
PlayStation Plus Price Hike: Is it time to unsubscribe?

The PlayStation Plus price hike is pushing some gamers to consider whether it is time to hit the unsubscribe button.

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Number1TailzFan276d ago

I imagine more people will be going PC, especially now that UE5 games are struggling to run well being upscaled from just 720p on PS5.

Jin_Sakai276d ago

“I imagine more people will be going PC, especially now that UE5 games are struggling to run well being upscaled from just 720p on PS5.“

It’s a good thing the world doesn’t revolve around UE5 and other great engines exist such as Decima.

Extermin8or3_276d ago

with GPU's costing as much as they do? I dunno...

fr0sty275d ago

You only need to shell out the price of a PS5 to get one that can outperform one... and even then the performance won't be consistent from one game to the next.

lucian229275d ago

Frosty, that is pure bs lmao, a 500$ gpu isn't going to play anything very well 😂😂😂

Astrokis275d ago (Edited 275d ago )

I can find a RTX 4070 for $499 right now new
On a game the PS5 averages 60fps at 4k it averages 90.
Ofc it’s the cost of the whole PS5, PS5 is the value here; but you said a $500 gpu wont play anything very well, not sure where you’re coming up with that

Rocketisleague275d ago (Edited 275d ago )

I didn't even build my PC, just bought it from a shop about 2 years ago for 1100 euro. Plays all the latest games fine. And guess what....the online? Its free dude. I've already spent what 2000 on the ps4, ps5 and online subs since 2010?

The PC is a once off payment, the consoles take a few years to catch up on cost..with this price hike its even closer.

Jesus, i've been paying for online since 2005 with the x360, ps3 came along with it a few years later. Wonder how much i've really spent paying just to play games online.

I play online games every day, and single player games whever they come out/finish them/never look back. But i'm pretty selective on both, only the highest quality games get played.

275d ago
275d ago


You managed to spend less than two PCs on console gaming for 14 years? Dude you actually saved a lot of money with console, do your math again... Your PC won't stay relevant for even 5 years, you don't necessarily have to toss the whole thing away, but you'll be updating at least the GPU once (most likely twice) and other hardware multiple times in that time gap. If you want to keep the playing experience somewhat comparable that is.

PC games used to be dirty cheap (still are if you are a patient man) and that's where you can save some gaming on PC, but as a rule, it's not the economical route. A PC spec that runs whatever the current consoles are doing generally costs double the price of the console and will not be within spec for the same games for as long as the consoles do (you can "futureproof" and make your PC spec relevant for even longer than a whole console generation, but you'll be spending a lot more than double the price of the console and by the tail end of it's life it will be lagging behind significantly, because PC hardware changes every 6 months and optimization is a joke)

milohighclub273d ago (Edited 273d ago )

@frosty and what about the rest of the PC XD
CPU £400
Motherboard £300
PSU £150
Case £150
Cooling £50
Ram £100+

Plus I got a £3070 at launch and it's already outdated. If you're wanting to future proof these prices will be greater.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 273d ago
shinoff2183276d ago (Edited 276d ago )

Lol. Most people I imagine that have a ps5 or even and xbox would rather game on consoles. I know I do. More and more pc games have came to console over the last years. That tells me all I need to know.

As a consumer I'm not thrilled with rising prices but as an informed person I'd say it's long passed due for price increases. Game prices haven't rose in so damn long some of you weren't even gaming or alive yet. It's not a huge deal. I personally wait for cheaper games. Remember you don't always need the latest and greatest game. Everyone should have some sort of backlog. I haven't had the thought of damn I got nothing to play , most of the time it's figuring what I wanna play.

fr0sty275d ago

Careful, the master race is not pleased with your sensible argument.

Extermin8or3_275d ago

This. Ps plus was about 40 quid a year a decade ago. In that time here in the uk we have had several years of about 2% inflation followed by almost 3 years of increased inflation now certainly 2 years at or around the 8-10% mark. So actually an increase to 60 pounds a year for the base (about 30% increase) isn't actually unreasonable. Considering what you get in terms of monthly free games etc it's bit bad. The offering if titles on ps plus extra is great too for 100 pounds a year. Bow ps plus premium is the one I am uncertain about. But here is the thing; I never actually pay the full price for ps plus as there are sales snd other ways to get it considerably cheaper.

Sonic1881276d ago

It's back to the PS3 days for Sony 🤔

Popsicle275d ago

Precisely why competition is needed.

anast275d ago

If it were that cheap, everyone would turn their top-shelf PCs into couch cruisers.

VariantAEC275d ago

Not only cheap, but also more convenient. PCs are neither cost effective or convenient for gaming.

Abear21275d ago

No and no and 720 what? PC is dead compared to console gaming. Too many work from home and are on that PC all day already. Adding a PS Sub to a $500 console doesn’t make me want to buy a gaming PC. This makes zero sense and those price conscious don’t default to more expensive options when we get squeezed.

275d ago
X-23275d ago

That's a powerful imagination you've got there.

itsmebryan275d ago

Can someone please explain the price hike?
What are they adding? Games day and date? And on the same day Starfield launches? Maybe they thought since everyone is focused on Starfield no one would notice. 🤷

Flewid638275d ago

I have a PC and get more value from PS+ than GamePass. The only other subscription service on PC that was good to me was Ubisoft+ but that's only limited to Ubi games.

I'll gladly pay the uplift for PS+

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 273d ago
Kaii276d ago ShowReplies(3)
ApocalypseShadow276d ago (Edited 276d ago )

I just find it humorous.

I've been single player for years. But most gamers will disagree with common sense.

They want bigger and better games with more detail, polish, etc. But don't want to pay for it. They want bigger and better offerings in subscription services but don't want to pay for it.

Told gamers years ago that paying for online will just make it worse where everyone would have to pay for it. And it happened because they didn't listen. Sony minimized it by giving games away each month. But gamers now demand more and bigger games for paying as little as $5-7 dollars a month when the games they get cost more than what they are paying. Add up the game prices for each months offerings from the PlayStation Store and compare it to how much you spend. What costs more? You just don't get to keep them with full ownership. Gamers have now become spoiled and greedy. You say companies want more. But so do you.

Tell gamers to wait for a sale and they bitch that they should be getting these things for almost nothing. Companies then decide to make money elsewhere to offset the millions they spent making these games. And gamers complain about that.

The rest of the gamers must not be of age to pay their own way because they neglect that inflation is affecting everyone. Including businesses. Sony has kept mostly everyone and not fired thousands like Microsoft and Facebook have. But those workers needs raises too to offset the inflation. Gamers don't care. "Sony's making money. Blah blah blah"

It's pretty interesting how 1st world gamers have a cow over something fun. (And I'm 1st world.) But not actually needed in their lives. Unless, they have no other source to entertain themselves and live on the Internet.

All gamers have to do is wait for a sale or do what I do: don't pay for it and play local multiplayer with friends or family. Which is actually just as fun. Can't always happen because friends and family move. But it is what it is. Pay for it which is not much compared to all those games prices added up. Wait for it because prices do come down or sales are offered. Or don't pay for it at all.

You do have a choice. But don't just blame these companies raising prices without the context of why. And look in the mirror as to what you unreasonably expect out of these games and services but don't want to pay. You wanted better consoles. And companies responded with consoles that do way more than when PS2 was out. You wanted bigger and better games and companies responded by developing and researching games to make things like Ghost of Tsushima or Horizon. You wanted better services and better connections to play online. Companies did that too. But you can't expect to pay little for it.

isarai276d ago (Edited 276d ago )

You act as if the tools haven't also improved to make all of that easier. The tools and software to help do all of that has become EXTREMELY streamlined and automated, so no, we really shouldn't be paying more for everything now vs then. Technology advances, that doesn't mean it gets more expensive, quite the opposite actually. But you keep believing that lie they spoon fed you, I'm not buying it.

fr0sty275d ago

As someone who uses those tools, they have only made creating such games possible, not easier. These games are still far more complex than they used to be, and that added complexity still takes a ton of time and money to create despite the tools that help make it possible for large teams to pull it off.

anast275d ago (Edited 275d ago )

I somewhat agree and anyone that seriously downvoted this comment is an idiot.

Huey_My_D_Long275d ago

Sure, Price increases all over the world, to where the inflation in the US is really low compared to the rest of the world, but lets cry about everything including PSN prices.

Rocketisleague275d ago (Edited 275d ago )

Its not that simple anast, its fine to make an average quality game. If you want to be the best every game is custom made in each department. To some extent. Has anyone actually tried making games in Unity here?

Just look at bethesda, their entire dev team is stuck building on creation engine or gamebyro or whatever monster that started out as.

Really, its always "Oh the engine doesn't have this particular feature or mechanic that makes or breaks our game", or out of the box things just aren't smooth.

One other thing is.....have you ever worked on a large software development team?

Elda275d ago

When technology advances of course it's going to cost more but paying that higher price can be consumer friendly or a bit too much. As time passes on it's definitely inevitable that the price of things are going to go up.

Extermin8or3_275d ago

What are you on about you fool. Video game developments is nore expensive than ever. Those tools cost money to develop. Moat bug games now take larger teams than ever before considerably longer than ever before to be made due to their complexity.increased resolution and such means increased costs aswell and much if the streamlining has been almost undone by advances in the games in terms of graphics and size etc. You would only have a point were devs still making ps2 era games in terms of graphical fidelity and controls/limitations.a

CrimsonWing69275d ago (Edited 275d ago )


It blows my mind how people who have no clue what software people use for game design and how things like computer animation works and they talk as if they do.

I don't know what people think, but back in the day I worked in Maya and most everything is simple except when it came to MEL Scripting and even then it was an easier coding language to learn. Most of that was for visual effects and deformers (jiggle deformers, blend shapes, etc.)

Now, the tools are waaaaaay easier and things are even more streamlined when it comes to tools. Hell, I used to have to bake textures for environment creation and this was like back in 2003. Look up tutorials for environment design now... the tools are way more streamlines and automated.

@isarai, you hit the nail on the head!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 275d ago
Fishy Fingers276d ago (Edited 276d ago )

Reads like his inner monologue trying to justify it to himself.

Borderline unhealthy mate.

Profchaos275d ago

I was just talkin about this with a friend recently we were discussing how long game dev takes these days and how most of our ps5 collection is remasters and how we wish companies would just take a step back and target smaller scope games like the 6th gen stuff that would take 2 years max to Dev and release more experimental titles.

Seems like everything has to be a grand epic feature gaas and be built on for 5 years post release.

I'm not happy with the current state of gaming these days either tbh

gold_drake275d ago (Edited 275d ago )

i think everyone is aware of the rising costs, but if you raise the price by a whopping 30% .. that is alot and very unusual to see and people are allowed to be pissed

S2Killinit275d ago (Edited 275d ago )

Isn’t it still less expensive than the competition? I think they want to make sure gamepass price increase doesnt allow MS to claim their service is better. People have short attention span and they dont consider cost when comparing products.

jwillj2k4275d ago

I just want to be able to play online. I don’t need extra games. How much should that cost?

Profchaos275d ago

Realistically that alone should be an option similar to the NSO model which is 30 AUD per year we get old-school games with that so take those away I'm sure the service would be far cheaper again.

Yi-Long275d ago

You’re forgetting some important stuff though, like far more easily accessible tools for gaming development, far cheaper and more powerful hardware which speeds up development, etc etc, but I’ll just focus on 1 important aspect; The market.

The market for videogames is far FAR FARRRR bigger now than it was 15 or 30 years ago. Back then, you released an AAA title like Donkey Kong Country, or Metal Gear Solid, and when you were lucky enough to have a huge hit on your hands, it would sell well among gamers on that one platform.

Right now, there are simply far more folks into gaming these days, plus a lot more regions in the world have opened up to gaming, because they simply became wealthier and/or more modernized. Also, more big AAA titles are now often going multi-platform to begin with.

So you can claim “Oh, it’s become far more expensive to develop games these days”, which I’m sure holds some truth, depending on the game, so if you’re creating an epic AAA game with cinematics and expensive famous voice-actors, then yeah, it’s gonna cost money, but in many ways it has become far cheaper to develop games/content, plus there is simply a far bigger market, so there really isn’t a need for price-hikes across the whole spectrum of videogames.

Final thought; Also, this idea that everything needs to ve bigger, more epic, and thus more expensive, etc, is nonsense. Look at SSX3, arguably the absolute best snowboarding game ever.

If they’d do a new SSX, they’d probably wants to make it ‘epic’, with big changes which will sound interesting and refreshing in theory. Like they did with the SSX reboot.

Well, it didn’t need that. In fact, it was a spectacular failure because of it.

They should have just made a straight sequel to SSX3, so SSX4, and just expand/build on what made it great, so simply a new cool mountain, some new characters, some new tricks, new music, better graphics. That’s it. That’s all that needed to be, and as such, there’s no reason why that sequel would then have to cost more than the original SSX3 in terms of development-money, or the price we as customers pay.

In short; there’s no reason why videogames would ever ‘need’ to cost more than 60 bucks.
That’s simply a choice they make, where they believe it’s a price-point where they can get away with it.

Hell, I’m a firm believer that there would be far more Day 1 buyers and far less 2nd hand sales if they’d be a bit less greedy at launch and sell these games for 40-50 bucks, instead of 70-80.

InUrFoxHole275d ago

I'm just glad thus price hike will now bring day and date games.

275d ago
lifesanrpg274d ago

"They want bigger and better offerings in subscription services but don't want to pay for it."

What big and better offerings did they announce alongside this 30% price increase?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 274d ago
GoodGuy09276d ago (Edited 276d ago )

This is such an odd and bad move. Considering mcsft just bought out activision as well, Sony really must have confidance in their live service lineup?

They should have an option for just online play for like $20-$30 a year like Nintendo.

If you mostly play online games, I highly suggest you get a PC.

ApocalypseShadow276d ago (Edited 276d ago )

As I said above, I'd like gamers to add up what they got this year in games. Compare the prices of what the games cost and how much on average they spent monthly for it. I'd bet they are spending less than what the games cost.

But gamers don't want to admit they are becoming spoiled and entitled. Or admit they demand more for the same or less money.

maniacmayhem275d ago (Edited 275d ago )

This is pretty amazing coming from you considering your very vocal stance and constant arguments against Game Pass and telling people GP devalues games, support the dev and so on. But here you are justifying a price increase with the same excuses others used for Game Pass.

blackblades275d ago

Na, I got deathloop for $5, HFW $15, kena $13 others under $10 or under $15. $ credits from the ps rewards old and new rewards. I mean I usually spend under $100 a year hell maybe under $70. Even subs I get for under $50 or $40.

andy85275d ago

I play a lot of games and mine was only £55-60 on sales day (when everyone should be buying their yearly) so I've saved a lot. Especially as Stray, Humanity and Sea of Stars were available day one on there (all fantastic games btw). The cost of those 3 alone is more than my membership cost.

thesoftware730275d ago

You say this, but do you feel the same way about GP?

275d ago
I_am_Batman275d ago (Edited 275d ago )

"As I said above, I'd like gamers to add up what they got this year in games. Compare the prices of what the games cost and how much on average they spent monthly for it. I'd bet they are spending less than what the games cost."

Duh. Comparing the cost of games you chose to buy with getting conditional access to games someone else chose for you is ridiculous. Especially when they can change these conditions at any time.

Situations like these price hikes are a prime example why these kind of comparisons are nonsensical. If you decide to quit your subscription now or at any time in the future, you lose all access to all those games you've accumulated over years, just because you've convinced yourself that you're saving money by giving up ownership over your games collection.

Amplitude275d ago (Edited 275d ago )

I've probably thrown thousands of dollars down the drain for a bunch of games i can no longer play because of these subscription services. Very cool.
I used to feel this way too. "PS Plus (or Gamepass or Games With Gold) is so good look at all these free games! If i cancel i'll lose them but i'll never cancel i'm just gonna build my library for years!". You're ignoring the fact that when you buy a game, you own it and when you subscribe to a subscription service and get a game - you don't.

Switched to PC where online costs what it absolutely should - free. I no longer own any of those PS/XB games unless i support their BS ripoff paid online subscription service that constantly raises in price. Those games aren't free. The cost is that you need to remain a hostage to a monthly subscription, with the illusion of things that were, are and should be free (like lmfao connecting to a peer-to-peer multiplayer lobby) being included in the ripoff sub cost.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 275d ago
fsfsxii275d ago

Yeah play online on pc just to get doxxed and encounter hackers and aimbotters, no thanks.

Rynxie275d ago

You'll find hackers and aimbotters on consoles as well, as you no longer have to hack/jailbreak your consoles to cheat.

Northpoint275d ago

It's good ole Jimmy Ryan at the helm. It's been almost 4 years so hopefully they'll replace him at the end of this year after the big backlash from the community.

purple101276d ago

Deffo time to go cdkeys.com in the UK and get a £50 for £44. Spend it on a year psn 49.99. Quick.

=1year ps+ for £44.

You got 6days.

isarai276d ago (Edited 276d ago )

Honestly that's where I've gotten my last few subs at like $35

purple101276d ago

I normally pay £36 and year.

(That's £3 a month, and I get 2 games included, for that price. It is, quite literally, unbeatable value)

Can't find any cheap at the moment /only got 6days. Unless anyone got any ideas in UK?

darthv72276d ago

that's where i tend to go right before my sub is getting ready to renew. I have until 1/23/24 to find some good deals for PS+

Mikeyy275d ago

But isn't that website full of product codes purchased from stolen credit cards? That's pretty shitty.

purple101275d ago

Cdkeys legit

there are plenty of copycat websites that look the same and dupe people though

andy85275d ago

I wouldn't do that at all tbh. If you sub hasn't ran out anyway. On BF sales day you'll be able to pick up the extra membership for around £65-70. Even less if you use a cashback website. For the sake of 20 quid all those games are more than worth it.

purple101275d ago

You reckon? I use cashback also, so slightly less yes.

I may do that then. Mine runs out April next year.

Normally only play Gt7 and cod. You reckon the extra games worth it? Would I play them though hats the question

andy85275d ago (Edited 275d ago )

I got premium which was the same price as extra now is for around £55-60 on sale day. Obviously after buying cheap credit and cashback though. I mean it depends what type of gamer you are. I play a lot of varied ones, I think I played about 25 games off the list this year. They just added Sea of Stars to PS day one and that's £30 on its own. But it's a turn based game so not everyone's cup of tea. And obviously we got Stray and stuff like Humanity day one too. Its just worth the extra for me for the 900 game choice or so (500 on extra).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 275d ago
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Combat Director Wants Final Part To Offer Players "Even More Freedom"

The Final Fantasy VII Rebirth combat director has expressed that he wants the final part in the trilogy to offer players "even more freedom".

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gold_drake11h ago

i wonder if where gonna be able to jump

-Foxtrot5h ago

I love the game so far but please don’t make the final part a mini game fest

Everytime I get to a new part in Rebirth it’s “mini game time”


Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's Scope Was Impacted by Xbox Series S Limitations

Wccf tech writes: "Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's scope was impacted by the Xbox Series S hardware limitations, as developers could only make a game that was 25% bigger than its predecessor."

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-Foxtrot4h ago

This is the issue with things like this

Xbox Series X is apparently to MS the worlds most powerful console

However the Series S is obviously a limitation because it’s underpowered and developers have to go for parity.

So what’s the point of the world’s most powerful console if you are holding third party developers back? They aren’t going to push themselves if they have to think about the weakest console.

The issue wouldn’t be as bad if it was just Xbox but you are also affecting the PS version aswell

I think developers need to start just taking advantage of a console and if one of them can’t do X Y and Z then f*** them…why should the others suffer. What’s MS going to do? The bigger the franchise the least chance MS are going to tell them to f*** off. Baulders Gate 3 seemed to have stood their ground and suddenly their “strict” parity rule didn’t really matter. We suddenly got super optimisation efforts for the Series S that got things sorted.

anast1h ago

I agree, and the sad part is use normal folk saw it the second they announced their plans.

LucasRuinedChildhood5h ago

More info from the author of the article, I think: https://www.reddit.com/r/ki...

"1) I was told this info from the producer of the game Martin Klíma.
2) He specifically said the game will have only one mode.
3) And this mode is 4K 30 on PS5/XSX and 1440p 30 on XSS.
4) He said that the game is already running north of the 30 FPS cap so the performance should be stable on launch, much better than KCD1.
5) The limitation was XSS because of the 10GB memory. He said that's why they wanted to make the game 25% larger.
6) Speculation on my part: the output resolution is probably upscaled and the reason why there won't be a 60 FPS mode is because it'll most likely be very CPU heavy, like Dragon's Dogma 2 for example."

Doesn't seem like they're adding a 40fps mode on PS5/Series X for launch even if they can handle it.

Sgt_Slaughter1h ago

I'd much rather have 1440p/60fps or even 45fps. Having just one, even with the Series S in mind, is disappointing.


Celebrate the Diablo Anniversary with March of the Goblins

Come celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Diablo IV and the 2-year anniversary of Diablo Immortal! There are heaps of rewards to mark these celebrations with a bounty of devilish goods across both games.

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anast6h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics5h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX5h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon3h ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie28m ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.