
Ion Fury expansion ‘Aftershock’ launches October 2 for PC

The “Aftershock” expansion pack for Ion Fury will launch for PC via Steam and GOG, on October 2, publishers 3D Realms and Fulqrum Publishing, and developer Voidpoint announced. A release date for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch versions was not announced.


The Best Shooters on the Nintendo Switch to Blast Hours Through

Here is a list of the best Nintendo Switch shooters while you wait for your girlfriend to come out from the hair salon.

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jznrpg482d ago

Bad list ! But shooters aren’t the reason anyone buys a Switch

FreeckyCake482d ago (Edited 482d ago )

Why is it bad? Plus, I never mentioned in the article that shooters are the reason people buy a Switch.


Phantom Fury interview: Build vs Unity, boomer shooters, tips on making a FPS

An interview with the developers of Phantom Fury - sequel to Ion Fury.

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What should boomer shooters be called?

Humble Bundle had a Boomer Shooter Bundle, and games like Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun proudly wear the label by choice. Maybe it's time to give in and accept the '90s-style retro FPS subgenre is going to be stuck with a silly label because it sounds funny. Or maybe it's time to get prescriptive.

isarai656d ago

They're arcade shooters, people are just dumb...

RaidenBlack656d ago

"retro shooters" also works.
"boomer shooters" may sound funny and rhyming to Fortnite crowd but is actually wrong and lame.

Smellsforfree656d ago

No. These games were not played in arcades.

isarai656d ago

Wow, ok

Arcade does not refer to arcade cabinets, it refers to the play style. Just means the opposite end of the spectrum that "simulator" would be on.

XbladeTeddy655d ago (Edited 655d ago )

You're one of those people i avoid in life as they are so anal about everything. So what if its not played in an arcade, it's still an arcade style. Moving on.

gleepot656d ago

no, arcade shooters are shooters that came out in the arcade, regardless of perspective

RaidenBlack655d ago

Are you talking about arcade shoot'em ups?

FinalFantasyFanatic655d ago

Idk how we even got the term "Boomer Shooters", should we be calling stuff like Fortnite "Zoomer Shooters"?

The correct terminology already exists and has for a long time, so I'm just wondering how that term even came into existence. Is it just any shooting game before the 2010's?

I also like arcade racers like Ridge Racer (just saying).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 655d ago
IMissJimRyan656d ago

The irony of console gamers calling something a boomer.

JackBNimble656d ago (Edited 656d ago )

Especially since it was genXers playing then not boomers
The only thing boomers would have played is pinball.

FinalFantasyFanatic655d ago

It's just another word where people have diluted the meaning to mean almost anything, it's sad when people keep diluting the original meaning of words. Look at the word "simp", alot of people use it to mean a man that does anything for a woman regardless of being in a relationship with them, or just a man that likes a woman.

sourOG656d ago

Boomer shooters were called world war 2 lmao.

JackBNimble656d ago

No, that would be boomers parents in ww2. A baby boom is what happened after ww2 ... kind of obvious isn't it.

BrainSyphoned656d ago

Boomer shooters would be Asteroids, Robotron 2084, Tempest and maybe Duck Hunt. Even then any actual boomers I knew probably only played Duck Hunt if any games at all.

Smellsforfree656d ago

"I know we all enjoy a good rhyme, but "boomer shooter" misinterprets history and creates confusion about who actually played these games."

It has nothing to do with the age of the players playing these games and more to do with how the primary weapons worked. They went "boom" and made you feel powerful while strafing around killing things.

isarai656d ago

I hope you're trolling 🤣

Silly gameAr656d ago

This comment literally had me laughing for a good minute.

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