
Star Wars Outlaws: Planet Size Equivalent to 2-3 Zones in AC Odyssey, Locations All "Handcrafted"

Massive says the Star Wars Outlaws planet size is roughly the size of 2-3 zones in AC Odyssey. No procedurally generated entire planets.

Lightning77308d ago

Sounds like the Star Wars version Of NMS or SF. No procedurely generated entire planets? That's dope. My only question is how many planets will there be? If it's all handcrafted there has to be at least 20 different planets.


20? I'd be happy with 8 or 10 tbh. Quality over quantity.

CobraKai308d ago

Same. I’d take fewer but larger explorable planets.

GhostScholar307d ago

20 handcrafted planets would be ALOT. I don’t even think there are 20 planets mentioned in the entirety of Star Wars lore.

ZeekQuattro307d ago

The are a lot of planets in Star Wars lore. The thing is at the end of the day most are Hoth, Endor or Tatooine clones. Either that or it's a sprawling city planet of some kind. 😆

toxic-inferno307d ago


There are a few more than 20. Though of course, many in this list are moons.

Crows90307d ago

You believe everything you read?
Handcrafted doesn't mean they actually spent much time making the open areas.

GhostScholar306d ago

Idiot what I’m saying is that by them saying handcrafted that means not procedurally generated and 20 planets not being procedural is a lot to expect. It was a very simple idea to understand. Troll much?

Crows90304d ago


Mass Effects planets weren't procedurally generated. Release your brain if you wont use it.

S2Killinit307d ago

You expect 20 handcrafted planers?? Starfoeld only has 3 or 4 cities if I remember correctly and I think a lot of its world is procedural. If Starwars has 20 handcrafted planets that would be immense.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 304d ago
XiNatsuDragnel308d ago

Star wars outlaws sounds like space skyrim? If so I like it.

307d ago
MinnesotaFatts307d ago

I hope massive and Ubi can pull this game off, but I'm not holding my breath.

purple101307d ago

Not holding my breath either but fair play to ubi, they had the best showing this year I reckon.

Crew 3
Assassin's mirage
Riders republic jet set radio / halo dlc.

Very diverse. Colourful. Everything looked 'fun' which if I'm not mistaken
..is the point of gaming.


It's hard to believe that Ubisoft has multiple releases that I'm looking forward to (AC Red, SR: Outlaws, PoP Remake, possibly a Black Flag Remake, Splinter Cell Remake etc.).

It's a shame that it took so many failures on their part to figure out that they should listen to what gamers want as opposed to doing they THINK we want.

shinoff2183307d ago

Star wars was about it for me.

GhostScholar307d ago

I’m one of the few left who actually enjoys the Ubisoft “formula” it’s like comfort food for me so I’m pretty sure I’ll love this mixing of my favorite franchise by a developer that I love for the most part.

shinoff2183307d ago

Ghostscholar I get it. Personally I think my issues are the games themselves. If these were more along the lines of something I'd like. I'd probably be just as down. I'm not a fan of assassins creed and I swear everything I try to atleast give it another fair shot, whether it's origins, Valhalla, odyssey something that interest me more comes along. Out of all of them origins almost had me but not quite.

Tbh out of just what purple listed star wars was about it for me. That riders Republic seemed kinda cool but I wouldn't sink alot of time in it. I generally don't with sports games.

GhostScholar307d ago


Origins is actually my favorite ac
Game. I thought it built a good foundation for the next generation of ac games but they totally omitted the story in origins when they made odyssey. Odyssey bored me to tears. I think with AC my interest depends on where the game takes place. Egypt just really connected with me.

Jon61586307d ago

I have faith in massive. The division games sre well designed in my opinion

raWfodog307d ago

“Players will not have “total free rein” in terms of travel, you won’t be able to freely fly above the planet, and there will be set landing and take-off areas.”

Ahh well, I was hoping this wasn’t going to be the case as the gameplay trailer showed promise with respect to spaceship flight. Guess I’ll need to fire up Elite Dangerous Horizons in order to satisfy my obsession with full manual flight.

shinoff2183307d ago

Lol that I an odd obsession , but hey I'm not hating

yeahokwhatever307d ago

Avorion is the best spaceship itch scratcher for me.

CantThinkOfAUsername307d ago

Nah, nothing comes close to Star Citizen when it comes to manual flight. It's almost too much to handle.

raWfodog306d ago

Yes I’m also impressed by Star Citizen’s flight mechanics but I currently game mainly on console so I haven’t had an opportunity to try out SC. Maybe in the future.

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Star Wars Outlaws Wanted Levels Can Be Cleared by Defeating Death Troopers

You can clear your wanted levels in Star Wars Outlaws by defeating the death troopers.

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Skuletor6d ago

I remember the same thing in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Ubisoft sure love to copy paste stuff in their games.

Skuletor6d ago

I just figured out where they got the extra A to make AAAA games, they copy and pasted an extra A 😂

anast6d ago

The complete game will be about $140.

Friendlygamer6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

The mc looks so bland, she needs a cooler outfit and hair or maybe allow people to play as the awesome robot with the duster coat

Gameseeker_Frampt6d ago

We talking bland like Luke Skywalker or bland like Han Solo? Human characters in Star Wars have always been bland and the scale ranges from kid in bathrobe with shaggy hair to generic male with awesome sidekick and ship.

Friendlygamer5d ago

Ridiculous, young harrison ford was extremely hot and charismatic, han solo basically created or at least heavily influenced the charming rogue trope.

Gameseeker_Frampt5d ago

"Han Solo basically created or at least heavily influenced the charming rogue trope." I'm sure Robin Hood and Zorro will thank Jennifer Lawrence - I MEAN HARRISON FORD - for paving the way.

Vx_5d ago

Disney cannot ever make a main character without a pet following their ass, this formula needs to change.


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Ubisoft Is Pulling Out All The Stops To Ruin Star Wars Outlaws

Hanzala from eXputer: "Ubisoft takes away even the right to own Star Wars: Outlaws as if the ridiculous pricing and uglified characters weren't enough."

TheLigX31d ago

Im all in with the author on the business practices side of things…. But the “uglification of the character”? Lol. Dude is a nut.

CrimsonWing6931d ago

What weird is Ubisoft has always been doing this tier thing and for the same prices. Look at Valhalla and tell the tiers and pricing, look at Division 2, but now all of a sudden we choose this hill to die on.

What about other publishers? I know I bought the third tier for Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth never once saw an article about that.

There’s some vicious mob mentality going on and this chick is nowhere near as fugly as what Xbox is pulling with Fable. There’s literally a couple angle shots on this b*tch that makes her look weird, but I can snapshot you a bunch of others where she looks fine.

Like, what in the hell is going on that made this the hill to die on? Remember Red Dead 2 having multiple tiers and content locked behind tiers? We did boycott that game to be burned to the ground and string up the publishers.

Markusb3331d ago

there was an internal memo at xbox asking dev teams to not make females with curves and sexy, make of it what you will.

notachance30d ago

tbh the first time I saw the latest fable trailer I laughed at the main character's face, there's no way that sh*t isn't on purpose

Crows9030d ago

To be fair...Xbox hasnt shown fable recently and fable isn't star wars.

More current attention means conversation will focus around current events. As we approach fables release you can bet people will talk about how ugly that character is if it hasn't changed and more specifically if there's no character creator to adjust that ugliness

Profchaos30d ago

The difference with rdr2 and this is you can never ever play this pay walled mission. Rdr 2 was just a horse you got early and some online currency.

But GTA v has flying missions pay walled and no one noticed.

Anyhow it's not the first time.ubisoft has done this assassin's Creed IV had a entire PS exclusivity mode story while watchdogs had a few PS exclusive missions

shinoff218330d ago (Edited 30d ago )

I think because with ubisoft it's a pretty big pattern and I think more and more people are getting upset about it. Ubisoft are the biggest abusers of this practice.

Also the other point. Even if you think the chick is ugly. So what it's a video game character. Do they all have to be society's standard beautiful

VincentVanBro30d ago

Why do you care? Regardless of how long this practice has been in place, why would you defend it? Do you like having to pay extra $$$ for a complete game?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 30d ago
Eonjay31d ago

Here is a picture of the article writer Hanzala Iftikhar: https://exputer.com/author/...
Can someone tell this guy to GTFO. Isn't it funny how we have the revenge on the toads running around calling everyone else ugly.

And totally agree with you on the business end. Especially with the dlc mission. Its like they want to fail.

Crows9030d ago

Okay so down below you grab the best possible picture of the games character....and the most middling angle and lighting for the actress. Good job...

Eonjay30d ago

"Okay so down below you grab the best possible picture of the games character....and the most middling angle and lighting for the actress. Good job..."

I used the SAME EXACT image from the article itself. They same one they used to call her ugly. Oh, did you not read the article? Good job...

RiseNShine31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

Hve you seen the real model? Her name is Humberly González, and She's like 10 times more beautiful than the game's character, just google it and looks at some pictures, it's pretty clear they have uglified her on purpose.

smolinsk30d ago

No it's not. The character in the game has a lot more charisma from the trailer we have seen. She is not ugly Just a little normal with some sweet and charming characteristics to her like the dimple in the chin and high cheekbones. The girl that motion captured her looks boring and yes beautiful but so non charming and special. just the classic boring beautiful.

Vees is perfect and nice to see them doing normal with a curve

Eonjay30d ago

Wait... you are for real saying that this:
is 10x more beautiful than this:

I don't get it. Are you just trolling?

CrimsonWing6930d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Troy Baker didn’t look like Joel.
I think they wanted this character to fit in the world and environment. She’s a down on her luck smuggler and looks the part.

Most game characters don’t look like their voice actors. Take the FF7 cast for example.

dumahim30d ago


Troy Baker wasn't the model for Joel. It'd make sense if you used an example of the actual model used for the character appearance.

CrimsonWing6930d ago (Edited 30d ago )


Can you link me an article saying the character was modeled off the voice actor?

I 100% see this as an artistic decision and not a woke one. She fits in with the scoundrel looking smuggler kinda of characters. People are f*cking over reacting. We’ve gone through so much bullsh*t with woke character designs… I have no clue why this is the one everyone and their mother is taking a stand on. Like, what world am I living in?

MeatyUrologist30d ago

Eonjay: I definitely think the actual voice actor looks better than the Freddy Mercury spawn looking character they came up with. Just seems weird with the games industries push for diversity and representation that they would take an attractive woman of color and make her an unattractive bland looking white woman.

MontyeKristo29d ago


Considering one is a real life pretty woman and one is a video game character made out of pixels - yeah. She is.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 29d ago
Inverno31d ago

What's nuts is that people can't seem to tell the huge difference between the models and who they're modeled after. It's not just unflattering angles, female protagonists in games are ugly as all hell. The excuse is always "you don't know what real women look like", which is ironic cause neither do the ones that say that know it seems.

MrBaskerville30d ago

Character seems cool. I think most gamers are just a little brain damaged from being online.

JackBNimble30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Disney alright fucked the star wars, at this point it's just another game.
Buy it or not the star wars franchise will never comeback from what Disney has done to it.

isarai30d ago

Whyd they add butt chin and laugh lines since the reveal tho?


Killer2020UK30d ago

Agreed. Ubisoft really suck at this stuff. I feel sorry for the devs who've put in all that work to make a videogame only to have execs and money men create a load of bad faith by shoehorning in monetisation everywhere they can.

This "uglification" thing is nonsense though. If devs don't want their characters looking like they've just stepped out of a salon then that's fine. It's not some grand conspiracy and even if it was, what a hill to die on.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 29d ago
ROCKY2831d ago

UBI is SOFT and so are all the executives in SF

Eonjay31d ago

Its a perfect example of how greed destroys. Its like they still don't get it. Imagine being so greedy that you turn everyone off and get nothing.

ROCKY2830d ago

they once were the king of the hill years back - but they have fallen based on ego's and greed
sad but true

Markusb3331d ago

Ubisoft are going to see this fail and it deserves to, esecially after the whole, gamers need to get used to not owning their games statement. Pricing and paywalls for single player is insane. The trend of making charaters androgynous is clear and has been going on for a while, tied to ESG social credit scores etc, pretend its not real thats fine but its how games are funded these days. You can say it doesnt matter, if that is true why spend time, effort and money changing the characters? Also why facial scan a beautiful actress and then change her, dont waste money paying her for a scan, japanese and korean devs seem to be fine making characters look just like the people they paid for their likeness.

Gameseeker_Frampt30d ago

Everyone calling the character model ugly to fit their social agenda would probably be posting videos/articles complaining about Alien and The Terminator if they were released today. "Woke Hollywood is butchering female characters - instead of getting supermodels we are forced to watch Sigourney Weaver and Linda Hamilton!"

Nobody complained about the way the Kay Vess looked in the cgi trailer last year. Ubisoft didn't change the way the character model looked from then to now. What did happen is players got to see the difference between the cgi and actual gameplay graphics - which for any gamer with half a brain shouldn't be surprised that everything is downgraded when it comes to Ubisoft. Watchdogs, The Division, Assassin's Creed, Far Cry - what they use to sell you the game looks nothing like what you get when you buy it. Why are the people upset with the "uglification" of Kay Vess not also complaining about how bad Galen looks now?

-Foxtrot30d ago

When it comes to the character ask yourself, why is it male characters look almost identical to their actor but the female ones don’t

It’s a trend

Cal from the Jedi games looks identical to the actor, yet she doesn’t.

It’s not just this game it happens with most western games these days

Eonjay30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

No. Absolutely not. Chris Judge doesn't look like Kratos. Nolan North Doesn't look like Drake. Troy Baker has 50 different roles he has played and he doesn't look like any of them. Eve from Stellar Blade has her artist's body but not her face. It is exceedingly difficult to find ANY Japanese voice actor or actress that looks like their game model. Like at all. Ben Starr doesn't look like Clive. This lie has to stop. There is no trend. There is just a weird movement where people want the medium to reflect what they deem as acceptable. Its brainwashing. Don't let them get you.

-Foxtrot30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

I’m talking about FACIAL models who allow them to use their likeness not just mocap actors

Kratos isn’t based on Chris Judge facial wise is he

However Leon S Kennedy in the RE Remakes has a voice actor and face model

Sure there’s exceptions but my point is when it does happen it’s mostly the female characters who suffer

Crows9030d ago

Absolutely wrong you continue to be.

He didn't say the voice actors look like all the characters they're voicing. When you try to make them look and represent each other....yeah that's where apparently some devs have a wicked hard time.

Eonjay30d ago

Obvious we are both men, but I highly doubt any woman legitimately looks at Kay Vess and thinks they are 'suffering' lol. In fact, as people mentioned, last year NO ONE had anything negative to say about her looks. If we are talking about the FACIAL models, then can we agree that the model they came up with for her face isn't bad... like at all?

romulus2330d ago

Doesn't Senua look just like Melina Juergens?

isarai30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Also since the reveal they gave her a butt chin and extra laugh lines alongside other small tweaks to her facial features for no real reason.


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