
Godfall PS5 Physical Copy Revealed by Randy Pitchford Showing a Glimpse of the Next-Gen Future

If you’re eagerly awaiting for the PS5 and its games, this is for you. One of the first physical PS5 copies of Godfall has been revealed.

Hellcat20201326d ago

This and Miles Morales are the only physical games I'm getting
Everything else will be digital

morganfell1326d ago

Almost the same. I have Demons Souls physical as well.

Hellcat20201326d ago

I also want Demon Souls but that game drove me ape shit on ps3
Never finished it

morganfell1326d ago

Really looking forward to it. Start tuning up tomorrow with the new Nioh 2 DLC

SullysCigar1326d ago

^ @Hellcat2020, I think with it being the first Soulsborne, nobody was quite sure what to expect and it kicked everyone's backside. There's been a few now, plus games like Sekiro and Nioh, so we go in a little more cautious, understanding we have to learn the game to beat it.

That and the technology has improved. Resolution and framerates compared to the original should keep frustration down a little as it will feel less unfair than it did back in the day. So we get to soak up a legendary game, looking amazing, playing better and by today's standards, we've only got ourselves to blame if we're crap lol

Luc201326d ago

I'm getting Demon's Souls digital because I'll be playing it all the time! No need to get up and put the disc in. I'll have Godfall and Spiderman on disc.

Sayai jin1326d ago

Demon Souls, Spiderman, and Ratchet for me! Godfall hasn't impressed me me and doesnt have the wow factor personally. I will be more than entertained by the other games. I was hyped for all launches, buy this onr exceeds thr others.

morganfell1326d ago

Ratchet is my most wanted and will be physical but it isn't launch day.

ssj271325d ago

I'm probably getting ds digital because i know i would keep it forever so no point on getting the disk for me. Most Others i will get the disk tl resale them

Sayai jin1325d ago

I am refering to launch window games. Rachet is high up on my list.

morganfell1325d ago

We’ll launch window Ratchet stands alone at the top for me. I’ve stated that on this site multiple times :)

Tacoboto1325d ago

I suck at Souls titles, so digital will be my go-to. Play for half an hour, swap over to Spider-Man to feel some accomplishment, then right back to DS

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1325d ago
potatoseal1326d ago

This game will be Digital for me along with Destruction Allstars and Sackboy.
Demon's Souls, Miles, AssCreed Valhalla, Cyber Punk will all be physical

1325d ago
alb18991326d ago

PSN is needed to play this game. You can't play it offline. Incredible!

Hellcat20201326d ago

No issue with that whatsoever

MrNinosan1326d ago

I’ve been connected to PSN for over 13 years. No worries there.
Godfall looks amazing

ziggurcat1326d ago

It does not say that on the box.

Christopher1326d ago

@ziggurcat: box says "no offline mode"

Baza1326d ago

If you don’t have internet in your home you probably shouldn’t have a PS5

ziggurcat1326d ago

@christopher - I stand corrected.

Muzikguy1326d ago


I have had internet for over 12 years but that doesn't mean I've had my PS systems connected to it. PS3 I did because it was free. PS4 I've had more time without it than with it

1326d ago
Muzikguy1324d ago


What kind of argument is that? Obviously with GP you need internet. Also, commenting here isn't paying extra to achieve like PSN or XBL. Not comparable at all

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1324d ago
Father__Merrin1326d ago

Still can't pre order here in UK.....I've got a series s on preorder but looking like no ps5 this year,

Kurt Russell1325d ago

Same. I snoozed and missed the PS5 orders. I have an XSX ordered because "I just had to have" one of them :P

Bathyj1326d ago

I'm getting Miles physical because I need something to throw straight in and not wait for a download at 12.30 in the morning.

I'm going to keep and eye on prices though because they're ridiculous now in Australia and if digital marks up too much I may get a disc.

jznrpg1325d ago

Getting everything Physical myself

Sophisticated_Chap1325d ago

Yep, pop the disc in and download the game.....and then you've got that mandatory online connection requirement. Physical discs are basically nothing more than an adult safety blanket these days.

SullysCigar1325d ago

That you're free to lend to your friends or resell at your leisure.

Nacho_Z1325d ago

With the price of new next gen games, being able to sell them on is objectively the best option.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1324d ago
morganfell1326d ago (Edited 1326d ago )



Ha ha surely. In all seriousness I would guess the IP isn’t just languishing. It’s money and when did pitchford ever hate that.

RaidenBlack1326d ago

😂 ... still better than KIA.

1325d ago
LoveSpuds1325d ago

Great shout there Raiden, what a fab series of games, imagine how immersive those games could be on the next gen consoles.

RaidenBlack1325d ago

I was expecting one this gen actually. BiA 4(Ardennes not Furious 4) has been long rumored to be in development.

Magog1326d ago

Does he have to make that face? He's such a lousy pitchman.

NEXUS-61326d ago

The obligatory YouTube surprised thumbnail - its a hideous practice made even more hideous by Mr Hideous himself.

kayoss1326d ago

Until they come out with a 4TB or higher SSD. I will stick with physical disks. I know i know, i could delete the games that ive finished or dont play anymore. But i like to keep my games regardless if theyre digital or physical.

Luc201326d ago

How about external drive? It's quick to move games and you and on the console you can keep the ones you play or going to play

NEXUS-61326d ago

You do keep deleted games in your library, and you could always store them in an external drive. That's what I'll be doing.

ziggurcat1326d ago

Use an external HDD for storage. I have an 8TB drive, and I don't have any issues waiting on transferring games back and forth.

phoenixwing1326d ago

would have bought godfall but it's online only :I

Puty1326d ago (Edited 1326d ago )

... or phone?!?

phoenixwing1326d ago

i don't and won't pay for online only games when it comes to a single player experience, it's not that hard to understand.

RazzerRedux1325d ago

"Don’t you have internet?"

phoenixwing is posting on this site through the mail.

Muzikguy1326d ago (Edited 1326d ago )

I don't understand some comebacks like "don't you have internet". I've always had internet. That don't mean I pay to play online.

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Godfall Developer Has Been Hit With Layoffs

Counterplay, the developer behind Gearbox Publishing's action role-playing game Godfall, has been hit with layoffs, based on the latest information.

Read Full Story >>

Godfall had potential. I bought it on launch day along with Demon’s Souls and Miles on PS5. One of the biggest issues I had with this game was multiplayer was not convenient and the combat system would not allow you to cancel a string which limited the combo potential. I still have it on my hard drive but haven’t played in a couple years. Maybe I’ll check it out. As far as the layoffs go it’s to be expected at this point.


Godfall developer blog – March 17, 2022

Gearbox: "In our last blog we revealed Valorplate Shards – a brand new feature that lets you truly live out your ultimate Valorplate power fantasies!

Valorplate Shards are powerful new abilities that are thematically tied to each Valorplate, setting their playstyles apart in fresh and exciting ways.

We’ve been thrilled to see the excitement and discussion from the initial reveal which is why we’re happy to be back with a new blog post to cover some of the more nuanced mechanics behind Valorplate Shards."

Read Full Story >>

Godfall’s PS Plus version asks you to pay to get access to the full game

Godfall released last year alongside the PlayStation 5 and it wasn’t well-received, with criticism placed on the amount of content in the game. Now though, it’s been added to the PS Plus December 2021 games lineup, which is usually good news for developers looking to up their player counts and get people interested in their game.

However, it will be joining PS Plus as Godfall: Challenger Edition, a brand new version of Godfall that only includes three activities that make up the endgame. With the Challenger Edition, you can only access the Lightbringer, Dreamstones, and Ascended Tower of Trials modes, with everything else that is available in the regular version of the game not accessible.

Read Full Story >>
monkey602913d ago

Absolute horse shit! Don't go including borderline demos as my PSPlus games please

Popsicle912d ago (Edited 912d ago )

Agreed. If a publisher or developer wants to release a demo then put it in the demo section of the Playstation store as a free download. Do no masquerade this as some sort of benefit to PS+ subscribers. I was excited about this until I heard about the "Challenger Edition."

On a side note, if I am starting the game with leveled up and with "end game" weapons and powers, why would I pay an additional fee to downgrade my characters and start from the beginning only to climb the ladder again. This makes little sense on so many levels.

smashman98911d ago

This is 100 percent on Sony for allowing this

VenomUK911d ago

@monkey602 It just goes to show what an ill-thought out move this is by Sony as so many people have responded to your comment and it has got a near-unanimous upvote - which for N4G is rare!

I know a lot of people are saying that the Godfall campaign isn't very good but I think it's better to include it and let the player decide.

monkey602911d ago

Absolutely agree Venom

No point pretending to be the good guy and "save me the time, by putting me straight into the good bits"
If that was an option it would be great, but this is clearly to drive sales of a game that underperformed.
Made worse by the fact the Epic store is making it free on PC too.

thejigisup912d ago

I agree. I am gonna add that the story of the game is trash, the in game hub is trash, the variety in the game is garbage. That being said, what is being offered is the best version of the game. It has everything you would need to enjoy everything good the game has to offer without inflating it with something that even people who love the game, myself included hate.

Crazyglues912d ago

Yeah this is some real serious horse shit.... and indeed not what we signed up for when we paid for Plus...

No one agreed to demo's instead of the SONY promised full free games... when we signed up for Plus..

What the hell SONY..!

CaptainHenry916911d ago

This is why I like gamepass. But I do have a feeling that Microsoft might go this route in the future

porkChop911d ago

Doubtful. If Game Pass was just a bunch of demos the service would lose all of its appeal. People wouldn't pay a subscription for glorified demos.

SoonDeadByOldAge911d ago

CaptH: I think MS will go the route of Forza Horizon 5 where they will have the complete game on Gamepass and sell the upgrade to the Delux edition. I’m totally fine with MS doing that.

deleted911d ago

Confirmed, it's free on Epic Game Store next week too. :\


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 911d ago
1nsomniac913d ago

So the PS5 game we’re paying for, at a now increased price, is actually a demo!?

waderae912d ago

no. if you are paying full price for this, you get the whole game.

garos82911d ago

ive spotted one of the lazy developers behind this garbage game! hows it going?

Eidolon911d ago

It's a straight shoot to end game, free if not for a small price compared to the full-game price, but offered for free with PS+. And no, it's not a demo, it's the end-game. lol. The game is actually trash regardless. Warframe is probably better, and it's free. of course lot of MTX.

Kaii913d ago

PS5 Game is actually the demo of a PS5 game, fascinating sales tac.
Scummy move on both Sony + Gearbox.
Merry Christmas =)

masterfox913d ago

Well that sucks, at least will be able to try it to some degree, and if is good I might purchase , but yeah I think this shouldn't be offered like a PS plus free game, the developer could it handle this offer totally separated from PS Plus and this would it be seen more positive.

Popsicle912d ago (Edited 912d ago )

If you purchase the full game based on this demo, it will only encourage Sony and developers to release more demos to PS+ subscribers instead of the full versions of games. This is a test to see if the demo model is feasible and I personally will not support it.

bloop912d ago

Hear hear. Fuck this shit.

siLENTEsKI912d ago

I wonder which moron downvoted you. Probably some Sony Marketing Rep browsing n4g.

1Victor912d ago

@popsicle it’s time to sharpen the pitchforks and oil the torches.

outsider1624911d ago

Exactly this!!!!! Thankyou.

Abear21911d ago

Agreed, this seems like Sony trying out new “business models” to boost sales for devs on subscribers, very not cool. Basically a glorified Demo is this months flagship offering, wtf.
Where’s the PR depts head at? Who’s idea was this BS? And in December? Laughable.

garos82911d ago

exactly what popsicle said, i would go a step further and add : dont even give this glorified demo the time of day. screw them and screw gearbox/sony for this awful "christmas gift"

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 911d ago
BLAKHOODe912d ago

You're just the kind of gullible fool they're hoping for.

gamepadneo912d ago

There will always be company Simps! Disgusting move by Playstation and Gearbox!

masterfox912d ago (Edited 912d ago )

oh poor guy , did I offend you in something my crystal man?

siLENTEsKI912d ago

@masterfox Since when is someone pointing out your stupidity a sign that they are offended? I think "observant" is the word you're looking for.

masterfox912d ago (Edited 912d ago )


I think your stupidity of your comments towards mine are even higher then, since you are the one triggered just saying, seriously shut the hell up and comment about the topic not towards me then, you little crystal man.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 912d ago
thejigisup912d ago

You dont need to buy the full game this has everything you need to enjoy godfall. They cut out the stuff people didn't like. If godfall was this version it would be rated higher for sure.

outsider1624911d ago

They also added mtx where you start off at max level. That alone destroy the purpose of progression. Sure you dont have to buy them..but this was a wierd inclusion.

porkChop911d ago

If the best version of the game means removing 75% of the content... maybe it shouldn't be on PS Plus. Because clearly it isn't a good game.

Seraphim911d ago

@porkChop - whether it was or wasn't a good game is subjective. However, while the campaign itself wasn't terrible there was no story there. Just a progression from area to area unlocking new suites w/ varying abilities... By the time I finished it I barely even touched the limited end game features the game had last year. Two friends were also uninterested in putting more time into the game. Truth of my opinion be told the best version of this game would have been a MP only title & that is essentially what people are getting with PS+. Except had this been MP from the start perhaps it would have a more robust end game & perhaps system.

That being said I did enjoy the game. The gameplay was good, felt rewarding, etc. Was just never really worth $40 let alone the $70 they came out asking.

It does baffle me some as to why they didn't just include the full game. It wasn't terribly received at launch on PS5 & probably didn't sell that well on PS4... And if the intention behind this from the Publisher is to drum up sales that's a piss poor strategy. As you can see from the backlash. They could've easily done a demo consisting of one sequence of Dreamstones and perhaps one tower run. Or, you know, just given the dam game away and start selling some skins for $3-5/ea lol.

GhostofHorizon912d ago

I ranted about this in the other article so I won't go I to it again. Just a really disappoint way to end the year for Plus.

I wonder if they plan to sell this version of the game on the PS Store as well.

thejigisup912d ago

They should, godfall as a whole was a letdown. The game modes they included are the meat and potatoes of the game. Everything else was not so good.

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