
People are already ditching their Steam Decks for the ASUS ROG Ally

People are already beginning to ditch their Steam Decks for the ASUS ROG Ally - but why?

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luckytrouble354d ago

Wonder how much ASUS is paying them for this article.

gleepot354d ago

I was going to, but the wife wouldnt let me.

NotoriousWhiz354d ago

I was going to, but I'm not ready to deal with Windows problems. Might just wait for more proton support and the eventual steam deck pro.

Jin_Sakai354d ago

What’s better about Steam Deck? Just curious as I haven’t been paying much attention to these handhelds.

NotoriousWhiz354d ago (Edited 354d ago )

Steam deck is a better user experience. Asus is clunky and has typical windows problems. Also, no TouchPad which makes desktop mode without a keyboard/mouse extra cumbersome. Steam deck also apparently has better battery life.

cthulhucultist353d ago

Notorious summed up pretty good the main arguments in favor of Steam Deck.

However the ASUS has some benefits as well that need to be considered.

It is far more powerful than SteamDeck (see DF analysis here https://www.youtube.com/wat...

It has a better more vibrant screen with higher resolution (not ideal for battery life)

It is more compact.

Anothing thing which is both a detriment and a benefit. windows is indeed riddled with issues. However most games will play on it whereas on Steam Deck some games are not compatible yet.

FinalFantasyFanatic353d ago (Edited 353d ago )

I'm just waiting for a Steam Deck 2, the fact that it's so heavily built around Valve's ecosystem, but still open enough that you can add almost any game to it anyway, I adore it's user friendly-ness and how pro-consumer it is.

potedude353d ago

Far better battery life. That alone warrants the Steam deck.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 353d ago
tagzskie353d ago

@notoriuswhiz nope the battery is the same its just that rog ally is 1080p and 120hz and more powerful which in fact drain more battery.. I just wish theres a bencmark where they use 800p and 60hz in battery department. What i like about steam is easy to use and the games is well optimize.. The power difference in papers is 50% but in real world performance its just 20-30%, and steam have advantage in lower wattage use.

NotoriousWhiz353d ago

The battery is technically the same but because SteamOS is more efficient than Windows, the battery life on the Steam Deck will outlast the Asus even if both are configured to run at 720p/60fps.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 353d ago
TheEnigma313354d ago

How so if it just came out today? This isn't true at all, but carry on.


I’m picking mines up in about 1 hour so we’ll see. I’m just excited it has native GamePass that’s what made me buy it .

Ready4nxtgen354d ago

U can put game pass on steam deck in 5 Mins lmao

andy85354d ago

A lot aren't that savvy no matter how straightforward it is sadly and just want pick up and play.

NotoriousWhiz354d ago

Can't download any game pass games on Steam deck.


U cannot play games NATIVELY on Steamdeck with GamePass. A 5 min search would have told you that lmao….

DankSinatra353d ago

That's not native tho. Being able to download games makes it loads better.

boing1353d ago

Only to stream, though.

Neonridr353d ago

to be fair, they never said that you could put games on it, only that you can use it. Nothing incorrect in that statement, merely that it isn't quite exactly the same thing.

Old McGroin353d ago

Jesus Christ at all the people saying you can't download Gamepass games on the Deck to play natively. Dual boot to Windows and you can. I've done it. It's not difficult.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 353d ago
Tacoboto354d ago

Do you have some initial impressions of it?


So far it’s not as user friendly as the steam deck. I had to update drivers, bios, armor crate (or whatever the game launcher is called. It’s definitely lighter than the Deck and the screen is beautiful. Like I’ve said before Native GamePass is the main reason I bought it plus they give u a free 3 months of GP Ultimate plus it stacks it’s not just for new users. Overall I’m enjoying it slightly more than Steam Deck but you definitely need some PC know how to get it up and running properly.

GoodGuy09354d ago

I suppose the more enthusiast people are. Don't think those with a budget and more casual crowd are.

Shadowsteal354d ago

Nothing to see here, just propaganda.

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God of War Ragnarok gets PC release date, but Steam Deck compatibility is still uncertain

God of War Ragnarok gets an official release date on the Steam Store, but Steam Deck fans are left uncertain about its fate on the handheld.

anast13h ago

It will be listed as "playable".

Michiel198913h ago

I don't see it running any good on the steamdeck but maybe if they introduce enough options to lower the settings it might run semi decent.

Amplitude10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Its literally a PS4 game, and likely will be able to lower settings even lower than that.

Assume low and medium settings, FSR2 Quality mode 720p, and an unstable 45fps or a stable 40fps like any other PS4 era port (Uncharted 4 for example). It'll be fine on the Deck if it's your only option

anast10h ago

Same, it won't be "Deck verified" for sure.

smashman985h ago

Amplitude beat me to it. I'd like to add that games like returnal and ratchet and clank rift apart run on the deck and those are actual ps5 games.

smashman985h ago

Most games listed as playable are only that way due to needing to use the on-screen keyboard or some adjacent thing.

anast4h ago

GoW will be playable on the lowest setting possible, but it wont look good.


Here's a closer look at the new ASUS ROG Ally X as early renders are leaked online

It's almost time for the ASUS ROG Ally X to be revealed, and these leaked renders already provide a look at the device and its specs.

UltimateOwnage1d 3h ago

Is it running the same Windows OS? Because that is the biggest issue with the current Ally.


Steam Deck now has a bigger games library than the Nintendo Switch by some margin

Steam Deck officially supports a massive amount of games, easily providing players more choice than what is available on the Nintendo Switch.

UltimateOwnage7d ago

It's much larger than that, if you factor emulation and how easy it is to run pretty much any "unsupported" game on the Deck using Bottles.

FinalFantasyFanatic6d ago

It's insane how most games I've thrown at it have worked with little to no effort on my part, some of my games run better on Linux than Windows.

notachance7d ago

technically speaking it also includes Nintendo Switch libraries..

Espangerish7d ago

Even without emulation, it’s massively broader than switch. This is so obvious I’m surprised it’s merited an article.

Yui_Suzumiya7d ago

Can't wait to get a Steam Deck OLED soon!

FinalFantasyFanatic6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

You'll enjoy it, I only got the 512GB model because I wasn't sure if I'd like it, I should have bought the 1TB model, but I guess I can add in a 2TB drive when SSD prices relax again.

I actually played Heroes of Might and Magic 3 on it a few days ago.