
How Can PlayStation Now Compete With Xbox Gamepass

This weeks episode, hosts Joseph and Kyle talk about Capcom's success with Monster Hunters World. Microsoft making big moves with their Gamepass service, what PayStation Now needs to compete. Epic shows how to treat gamers when closing down a game. Rainbow Six hits a rough patch, and much more!
What We've been playing: 00:00 - 11:14
David Jaffe studio Lay Offs / Modern Twisted Metal 11:14 - 18:40
Gampass VS PSNow 18:46 - 33:00
Judge Kyle on Rainbow Six Controversy - 33:20 - 42:44
Epic Games Paragon Classy shut down 43:11 - 55:00
Microsoft buying EA?! What this means for Sony 55:00 - fin

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gangsta_red2312d ago

If Sony were to offer PSnow but instead of streaming actually download the games then they would definitely top Game Pass. The huge library PSnow has is very impressive.

I used PSnow and maybe I have a great connection but I didn't experience any lag.

Now resolution for newer games...well that's another story.

2312d ago
Sonic_Vs_Mario2312d ago

"If Sony were to offer PSnow but instead of streaming actually download the games then they would definitely top Game Pass"

Doubt it. Majority of PS Now games are only playable on PlayStation 3 if it was just a downloadable game instead of a streaming service. Streaming relies on latency which doesn't go well when playing competitive games.

gangsta_red2312d ago

Sony can offer their library of PS, PS2 as well as PS4 which would be a huge incentive to subscribe.

rainslacker2312d ago (Edited 2312d ago )

I think it'd be easy enough for Sony to match, if not exceed what MS currently has to offer. Even if they don't offer day one games, the yearly sub price isn't bad for the content they give.

Question is, would Sony have to renegotiate all those licenses, or would all the games available to stream also be available to download.

I think if MS makes something respectfully popular with Game Pass, then Sony may follow suit. They have the infrastructure, they just need to work out the details.

I think MS will keep trying to build Game pass though. PSNow didn't have the biggest library out of the gate, but it grew over time. I think the rental ability on PSNow is what draws more publishers in, while Sony still pays for licesed stuff for the subscription service.

Sony hasn't talked about PSNow in a while, and removed it's service from quite a few devices, so I'm not really sure where Sony is going with the service anymore. It's just kind of there, but never have I heard Sony talk about how successful it is, nor does it's profits or losses show up in their annual reports. I hope it's not failing, as I can see the draw of it if they can get the streaming stuff going better without the need for an actual console. While it's intiial pricing was high, the sub is pretty good, and I think if it wasn't a streaming only service, it may actually do quite well for the casual gamer, and maybe even some of the hardcore.

FallenAngel19842312d ago

The one advantage PS Now had was that it was a service that was accessible across a broad range of devices, and Sony took that advantage away last year

Donnie812312d ago

I kinda hope both companies just do their own thing. Makes the gaming world more interesting. But sadly I think both companies see a future where they can just sell a small ruku like box and we just stream everything. I guess it has its positive points but I still enjoy the old ways. I like opening my games looking at the cover art and reading the instructions manual. Heck those are rare these days!

TheOttomatic912312d ago

Now was dead on arrival but I honestly think the same goes for Games Pass but only time will tell.


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