
Some Players Proposed a Controversial Take on Recent Helldivers 2 Nerfs

With all the rage concerning recent nerfs in Helldivers 2, one player proposed a contraverial take.

Magatsuhi15d ago

I totally agree with the reddit user. I stopped playing the game because the weapons I enjoyed using basically rendered me useless against bile titans and I don't have fun using the 'meta' because I don't enjoy being a conformist.

It's not fun when I want to use the arc Blitzer and then getting completely outclassed by a sickle user. I found myself constantly on the run using certain weapons and being more of a burden to my team than a helpful asset. Balancing just killed the fun for me. Hopefully the weapon customizations make everything viable and not just certain weapons.

Make the ems strike great again!

Elit3Nick15d ago

Umm, they just buffed the Blitzer and nerfed the Sickle

Magatsuhi15d ago

Obviously I'm speaking pre patch. The point still stands, bringing a stalwart renders you useless against heavies and same with laser Canon. You are forced to play a certain way at higher difficulty and to deny this is to deny reality.

jznrpg15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Changes are going to continue happening. Some buffs some nerds. Eventually they will find the right balance but it takes time. Sickle had a lot of mags taken away but if you use it right it doesn’t matter that much until get to level 7+ and then it sucks !

Haven’t used Blitzer since patch I’ll have to see how much better it is


Helldivers 2 players share tips everyone should know but many don't

Helldivers 2 can take a long time to figure out every mechanic in the game, so Reddit users have shared their most helpful tips.

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LG_Fox_Brazil17h ago

The main tip that I would tell a new player is: know how and when to pick your fights. Sometimes it's better to avoid a skirmish altogether and focus on the missions. And if you are indeed starting a fight, try to end is as soon as possible and focus on the smallers enemies first, because if you get rid of all those bastards then they won't call for backup and you'll have time to finish the bigger threats


Helldivers 2 is now on the Game Boy Color, sort of

Helldivers 2 is now on the Game Boy Color, sort of.

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Helldivers 2 has been added back to Steam in some countries

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LG_Fox_Brazil17h ago

Good, we need more people fighting for SuperEarth

Elit3Nick13h ago

The countries added back are US territories, which shouldn't have been restricted in the first place. So far, this doesn't seem like a change to Sony's stance on countries that don't support PSN.