
Wild Hearts Review - Building A New World In Azuma [TheGamer]

TheGamer's Santi Leguiza says: "Ultimately, Wild Hearts shows up as a colorful and curious contender in the hunting game genre, and a very welcome one right now. With games like Monster Hunter Rise going for a less challenging approach, this game brings fascinating ideas that make it the breath of fresh air that the genre needs, combining difficult battles with some twists in mobility and construction, in a completely unexpected fashion. Some improvements to the unfortunate performance issues are needed, but the overall experience isn’t less enjoyable because of them."

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Here are the Worst Optimized PC Games of 2023

It’s that time of the year. And oh I know that a lot of you have been waiting for this. Here are the Worst Optimized PC Games of 2023.

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Snookies12162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

Hogwarts Legacy should be there. I STILL can't play it because of how bad the framerate is. Graphics options do next to nothing on there. I put everything on high and ultra settings at 1440p or even 4k and I get sharp drops below 40 FPS.
I change everything to medium or low settings at 1080p and I still get drops down below 40 FPS. As well as, some instances that go into the 30's. Makes no sense at all. Great game, but it's poorly built on a technical level. Those that bought it on console lucked out. Because the developers focused on those, instead of the PC version. That much is very clear.

Inverno160d ago

I played it in the Deck so I shouldn't expect it to run all too smoothly, but I've played other games just as graphically demanding that ran at a constant 40 fps, on medium too. The game works, but I agree that performance is all over the place.

EvertonFC160d ago

Consoles is the primary version/focus, PC isn't there primary market as unfortunately they probably cheap out knowing half the player count pirated the copy.
I'm sorry to say buy piracy ruins PC versions because it ain't worth the time probably?

ED202158d ago

there are 1.83Billion active pc players. ps5 has sold 50million. pc is always the best version with most care. Dont believe all clickbait articles games on pc run better than consoles even the 600dollar pc outperform ps5

Shiore2u159d ago (Edited 159d ago )

It's one part of the competency crisis plaguing AAA these days. Lack of disciplined people being hired, and those that are rely too heavily on hardware solutions to pick up their slack in software. It's an ongoing issue in most industries right now. Just as well, AAA keeps missing the mark routinely be it gameplay or performance and that's often across all platforms. Find myself enjoying AA and Indies more these days.

MrDead161d ago

How is Starfield not on that list, it looks like a 10+ year old game and runs like s**t!

Inverno160d ago

Cause do we really need to speak on yet another Bethesda game being an unoptimized/buggy mess? Should go without saying at this point.

ED202158d ago

it runs 4k maxed out 120fps and look better than anything released on a console


And let me give you the worst website out there, your on it right now. How many times are we going to see runtime error, maybe change the name to runtime-error.com🤣 Doesn't matter what browser you use, or clean cookies that runtime error just keeps coming back.

badz149159d ago

Due to N4G, I'm currently cirlcling through 3 different browsers on my phone at the moment just to see on which 1 it decides to run next without that damn error. Should have put it up there in this article just to make a statement!

hard joe159d ago

many 2023 pc games are unoptimized
those are just the tip of iceberg

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Specter of the Eclipse Tsukuyomi Invades Wild Hearts in New Update

EA has recently released the new Wild Hearts Tsukuyomi content update.

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Wild Hearts finally adds Nvidia’s DLSS, Sadly the performance woes still exist

A new Wild Hearts update finally adds DLSS, but sadly the stuttering that plaques the game still exists.

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jznrpg378d ago

The game looks interesting but it came out at the wrong time . I just have too much to play and it’s low on my list.

Goosejuice378d ago

I enjoyed it a decent amount. Combat is fun and fluid. More fast paced monster hunter pretty much. But the performance was terrible. Huge fps drops in middle of combat even if u lowered the settings. And the not that many monsters...they have the same monsters reused and recolored to make it seem like more.

GoodGuy09378d ago

What a dump of a port... I'm just waiting til it hits $20 or below or when it gets fixed. And EA is charging $70 lol.