

gaffyh5537d ago

Text chat is prety cool actually. The character limit for each message means you can continue getting the full message in the pop-up in the top-right corner whilst you're playing a game.

Jinxstar5537d ago (Edited 5537d ago )

I think his whole point in writing this was to write the opposite of what has been going around. "PSN fans outraged at only getting chat function" and blah blah blah. This guy looks to have written something so contrasting and opposite that it's just showing how dumb blogs can go both ways.

My only question is does the built in MSN chat allow you talk talk to 15 friends at once in the same chat room? I really don't know. I never used it when i had it. I just want to know if it is the same feature exactly or not. Can you stay in a chat room in game as well?

LoVeRSaMa5537d ago (Edited 5537d ago )

I am really enjoying the Text chat.
I use it like an IRC chat room, which is what its like, I have my clan members idle in there while we play games, and insted of typing a new email everytime i want to tell someone something, I just put it in the chat, saves me a bunch of time!

-Future features for the text chat could include:

*Moderation (the ability to remove people)
*Increased People (15 is great, but 100 is what I need =])
*Increased word limit (need I say anymore?)
*Less sensative word filter (or the ability to turn it off)
*Recent Chat (see people you talked with recently)
*Block (Blocking them disables there chats to you)
*Private messaging (opens another chat to a user)

I am looking for this chat program to work alot more like IRC is what I am trying to say, it has the fondations, Sony imo have alredy done a great job and I cannot wait to see what they bring to the table in the future!


Immortal Kaim5537d ago

WOW. What an interesting, well written article...

Oh, Gamer.Blorg, makes sense now...


Raz5537d ago

but it could be better. First thing that has to go is the character limit - I can barely get a complete sentence out before I hit it!

thats_just_prime5537d ago

Jinxstar to answer your question yes msn allow you to have a chat with more then one person(I dont know the number limit). However I not sure if this feature will work with the 360 I've never tried it with voice chat I've never needed it. I normally only texted people that are on the pc or their cell phones.

Jinxstar5537d ago

Thats just prime.

Thanks for the info bud. have a bub on me.

Ateanboy5537d ago

What I would REALLY like to see implemented after this is an option to have a DEFAULT chatroom and a little window on the bottom left corner like in HOME and MMORPGs that show the chatroom progress while your ingame and actually playing the game you can just look down and read what people in that chatroom are writing. Even if you cant respond to it because the control will be reserved for the game... :(

Montrealien5537d ago (Edited 5537d ago )

Is this serious? I mean, I love my PS3 and this chat room thing is ok and another piece of the complete PSN puzzle, but lets be real here, The party system (with voice chat)is pretty good. And imho pretty damn hard to beat.

The experience you get with friends in a party on live is top quality stuff and way ahead of what PSN is offering us atm in terms of communication functions, anyone that does not see that is blinded by (enthusiasts) eyes.

I remember spending hours in the Amplitude and Frequency chat rooms, it was fun as hell, and that was 7 years ago! For gaming on a console with a few friends, the party system on live with voice chat is better imho. Hopefully sony will get it going but it is a free service and they are doing the best they can to catch up and in the end i am sure it will be a very good complete online package. However atm, in terms of communication, it still not as complete as Live.

Shepherd 2145537d ago (Edited 5537d ago )

only took them two and half years to put in.

now maybe PS3 people will get to experience something that has been available to 360 since day one, three years ago.

somethingSQUISHY5537d ago

I don't know who gave you a disagree, buddy, but you've stated the truth. Everyone here who is gushing over cross game text chat rooms has probably not used the party voice chat on the 360. I think the only possible inferiority of XBL's party chat to PSN's text chat is if you don't want someone talking over all the important dialogue in your game or something.

Jinxstar5537d ago (Edited 5537d ago )

@ Something Squishy

I disagree'd but I didn't take any bubs because I said it yesterday. I never used it when I had 360. I never use it while gaming on PC and will never use it on PSN. I think it's the only feature that people use as an excuse to say that XBL is still better then PSN despite innovations like Home and otherwise. I think it's a pretty useless feature. If I am ingame I want to talk to those people not others... Thats my opinion and I think it's not that "ZOMG CROSS GAME PARTY CHAT FTW" at all... I don't think THAT many people really care for it or will ever use it. All I see it as is the only reason people still have to say XBL Beats the p!ss out of PSN and really it's a minor minor thing and not worth 5 $ a month. IMO. He is entitled to his opinion. I disagree. Thats all.

Edit: I dont feel "Blinded" because I am a "Fanboy" I don't think it is the "God send that makes the world go round" as many 360 "enthusiasts" Seem to think. but he is entitled to his opinion and he didn't rant about how "PSN IS TEH SUCKZORZ" or anything. He made a decent argument that I disagree with and thats all.

If I want to talk to my friends or i.e. My brother I'll get on video chat with him and 4 others and talk it up. I don't need that when I am concentrating on Modren Warefare 2. I would rather hear what "Mephisto" has to tell me about an enemies location then my brother arguing/complaining about his wife. In any SP game I would be playing I feel it would be a distraction from the story and gameplay. So I personally could care less if it's ever implemented and i feel 95% of PSN users would feel the same.

Also I have a cell phone... unlimited everything. So once again to me (I also feel most people are in this boat as well) There isn't much reason for it. is it nice to have free features? yes but do I really care? No.

Cenobia5537d ago

That's because they did it for free. We don't pay for PSN like you do for XBL. Sony makes no money adding these features, they just make their consumers happy.

They can take as long as they want a far as I'm concerned. PSN is 100% functional, these are just added bonuses.

Some people just don't like free, I guess.

Montrealien5537d ago

The point that I am trying to make is that Xbox live has better communication features at the moment then PSN. I understand that if you have a cell, a home phone or two cans on a string, you can talk with friends and family. But the features Live offers while gaming on a console online with one headset and a controller is better then what PSN is offering atm and much easier. If you can't admit that, you are blinded by your (enthusiast) eyes.

Now that's not to say PSN won' t get better, I am 110% confident that in time it will, but this minute, PSN is still lacking in the communication department when compared to what you can do with Live, is it because its free? maybe, however it does not matter, it will get better and if it stays free while it slowly get better I am all for it, it's one less thing to pay for.

An article explaining why this new Text chat is better then a well done voice chat is as bad as if some one was trying to explain why standard def is still better then High Def, or why taking a boat to cross that Atlantic is better then taking a plane, or why black and white TV is better then color or a Rolodex is easier then your Iphone. We all know you could argue about it and bring up good points, but at the end of the day one is just more practical.

Jinxstar5537d ago (Edited 5537d ago )

"The point that I am trying to make is that Xbox live has better communication features at the moment then PSN. I understand that if you have a cell, a home phone or two cans on a string, you can talk with friends and family. But the features Live offers while gaming on a console online with one headset and a controller is better then what PSN is offering atm and much easier. If you can't admit that, you are blinded by your (enthusiast) eyes."

I admit it but like I said above I dont think the one thing (Cross game voice) that it's missing is a big deal in ANY way This is my opinion. It's not worth 5 dollars a month especially when a free service offers MANY features XBL doesn't. I also think it's something that VERY few people will use on ANY kind of regular basis. This is all MY opinion.

"Now that's not to say PSN won' t get better, I am 110% confident that in time it will, but this minute, PSN is still lacking in the communication department when compared to what you can do with Live, is it because its free? maybe, however it does not matter, it will get better and if it stays free while it slowly get better I am all for it, it's one less thing to pay for."

We can agree on this. But saying because you pay it does not matter.... It does matter. if you want to pay for it then great. i don't so it does matter. You pay a premium for something I would never use and don't need. I would get nothing for paying 5 doallrs a month so to me thats one whole game down the drain every year for something i would never use. Saying 1 whole game a year does not matter is wrong.

"An article explaining why this new Text chat is better then a well done voice chat is as bad as if some one was trying to explain why standard def is still better then High Def, or why taking a boat to cross that Atlantic is better then taking a plane, or why black and white TV is better then color or a Rolodex is easier then your Iphone. We all know you could argue about it and bring up good points, but at the end of the day one is just more practical."

I wasn't so much agreeing with the author at all. but it's all apples and oranges. Many people would prefer a free/ cheap rolodex vs a 300$ Iphone with a monthly contract.... Some people may only watch Nick at Night and a classic old school TV may suit them just fine... I'm not in the business of arguing Apples and Oranges but to me it's one more thing i would have to pay for and not use. I didn't use it before. I don't use it now and don't plan on using it anytime in the future... "One is more practical" if you use it. I would not use it. It's like giving someone who gets sea sick by looking at water a boat... I never have and don't think I ever will use it so to ME it's not practical to pay for it... Get it.

Like I said I even gave you bubs because it's a good opinion. I just disagree with it. I wont be agreeing with it and thats that. We can't see eye to eye and thats fine. You pay for something i would not use. I wont pay for something I wont use if I can avoid it. Will I take it if it';s free? Sure I may end up using it one day but really I have had the option before and never used it... I see it as pointless.

@ Below.

Thanks man. =D

Montrealien5537d ago

Jinxstar, agree with me dammit! nooow! lol

I respect you opinion man, bubbles ;P

TheDude2dot05537d ago

Personally, I'd rather have new creative features instead of copied features from Live.

JasonXE5537d ago

i can sense some type of sarcasm in this article or some attempt for attention.

Viper75537d ago

"Viper does bring up a good point however I'd think (I could be wrong) that someone that cant speak english very well would not be to likely to be able to read or write it any better."

Can you speak any other language than english? because I doubt you really gave much tough for this. writing and reading english is far easier than talking, theres very easy logic in this.

When you talk you must form the sentence with as less breaks as bossible. When you write you can think and fix your text they way you want to. Not to mention you can read the chat lines of the person your talking with multiple times and maybe even use translator to check some uncommon words.

For example It probably takes me twice the time to write these comments here in n4g than average person from Uk or Us. Not to mention that the education level in Finland is pretty high, unfortunately rest of the world might not be in as lucky position. Japanese can barely talk english because the way they announce "alphabets" differs greatly from english.

I am not saying that text chat is superrior to voice chat, I am just saying it has its own benefits and is more fitted for international chat rooms.
Voice chat would be very nice as it could be used among rl friends and with other ppl of your of nationality or language area.

I can speak english pretty well considering its not my mother tongue, however its not even close to the level I can write or read english.

aksmashh5537d ago (Edited 5537d ago )

Xbox Live Still Has More Features Then PSN
Cross Game Invites
Cross Game Chat
& All Other Ones Theyve Had For Almost Three Years!!!!!!!!!

At Least They Make Good Games (Most Important Thing I Suppose)

SaberEdge5537d ago

I'm a pretty big Xbox fan but I have to be honest, I hardly ever use cross-game chat. For one thing it is distracting. When I am playing a game I need to pay attention to what I am doing in the game.

The other thing I hate is that the voice/sound quality is so poor that you often can't even hear what the other person is saying. Lots of "what did you say?!" and "hold on, I can't hear you" pepper your conversations.

I tried to talking to my friend who was playing UNO while I was playing Halo 3 and we could barley hear what the other was saying half the time. We eventually just gave up in frustration.

All in all, until they get it working better cross-game chat just isn't that appealing and really isn't what it is cracked up to be.

Small, quick text messages work the best in most circumstances.

Shepherd 2145537d ago

You really think that Sony is a wholesome, home-grown, family oriented community or something dont you? You think that Sony isnt interested in making money the same as Microsoft is???

Lets take exclusive games for example. People on this bias site bash MS for paying for exclusivity for a game. Whats to stop a developer like Guerrilla Games(exclusive to Sony) from going multiplatform? You really think that Guerrilla Games stay PS3 exclusive simply because they like PS3 better? Of course not. GG stays exclusive because Sony makes sure that the people that work for GG will have fatter paychecks to stay exclusive, thats why. Why would a developer that has a family and kids to take care of, not make a game multiplatform and give up making more money? I know if i made games, id want to make as much money as possible, because, well, its what i do for a living, its my job. So when a company like Konami makes an exclusive PS3 game, its not because they want to, its because the company workers are probably getting really nice bonuses to stay exclusive, rather than go through a contract deal like MS does. But its still the same thing.

Even though PSN is free, Sony makes up for it in other ways. XBL is still the superb gaming service. Do you have to pay for it? yes, but would you rather eat dogs**t for free, or pay for a delicious Subway sandwich?

The Lazy One5536d ago

on MSN messenger on ur 360...

CommonSense5536d ago (Edited 5536d ago )

this is the most worthless feature i've ever seen and i can think of almost no practical application for it. this is a feature that belongs on Dreamcast back when most ppl had dial up and their internet couldn't handle voice.

who's going to, in the middle of a game, stop what they are doing to type out a text msg in a chat room? that makes absolutely no sense.

@shepherd, you had me til the subway sandwich part. but you make a good point. rare on n4g.

it's usually just a buncha fanboys talking about stuff that know nothing about and giving more credit than what is due to crappy games and features like this one.

hitthegspot5536d ago

Voice chat makes more sense. I can't wait till they add that.

+ Show (30) more repliesLast reply 5536d ago
MURKERR5537d ago (Edited 5537d ago )

its a really cool feature

uxo225537d ago

Isn't text chat a bit of a distraction when you are in the middle of a game. Perhaps not so much in a MMO or role playing game, but something like call of duty or an action game, it would be annoying and difficult to text chat while playing.

I think once the PS3 get voice chat, no one will bother using text chat. I think Sony added text chat kind of as a pacifier to hold people over til voice chat is ready.

N4PS3G5537d ago

This feature is so revolutionary gamers across the globe have jumped for glee as the PSN is now more robust than Xbox Live.- Article

Text Chatting is revolutionary? :O LOL

Voice Messaging and MSN Messenger must be like the second coming of God then haha

lloyd_wonder5537d ago (Edited 5537d ago )

Let's overlook the inherent caustic nature of the article...

MazzingerZ5537d ago (Edited 5537d ago )

...yeah, just like Twitter or SMS...no one use that...but I must agree, that "revolutionary" sense in the post article is a little too much!!...unless is ironic...

7thNightvolley5537d ago

the chat feature is neat but.. revolutionary i dont think so xbl has the party voice chat and msn messenger for chat too so what makes xbl any lesser in that case..? really ironic article.

socomnick5537d ago

Xbox live has had chatting for a long time, the msn messenger integration works fine.

Rob0g0rilla5537d ago (Edited 5537d ago )

You can't create chat rooms with it. Even if you could it's not the same as the PSN text chat. Once you create one while in-game you press the PS button and it resumes your game and you can easily bring it back up by pressing it again.

I still prefer in-game voice chat over text chat but it's better then absolutely nothing. It's true that the 360 doesn't have it but IMO it doesn't need it because it has party chat.

Halochampian5536d ago

yea... seems as if people like chat rooms rather than parties. hmmm... yea... doesnt make much sense.

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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


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DarXyde1d 12h ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy011d 4h ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.


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DefenderOfDoom21d 22h ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..