
Xbox's ambitious roadmap might give Microsoft an edge over Sony

If Microsoft can commit to all its announced games and give developers the freedom and support to build these titles, the Xbox brand might finally come out on top.

Jin_Sakai160d ago

It’s not going to happen. We get these articles every single generation.

piroh159d ago

Wait till the E3...oh wait

thorstein159d ago (Edited 159d ago )

Wait till Xbox One Series 360 SX

Microsoft: I forgot how to count

Terry_B159d ago

Look up who submitted it here ;)

Rockstar159d ago

Our good friend Obscure!

Zeref159d ago

It's simple math. It's already happening in fact. This year Xbox put out more games than Sony. Xbox will consistently produce more exclusives this generation than Sony.

sagapo159d ago

Even if what you state is true, Xbox doesn’t really have “system sellers” to compete with Sony.
They still have some promising ones in the pipeline for 2024 tho, so we’ll see.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that Xbox doesn’t have good games, they do, but the console sales speak for themselves atm.

crazyCoconuts159d ago

Yes, they bought so many studios, it would be an utter embarrassment if they couldn't put out more games. But there's two things here:
1. The bigger the lead the cheaper third party exclusives are. So Sony could push for more of those to compensate
2. As MS has already been hinting, those might not all be exclusives.

159d ago
Rockstar159d ago

I prefer quality over quantity...

Extermin8or3_158d ago

Thrh bought so many studios I wouldn't even be surprised if that's true but the thing is gamespass appears to have hit a ceiling as to how many people are willing to subscribe to it at any one time hence such little growth in subs. It was inevitable. Those gsmes don't pay for themselves and more than r games a year (with COD being one) isn't economical infact I'd argue with budgets of 300-500 million each it isn't economical once you factor in costs for 3rd party games in the games pass library, infrastructure maintenance costs etc. On a revenue of 2.7 billion you are lucky if you make any profit at all. Maybe a couple of hundred million a year. When you just spent some 80bn on abk 8bn on zenimax investors are likely to be OK with that.

XiNatsuDragnel158d ago

Nii San I'll tell you Sony has more quality games than Xbox. Yes they had gems that I want to play but can they be consistent.

itsmebryan158d ago

We can admit Sony sells more systems. But, even Sony says in the leak they are on old pillars of success and Microsoft has leapforded them.

You bring up system sells how much profit comes from that? Not very much, they make a know fact. Microsoft doesn't need a system seller because their games will be everywhere but, Sony. They will have games and Gamepass on PC, Xbox, Nintendo, steam, Steam box, Nvidia, and Meta quest 3 just to name a few. With Gamepass alone they are making
at least $300 million a month with subscribers and it continues to grow. PS5 is not making that with console sell and not with their spars 1st party lineup. What coming in 2024? TLOU2 again and Venom DLC that should have been part of SM2 in the first place?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 158d ago
343_Guilty_Spark159d ago

And you cry about Microsoft ever single day.

Crows90159d ago

Generation? You mean every year right?

RNTody159d ago (Edited 159d ago )

Every generation? You mean every year, Jin! It's simply because Xbox delivers everything except amazing games.

1Victor159d ago

That is the beauty of road maps they can show a clear sky and end of spring early summer breeze like the Xbox ONE or it could take a left turn into a field full of tornadoes like the E3 Xbox ONE reveal.

What will happen stay tune the obscured observer bot show

Profchaos159d ago

Yeah but big daddy gates can just buy the industry now something they couldn't do a few gens ago

PassNextquestion159d ago

Yeah but this time they have spent over 69 billion dollars on studios

Extermin8or3_158d ago

Problem is that investment is needed again to actually keep those acquisitions releasing games.

FinalFantasyFanatic158d ago

We get these articles every month, Xbox just can't compete, not because they don't have the money or the studios, they just can't manage their resources well enough to pull out a long string of victories.

itsmebryan158d ago

What 1st party games are you looking forward to in 2024 from Sony?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 158d ago
gold_drake160d ago

i feel like we've heard that before.
many many times

Barlos159d ago

Yup. From the same person that wrote this article, strangely enough.

purple101160d ago

some ones been on the egg-nog

FinalFantasyFanatic158d ago

Not only that, but they've put a sh*t ton of alcohol in it too.

KicksnSnares160d ago

My most anticipated game next year on Xbox is Stalker 2. Hopefully, it doesn’t slip to 2025. It looks like it's going to be a masterpiece

purple101160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

kinda looks like "The last of us", they're a few years late to the party, - but yeh, does look very good at the same time

EvertonFC159d ago

Stalker 2 will play nothing like tlou pmsl. If gamers didn't like slaker 1 then stalker 2 ain't gonna be for you.
In fact stalker as a game is probably not even a console game tbh more PC crowd. I can guarantee you this game ain't for everybody and certainly not Fortnite players, GaaS or f2p crowd.

Crows90159d ago

So you haven't played the stalker games then

shinoff2183158d ago

Evertonfc I've never played stalker but I can imagine I'll enjoy it on console as much as the pc crowd on their pc. I feel I maybe missing what your trying to say though.

ravens52159d ago

Stalker 2 is a timed exclusive.

Crows90159d ago

Well...it's a multiplatform title coming to PS5 later so it's not really and Xbox game

Reaper22_159d ago

Says who? It's coming to PC but there's no talk of a ps5 version. Especially since they are being funded by MS. I guess it's possible but for now only console is xbox.

Crows90159d ago


It's already been made clear before. Look up the info ...especially around it's announcement

SyntheticForm159d ago

For me it's Hellblade 2, but I'm definitely keeping an eye on Stalker 2.

Sometimes Stalker 2 looks amazing and sometimes it looks iffy, but I'm definitely paying attention to it.

I really enjoyed the first Hellblade, perhaps more thematically than gameplay-wise, but I still enjoyed it. I'm hoping that Ninja Theory and Microsoft give us green arrows across the board. I want everything up. I want a substantial upgrade to combat, puzzles, and I want everything else to be taken to the next level.

Here's hoping.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 158d ago
159d ago
wiz7191159d ago

@Bleedsoe reason why idc why anybody says on this site lol Sony themselves are petrified right now .. their future games are looking very suspicious , minds well call insomniac a marvel studio now .. only thing they can bring up is sales , but I find it funny the one who selling less is still bringing in more revenue then the console that sold the most. Sony now is closing a studios and having even more layoffs but they think Xbox is the one in trouble lol

hduce159d ago

@wiz7191 Don't tell them the truth. It will only hurt their feelings.

Chevalier159d ago

Honestly if sales mattered so little like you claim then why would Xbox drop their system price a $150? Wouldn't any price cut eating up losses be unnecessary?!

Michiel1989159d ago

@chevalier the consoles itself don't make that much money, it's all about the fees the console manufacturer gets from game sales. It's why they sold ps3 at a loss at launch, because getting people into their ecosystem is way more important than making a couple extra bucks of the console itself.

159d ago
Lightning77159d ago

The leaked documents is Sony themselves stating how concerned they were at ABK purchase amongst other things. They're afraid they'll be "leaped frogged".


IRetrouk159d ago

Xbox is not bringing in more revenue than playstation, stop the bs.

buffig159d ago

"Minds well"? Do you think that's the actual saying? Minds well?

shinoff2183158d ago (Edited 158d ago )

I mean that makes sense lol. Xbox is funded by Microsoft, Sony is mostly Playstation these days with a handful of movies. Who do you imagine can push more money to buy up everything.

Also say what you want ms definitely cares about console sales or their wouldn't be one. So keep regurgitating that bs all you want but it's simply not true.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 158d ago
Chevalier158d ago

"the consoles itself don't make that much money, it's all about the fees the console manufacturer gets from game sales."

While true I will point out as I did sell consoles for almost 10 years at one of my jobs (EB/Gamestop) there has NEVER been a console that took a $150 hit to themselves to move consoles during the last generations. That should tell you the amount of desperation this move is for Xbox.

Even when moving to next generation consoles like from Wii to the Wii U or PS3 to PS4 or Xbox 360 to Xbox One have any console maker reduced previous hardware by $150 to get rid of last gen consoles. So that should tell you how abnormal this situation.

"It's why they sold ps3 at a loss at launch, because getting people into their ecosystem is way more important than making a couple extra bucks of the console itself."

Again no console maker has ever taken such deep discounts like this even moving between generations. No company willingly takes a $150 loss. For Xbox to break even each console sold at $150 loss means Xbox needs to sell bare minimum roughly 3 full priced games or somewhere between 6-8 cheap games or 1 controller and 2 full price games.

Just to explain how significant that is. Xbox customers based on previous console sales suggest the average Xbox owner ONLY buys roughly 6.55 games over the lifetime of owning their system. Which means $150 loss at the start of owning the console could almost wipe out half of Xbox profits over a generation.


Xbox One for example Avg games sold per console = 6.55 and honestly I highly doubt that has changed if anything I would bet that has dropped significantly. Which is why you can see Xbox has moved to Gamepass.

VariantAEC155d ago

At retail you only see wholesale prices. PS3 was sold at a loss to retailers you would never know what PS3 cost to manufacture if PS didn't let that slip (and I don't think we ever really knew whT PS3 cost PS to manufacture).

That all said. Yeah, bleedsoe9mm clearly doesn't know that retailers bought Xbox Series X consoles at $360 a pop and are selling them at $150 now per MS and also simply to liquidate stock of slow moving product that they won't likely be in a rush to buy again. MS is hurting retailers with this move. The product is just not selling well... I feel bad for anyone who might lose their jobs because their higher ups trusted MS.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 155d ago
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Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's Scope Was Impacted by Xbox Series S Limitations

Wccf tech writes: "Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's scope was impacted by the Xbox Series S hardware limitations, as developers could only make a game that was 25% bigger than its predecessor."

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-Foxtrot8h ago

This is the issue with things like this

Xbox Series X is apparently to MS the worlds most powerful console

However the Series S is obviously a limitation because it’s underpowered and developers have to go for parity.

So what’s the point of the world’s most powerful console if you are holding third party developers back? They aren’t going to push themselves if they have to think about the weakest console.

The issue wouldn’t be as bad if it was just Xbox but you are also affecting the PS version aswell

I think developers need to start just taking advantage of a console and if one of them can’t do X Y and Z then f*** them…why should the others suffer. What’s MS going to do? The bigger the franchise the least chance MS are going to tell them to f*** off. Baulders Gate 3 seemed to have stood their ground and suddenly their “strict” parity rule didn’t really matter. We suddenly got super optimisation efforts for the Series S that got things sorted.

anast4h ago

I agree, and the sad part is use normal folk saw it the second they announced their plans.

Abear2129m ago(Edited 27m ago)

Agree 100% this is why I didn’t want the M$ Monopoly, now PS5 version will be held back too.

If PS5 Pro comes out and Series S is still a thing it’ll be interesting what differences and what devs choose to do. Really hoping Rockstar pushes the PS5 pro with GTA6 and we get the best version possible.

LucasRuinedChildhood8h ago

More info from the author of the article, I think: https://www.reddit.com/r/ki...

"1) I was told this info from the producer of the game Martin Klíma.
2) He specifically said the game will have only one mode.
3) And this mode is 4K 30 on PS5/XSX and 1440p 30 on XSS.
4) He said that the game is already running north of the 30 FPS cap so the performance should be stable on launch, much better than KCD1.
5) The limitation was XSS because of the 10GB memory. He said that's why they wanted to make the game 25% larger.
6) Speculation on my part: the output resolution is probably upscaled and the reason why there won't be a 60 FPS mode is because it'll most likely be very CPU heavy, like Dragon's Dogma 2 for example."

Doesn't seem like they're adding a 40fps mode on PS5/Series X for launch even if they can handle it.

Sgt_Slaughter4h ago

I'd much rather have 1440p/60fps or even 45fps. Having just one, even with the Series S in mind, is disappointing.

franwex3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Remember when xbots were adamant that the series s won’t hold back the gen?

Microsoft just needs to let go of the mandatory parity. Who cares if your grandma doesn’t understand that a game cannot be played on the S. It’s not like it she can buy you a physical game for it anyway. Before buying the game put up a notice that it only works on series X. If you’re buying for a friend-allow for a refund.

Bam. Everyone is happy. Most series s owners are for casuals that want Game Pass anyway and most likely don’t purchase most games.

If the developers want it to run on S, let them figure it out.

Jin_Sakai3h ago

“During the event, the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 producer also revealed that on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the game will run at 4K resolution and 30 frames per second“

Another “creative decision” right? 🤦‍♂️

IHateNate2h ago

Amateur hour. Very incapable developer.

Outside_ofthe_Box2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Since you're not an amateur and clearly know more than them, can you over there and help get the game running on the S without having to sacrifice their true vision. Us gamers would really appreciate you using your wisdom for good 🙏

IHateNate2h ago

Thousands of games run just fine on S.

But Kingdom Come is the game that can’t. Must be one hell of a game!

franwex23m ago(Edited 23m ago)

Thousands of games run on PS4 and on Switch. If developers want them to run on those systems. Fine. Those two platforms still get new games. Sony isn’t making studios also make a ps4 pro version, or Nintendo a wiiu version. Microsoft technically is.

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Celebrate the Diablo Anniversary with March of the Goblins

Come celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Diablo IV and the 2-year anniversary of Diablo Immortal! There are heaps of rewards to mark these celebrations with a bounty of devilish goods across both games.

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anast9h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics8h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX8h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon6h ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie3h ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.


Tales of the Shire Stands at a Fork in the Road Regarding Magic

Tales of the Shire has many hurdles to jump to live up to the J.R.R. Tolkien masterpiece, and magical elements might be its most pertinent one.

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