
Avowed Dev Says Game Will Be Larger Than The Outer Worlds, Lighting and Art Will Be Improved

An Obsidian developer appeared on a forum to reassure fans after Avowed's debut gameplay trailer, in regards to the game's visuals and size.

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Abracadabra348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

The Outer Worlds and the Pillars series are good games. Hyped about Avowed.

just_looken348d ago

I will give you a link sense outer worlds was a good game short but good.

The rest is a opinion for me avowed its way to early to get hyped over it

Crows90347d ago

Shouldnt get hyped over any game...unless youve learned nothing yet.

Avowed will be similar to Outer Worlds in gameplay most likely. It takes place in the Pillars world so thats enough for me.

sparky77348d ago

It will be interesting to see the improvements a year from now, Starfield had an insane graphics leap after a year of polish the same will likely happen with Avowed too.

purple101348d ago

They can't be serious with that beard on the right.

Looks like a child painted it on

Ashunderfire86348d ago

Well that didn't age well yikes!!!! Bethesda is not known for great facial animation for their characters. It just looks like an upgrade to Skyrim or Fallout 4 with the faces, which is not much. I would say Mass Effect would fill in this void, but then there was Andromeda.

YodaCracker348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

The faces are definitely a weak point. Some of the characters in the Direct looked straight out of Sims 4. But everything else looks very good. I love love love the NASA punk style, and the lighting is truly phenomenal. It makes the planets look incredibly beautiful. It’s what I always wished No Man’s Sky could look like.

closed_account348d ago

Actual photo of Starfield dev at beginning of production vs now, nearing the end. Crunch is real! 😂

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 348d ago
Magog348d ago

I hope they improve it because it looks like a Chinese mobile skyrim clone asset swap.

SullysCigar348d ago

It really does. Hopefully this is CraigGate situation and they can polish it up a bit before launch, because the premise is still interesting, but... sheesh...

Aloymetal348d ago

Lmao, well it's a Bethesda game after all;)

Andrew336347d ago

This dude is on every article talking about Starfield even in articles not about Starfield.

ArmrdChaos347d ago

Yeh....been pretty much like that since the show for a lot of them. I suggest professional therapy. lol

Flawlessmic348d ago

I personally didn't think it looked as bad as people are saying, either way they still have plenty of time, obsidian are a pretty great studio.

The game will be good, I'm looking forward to it, this is the type of game this gen has been missing so far so it will defs hit wrpg spot for me anyway

Ryuk_2007348d ago

The outer worlds 2 and avowed. We eating good.

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Avowed Moved to Unreal Engine 5.3

With Support from The Coalition

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ThinkThink4d ago

That's great news. Hopefully the Coalition can smooth some of those edges from the last Avowed reveal.

phoenixwing3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Well I'm annoyed. Especially at all the ppl who said the graphics sucked. It's your fault they probably shifted the game to unreal so it could look more fancy for you. I was ok with it and hoping to actually play it sometime soon. Now it's like 99% chance it's delayed.
Edit: effing graphics whores

Obscure_Observer3d ago

"Well I'm annoyed. Especially at all the ppl who said the graphics sucked. It's your fault they probably shifted the game to unreal so it could look more fancy for you."

What the hell are you talking about dude? Avowed was already in development using the UE5. The Coalition is just helping Obsidian in the transition to its latest version (5.3)

MrBaskerville3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Probably not even that big of a difference. Coalition might only have helped because they got a deadline to meet.

Unreal isn't nearly as bad as Unity when you update a project. Though it obviously depends on the project. But unity generally gets an aneyurism if you threaten to update, where Ue is usually less stingy.

Reaper22_3d ago

In excited for Avowed and Gears 6.

Fishy Fingers3d ago

It already was Unreal 5, its just moving to the latest build.

CantThinkOfAUsername3d ago

Latest build is 5.4 and it's better than previous iterations, particularly in animation and performance.

Lightning773d ago

Apparently the latest build looks way better graphically. This rumor from Jez Cordin (who's credible) pretty much confirms it.

Interested in seeing more on Avowed in a few weeks.

Notellin3d ago

UE 5.3 has been out since September of last year. I can't believe this is news or that anyone is hyping this up.

MrNinosan3d ago

As Hellblade failed to set the world on fire, just like Halo Infinite and Starfield before it, it's time to look forward to the next Game of the Decade candidate.
Of course it needs to be hyped up ahead of time 😏

Notellin3d ago

I didn't mean the game itself. I can't believe there is a news article about an Unreal Engine update that launched a year ago.

Reading comprehension is tough for fanboys on N4G.

got_dam2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

@MrNinosan I just want to see what Obsidian can do with a real budget and development time. They have a made a some memorable games with massive time constraints an lackluster funding.

--Onilink--2d ago

Many games stick to a specific version of the Engine they had already been using to avoid delays, problems with migrations to newer stuff etc.
The version being released in September isnt really relevant, just that they decided to make the jump to it at some point in development, which is arguably good news since we know with each iteration, performance has been getting much better

MrNinosan2d ago

I actually look forward to Avowed, and hope that's the game that finally make my purchase of Series X in 2020 worth it.
The game I actually bought Series X for was Starfield, but sadly it didn't do it for me.

Avowed however has the potential to be incredible.

ThinkThink2d ago

MrNinosan, what is the last game that set the world on fire? Red Dead? GTA likely. Not every game has to set the world on fire. Those games that you mentioned fall into the 80's meta critic, and a lot of people enjoy them. And yes, I'm excited to see some of these 2024 games at the june conference.

MrNinosan17h ago

It's MS and its fans who make it sound like every game they have on the horizon would "set the world on fire" and they all failed to reached expectations.

I don't ask for it.

But to answer your question, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth would be the last game that everyone speaks highly about.

Before that, Elden Ring, God of War Ragnarök, Ghost of Tsushima, Last of Us Part 2, Zelda BotW, Animal Crossing, Half Life Alyx....

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 17h ago
truthBombs3d ago

I liked the games unique artstyle when It was revealed. I hope they're not making the migration based on criticism. It's only a rumor anyways

MrBaskerville3d ago

I imagine the art style will stay the same. But there'll probably be some visual upgrades here and there.

anast3d ago

This was the only game I was jealous of, but It's a wait and see game now. Plus, I can wait until they release it on PSN.

Miraak82 3d ago

Right!!! Obsidian is like only XB GS that I wanna play there games . Pillars of Eternity is one of my fav game franchises and I'd love to step back into the world of Eora . Their world building and rpg systems are one of the best , I hope XB higher ups don't get in the way of them. If they released it on ps I would definitely buy it day 1

anast3d ago

I bought both Pillars for PC and Console. Good games.

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Xbox Showcase 2024: 7 Things We Want

Kevin writes: "The upcoming Xbox Showcase 2024 is going to be important for the future of Xbox consoles and Game Pass, and here's 7 things we want to see."

rlow129d ago

Perfect Dark would be cool but I’m hoping for Fable. I’m really interested where they’ve taken the game.

Tacoboto29d ago

Looking ahead now, I'd say Avowed is what I'm looking forward to most in the fall. Obsidian's been nothing but quality and consistency so I can't wait to see what they've been cooking


Avowed Could Have a Tough Time Clearing a Bar Raised By Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire

The upcoming RPG Avowed is based on the Pillars of Eternity series, whose second game has a great inclusion that may be hard for Avowed to equal.

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GhostScholar51d ago

One is a top down arpg one is a first person game. They’re not comparable other than the fantasy setting.

TwoPicklesGood51d ago

lol what the heck kind of story is that…they aren’t even compatible unless you force them to be like you are.