
The Xbox Platform Most Certainly Has Games Now

Gamerheadquarters; "After the acquisition of Bethesda it really can’t ever be said again that Xbox has no games. That narrative of lacking in the first party department is officially over as there has been quite a staggering growth for the Microsoft gaming division."

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porkChop1347d ago

They have a *ton* of top tier studios. They have a ton of beloved, historical franchises. They have a new incredible in-house engine with id Tech. They have a very powerful and feature-rich console. You don't have to like Xbox, but you can't deny that they're in a really, really good position. The industry needed this. When all 3 manufacturers are providing healthy competition it brings out the best in each. All gamers will benefit from this.

Jin_Sakai1347d ago (Edited 1347d ago )

Xbox finally have more games that’s for sure but being as talented as Sony’s first party studios is another story. They’re in a league of their own.

If Microsoft keeps ES6 exclusive to Xbox that will be huge. That’s a game people will talk about for ages.

porkChop1347d ago

I agree, PlayStation's first party are some of the best in the industry. Xbox isn't there yet, but hopefully they take the time to grow and mature their teams.

bouzebbal1347d ago

Games won't be exclusives to them only.. Because Bethesda will remain self publishing.
As I said earlier, Bethesda image is really bad atm, they need to step their QA game up

dcbronco1347d ago

You are some delusional people. Name the Sony first party game that sold 30 million copies. Sony wishes they had Bethesda. Zenimax. This is the level of ignorance that has Sony financing Microsoft now. You can cause it to increase or you can cause Microsoft to buy more and cut you off. Grow up.

Jin_Sakai1347d ago (Edited 1347d ago )


“You are some delusional people. Name the Sony first party game that sold 30 million copies. Sony wishes they had Bethesda. Zenimax.”

“Name the Sony first party game that sold 30 million copies.“

Why are you comparing Sony exclusives to a multi platform game that sold 30 million? Not really a fair comparison.

Regardless Skyrim was a great game and I’m sure ES6 will be amazing.

dcbronco1347d ago Show
BillyG0AT1347d ago

I can see MS keeping Starfield as an exclusive but I reckon they would let ES6 be multi-plat to get some of that initial investment back. Either way, it's fun times ahead for gamers. I think we will see some massive changes as this console generation progresses.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1347d ago
Indigon1347d ago

It could be great if they bring AAA big title games but it could be less great if they concentrate on shorter Gamepass fillers. The future will tell. I'm very much in a wait and see position.

sampsonon1347d ago

You mean MS is one step closer to turning gaming into a service full of half made games and MT's. They want "12" new games per year, as Phil said, which means less time and money creating them. But don't worry, they will patch it over the next couple yrs. I won't even start on Phil's comment that Single player games aren't viable and isn't in MS's future plans. Yes i know, they have a few coming but that's not their goal because it cost more money, usually, and it's harder to justify MT's.

MS Gamespass will have quantity over quality. And i understand it has some great older games. I am not talking about right now because it's in its infancy. I am talking 10 yrs from now when Sony sees success, even though the investment is low, by Gamespass they will follow suit.
Bye bye AAA large budget games like God Of War.

Could be wrong though....... "Eye roll"

NeoGamer2321347d ago (Edited 1347d ago )

Again, as usual there is not a single fact to backup your argument.

2017 - First year of GamePass.... No really good first party games
2018 - Second year of GamePass... Release Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2, Forza Horizon 4 - Overall quality and quantity improving
2019 - Third year of GamePass... Releases Crackdown 3, Gears 5, The Outer Worlds - Overall quality is improving, quantity the same
2020 - Fourth year of GamePass... Releases Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Minecraft Dungeons, Bleeding Edge, Gears Tactics, Flight Simulator, Wasteland 3, and Grounded preview.... Overall quality and quantity improving

Look at the facts. They have not turned all their games into services and they have not reduced quality for quantity.

Also with 23 studios, each studio currently has about 2 years to make games. Many of these studios have multiple teams which probably puts a 3 years cycle onto their games.

sampsonon1347d ago (Edited 1347d ago )

Sea of Thieves AA Game with lots of glitches(Kraken without a body) one of the highlights. META (67
State of Decay GLITCHED. META (66
FH4, enough said, same old game again and again.
Those games are an improvement? yikes! Making my point for me.
Crackdown 3? You really want to help me eh? META (63
Gears 5? ok. META (85
The Outer worlds is a AA game. META (85
MC=A GAME (need i say more?
Bleeding Edge? Garbage = AA GAME (Meta 66
GT = A GAME (meta 80? wow! almost there.
FS? BORING, we there yet?
WL3=A GAME (84
Grounded hahaha. thanks, that is an improvement from the 1st year of GP? Interesting.

So it looks like a whole bunch of average games that are A and AA and a couple in the 80's Also A and AA with one in the 90's.
All that in 4 yrs?
Thanks for proving my point.

I won't bother posting PS4 games because it will be embarrassing.

Chriswheeler221347d ago

They are in a great position for success. Let's hope the studios make games I actually want to play.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1347d ago
Immagaiden1347d ago

Since when did Xbox have no games? You don’t remain a major contender in the industry without having a wide variety of software on your platform to sustain your brand

King_Noctis1347d ago (Edited 1347d ago )

According to some people, MS games don’t exist.

Shadowsteal1347d ago (Edited 1347d ago )

Halo, Forza, Gears since 2006.

When's the last time Microsoft released a game as amazing as Uncharted 4, Spider-Man, Horizon, The Last of Us 2, Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, and the list keeps going.

Forgettable shit like Grounded, Bleeding Edge, and Sea of Thieves isn't going to cut it.

Even when they do have the opportunity to bring something gamechanging they cancel it. Like canceling Scalebound, Fable: Legends, and the New IP The Coalition was working on before Gears of War 4.

All Microsoft can prove so far is that they can buy Studios. Sony has been pushing boundaries, cultivating creativity, and nurturing talent for at least a decade now.

King_Noctis1347d ago (Edited 1347d ago )

Ori Will of the Wisp? MS Flight Simulator? Wasteland 3? Quantum Break? Sunset Overdrive?

You can’t act like Gear, Halo, and Forza are the only good games that they have. Also, you can’t and shouldn’t keep looking back to the past, MS was dumpster fire back then. Now it is a whole different ball game for them.

NEXUS-61347d ago

King :

Flight Sim is on OLD series,
Ori was just funded and can be found on SWITCH,
Wasteland 3 - on PS4 & PC,
Sunset Overdrive is an Insomniac ip,
Quantom Break - do they own that or Remedy?

Point being they've now paid (at least what we know) $9.5 Billion dollars for Minecraft, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, DOOM and a few ips that never reached their potential.

I don't know about you - that isn't too impressive when put up against Sony's output over the same time frame.

King_Noctis1347d ago

"Flight Sim is on OLD series"

Yet you listed Uncharted 4 and God of War. Those aren't new series. MS could also have easily made Ori and Wasteland exclusive to their platform, but they didn't.

It also doesn't matter who own Sunset Overdrive, MS IS the publisher. And MS owns Quantum Break.


Immagaiden1347d ago

@ King

Seems ridiculous to say such a large entity doesn’t exist.

@ Shadow

I’m not talking about Xbox as a publisher I’m talking about the Xbox platforms in general.

When’s the last time people only bought a console just to play solely first party titles? Exclusives are very important no doubt, but not everybody only buys a console just to play a handful of titles published by that specific hardware manufacturer.

Look as a primarily PlayStation gamer I’m not defending Microsoft’s pitiful first party lineup here. They should be ashamed for their output. But the Xbox brand didn’t get to where it is now being the 3rd longest lasting gaming hardware brand because people only wanted to play Microsoft published titles. Millions of people buy Xbox to play a wide variety of titles from a wide array of publishers.

Obviously PlayStation offers more games that’s an undeniable fact. But to act like Xbox literally has no titles at all and is somehow able to sustain itself on some antimatter is absurd.

There’s an obvious reason Xbox outsold GameCube & Xbox One outsold Wii U. Yeah PS2, PS3, PS4, & soon PS5 outsold every Xbox system they competed with, but those Xbox systems still sold millions of units because it offered software that many are interested in. Yeah a lot of it is multiplatform, thus meaning you can play those games on other platforms, but they still sustained the Xbox brand to the point that it’s still a major player in the hardware industry.

Shadowsteal1347d ago (Edited 1347d ago )

"Xbox has no games" is referencing their lack of compelling exclusives. Essentially making the point, why get an Xbox when you can play the same games AND a dozen+ blockbuster exclusives.

Hopefully that trend changes this generation. With the Zenimax/Bethesda acquisition I have high hopes. Microsoft is invested in gaming for the long term which will only inspire all the platform holders.

Immagaiden1347d ago

I understand that what that reference to “no games” means. It was stupid when people said PS3 had no games early in its life and it’s even more ridiculous now to say XO has no games to play.

Again, who pays hundreds of dollars to get a console to limit themselves to only play exclusives?

You and I can go back and forth on why people would get an Xbox for whatever reason, but at the end of the day the fact remains that millions of people still have bought an Xbox console and millions play games on it.

You don’t become, and more importantly remain, a major player in an industry where many other hardware manufacturers have failed by not having content that would entice a large enough demographic to justify investing billions to further cement yourself within said industry.

masterfox1347d ago (Edited 1347d ago )

old games to be more precise, like in every console. :D

Ghostbob1347d ago

Really where are they because I am not playing any new IP or exclusive from Xbox but will be in a few years or more if they don't F up Bethesda!

Damrock1347d ago (Edited 1347d ago )

I'd honestly love to see Halo Infinite using the Id Tech 7 engine.

Also wouldn't say no to a mix of Halo / Doom gameplay for the new Halo, That would be pretty epic.

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Avowed Moved to Unreal Engine 5.3

With Support from The Coalition

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ThinkThink4d ago

That's great news. Hopefully the Coalition can smooth some of those edges from the last Avowed reveal.

phoenixwing4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Well I'm annoyed. Especially at all the ppl who said the graphics sucked. It's your fault they probably shifted the game to unreal so it could look more fancy for you. I was ok with it and hoping to actually play it sometime soon. Now it's like 99% chance it's delayed.
Edit: effing graphics whores

Obscure_Observer3d ago

"Well I'm annoyed. Especially at all the ppl who said the graphics sucked. It's your fault they probably shifted the game to unreal so it could look more fancy for you."

What the hell are you talking about dude? Avowed was already in development using the UE5. The Coalition is just helping Obsidian in the transition to its latest version (5.3)

MrBaskerville3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Probably not even that big of a difference. Coalition might only have helped because they got a deadline to meet.

Unreal isn't nearly as bad as Unity when you update a project. Though it obviously depends on the project. But unity generally gets an aneyurism if you threaten to update, where Ue is usually less stingy.

Reaper22_3d ago

In excited for Avowed and Gears 6.

Fishy Fingers3d ago

It already was Unreal 5, its just moving to the latest build.

CantThinkOfAUsername3d ago

Latest build is 5.4 and it's better than previous iterations, particularly in animation and performance.

Lightning774d ago

Apparently the latest build looks way better graphically. This rumor from Jez Cordin (who's credible) pretty much confirms it.

Interested in seeing more on Avowed in a few weeks.

Notellin3d ago

UE 5.3 has been out since September of last year. I can't believe this is news or that anyone is hyping this up.

MrNinosan3d ago

As Hellblade failed to set the world on fire, just like Halo Infinite and Starfield before it, it's time to look forward to the next Game of the Decade candidate.
Of course it needs to be hyped up ahead of time 😏

Notellin3d ago

I didn't mean the game itself. I can't believe there is a news article about an Unreal Engine update that launched a year ago.

Reading comprehension is tough for fanboys on N4G.

got_dam2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

@MrNinosan I just want to see what Obsidian can do with a real budget and development time. They have a made a some memorable games with massive time constraints an lackluster funding.

--Onilink--2d ago

Many games stick to a specific version of the Engine they had already been using to avoid delays, problems with migrations to newer stuff etc.
The version being released in September isnt really relevant, just that they decided to make the jump to it at some point in development, which is arguably good news since we know with each iteration, performance has been getting much better

MrNinosan2d ago

I actually look forward to Avowed, and hope that's the game that finally make my purchase of Series X in 2020 worth it.
The game I actually bought Series X for was Starfield, but sadly it didn't do it for me.

Avowed however has the potential to be incredible.

ThinkThink2d ago

MrNinosan, what is the last game that set the world on fire? Red Dead? GTA likely. Not every game has to set the world on fire. Those games that you mentioned fall into the 80's meta critic, and a lot of people enjoy them. And yes, I'm excited to see some of these 2024 games at the june conference.

MrNinosan19h ago

It's MS and its fans who make it sound like every game they have on the horizon would "set the world on fire" and they all failed to reached expectations.

I don't ask for it.

But to answer your question, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth would be the last game that everyone speaks highly about.

Before that, Elden Ring, God of War Ragnarök, Ghost of Tsushima, Last of Us Part 2, Zelda BotW, Animal Crossing, Half Life Alyx....

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 19h ago
truthBombs3d ago

I liked the games unique artstyle when It was revealed. I hope they're not making the migration based on criticism. It's only a rumor anyways

MrBaskerville3d ago

I imagine the art style will stay the same. But there'll probably be some visual upgrades here and there.

anast3d ago

This was the only game I was jealous of, but It's a wait and see game now. Plus, I can wait until they release it on PSN.

Miraak82 3d ago

Right!!! Obsidian is like only XB GS that I wanna play there games . Pillars of Eternity is one of my fav game franchises and I'd love to step back into the world of Eora . Their world building and rpg systems are one of the best , I hope XB higher ups don't get in the way of them. If they released it on ps I would definitely buy it day 1

anast3d ago

I bought both Pillars for PC and Console. Good games.

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Xbox Showcase 2024: 7 Things We Want

Kevin writes: "The upcoming Xbox Showcase 2024 is going to be important for the future of Xbox consoles and Game Pass, and here's 7 things we want to see."

rlow129d ago

Perfect Dark would be cool but I’m hoping for Fable. I’m really interested where they’ve taken the game.

Tacoboto29d ago

Looking ahead now, I'd say Avowed is what I'm looking forward to most in the fall. Obsidian's been nothing but quality and consistency so I can't wait to see what they've been cooking


Avowed Could Have a Tough Time Clearing a Bar Raised By Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire

The upcoming RPG Avowed is based on the Pillars of Eternity series, whose second game has a great inclusion that may be hard for Avowed to equal.

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GhostScholar51d ago

One is a top down arpg one is a first person game. They’re not comparable other than the fantasy setting.

TwoPicklesGood51d ago

lol what the heck kind of story is that…they aren’t even compatible unless you force them to be like you are.