
The Xbox One is struggling because video game exclusives still matter

We’re three months into 2017 and it’s already unusually crowded with great exclusive video games. The PlayStation 4 is on a hot streak.

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UCForce2628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

Yes, exclusive does matter. Look at HZD, it sold about 2.6 million units. I can bet Zelda Breath of the Wild going to sell a lot of units.

GtR35olution2628d ago

People like to pick narratives to fit their delusions so when people say exclusives dont matter theyre just being silly. Exclusives matter a lot but because certain people console of choice might be lacking in certain areas like not garnering a lot of exclusive titles then they chant these things trying to convince others and themselves. Exclusives games are a major point in a lot of people choosing to buy a gaming platform over another . Ps3 managed to outsell the x360 which was ahead by 10million because sony had a lot more exclusive titles.

Kingthrash3602628d ago

Though I will point out that the Xbox has been struggling long before it did away with exclusives.
Xbox problems go far beyond that.
But exclusives are KEY. No matter how ms flips it.

NewMonday2628d ago

recently there is a trend of Xbox only die hards jumping ship to the PS4, the last bastion of holdouts finally joined the biggest gaming community in the world.

the combination of regular Playstation exclusives and Xbox high profile cancellations made the difference.

SardoNumspa2628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

"Xbox problems go far beyond that. "


For a developer or publisher looking at Microsoft - why would they bother to support them? Microsoft has a history of dumping their hardware mid generation. And they don't have enough confidence in their console to bother creating exclusive content for it or acquire first party developers to create enough content to compete with Sony.

For a gamer you have the same concerns as developers and publishers with Microsoft's history of leaving gamers in the lurch. Dumping the first Xbox marketplace failure after only 3.5 years. Or when Microsoft saw the Wii fad in full force they effectively said F you to existing Xbox 360 owners and tried to turn their console into some mom and grandma motion control machine.

The Xbox One is bombing in sales just as badly as the first Xbox - both have sold only about 24 million after 3.5 years on the market.

It isn't any sort of amazing coincidence that the Xbox One without the RRoD inflating its installed base numbers by tens of millions is right back to selling at the same low first Xbox numbers. And just like the first Xbox, almost entirely in the US and UK while being dead in Japan and mainland Europe.

Scorpio looks like Microsoft is finnaly throwing in the towel on competing with Sony and is instead trying to salvage the wreckege of the failed Xbox brand by turning it into some sort of Microsoft branded gaming PCs.

Even if Microsoft did have exclusives worth buying there just aren't that many people willing to invest hundreds to thousands of dollars of that trainwreck of a console.

TheUndertaker852628d ago

@NewMonday: I owned 3 PS4s, numerous Vitas & PS3s, along with multiple other PlayStation consoles. I now own a Xbox One.

Many titles for PlayStation 4 are remasters or little throw away titles. The level of excitement is also lower than PS3 and previous consoles due to exactly that. LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted, Resistance, and other IPs all marked new progress in the way games were done. They introduced something new. Then most returning IPs weren't simply rehashed versions of past games. Sure there were some but not to the level of now. Most returning IPs looked to bring something new to the franchise.

Further the money grubbing tactics like PS Now instead of backwards compatibility which PS4 should at least be able to do for PS2 & PSOne games, turning away from no mandatory fee for online play, the way they decided to handle services like PlayStation Home, and other poor choices seem to have made Sony a different company but not in an appealing way to me.

SardoNumspa2628d ago

TheUndertaker85: "Many titles for PlayStation 4 are remasters or little throw away titles. The level of excitement is also lower than PS3 and previous consoles due to exactly that"

The PS4 is outpacing the the 160 million selling PS2 - the top selling console of all time.

The PS4 has had the single largest flood of high rated exclusives of any console in history in 2017.

So, yeah, low excitement and nothing but throwaway titles for the PS4.


BlackTar1872628d ago


PS4 games are throw aways or small or whatever else you said but then you talk about owning Xbox one now a system that can't even sustain any type of games releases thru out a year.

You, sir, are full of it. Also your same point against PS is against xbox as well so again WTF are you saying again?

2628d ago
Muzikguy2628d ago


Throw away titles? There have been so many games this generation on the PS4 that it's just insane. For me, this generation has been one of the best. I remember during the PS2 I was feeling like there was a drought and started to think I should stop gaming for awhile. With the PS4, there are many games I've yet to buy and so many upcoming that I want. I also have a backlog that is probably one year at least, if I were to not get any more games. I'd say this is probably one of the best generations in gaming.

darthv722628d ago

I wish there were better exclusives, not just more. I know that something like Horizon is possible on the xb1 but there is no team in MS that is/was/has been able to do it. I have always said to myself that if a dev like naughty dog or insomniac were to break free from Sony and make a game on other platforms they they could likely really show that platforms strengths as well.

Insomniac DID make a game for xb1 and it IS very fun but also not to the same level of polish they are known to do with their Ratchet games. It isn't the platform... it's the choices that MS basically laid out for them in order to make a game. I like the platform and I enjoy the games but DAMN IT!!! MS has to give up creative control and let these companies approach these projects with as much freedom as Sony gives it's developers.

TheUndertaker852628d ago

@SardoNumspa: So what you're saying is I should be excited about total sales of a console rather than what the console does or offers me? Check. Forgot the me too factor beats all here.

I'm also interested to know where innovation comes into play by flooding the market with "exclusives" but shooters flood the market all the time but yet that's not. Many even outpacing the ratings of exclusives.

@BlackTar187: I applaud you sir. You can explain what is wrong with my comment and position without even fully grasping or attempting to discern the full intent and even admitting as much. I however have over a terabyte of content that says you're full of it anyway. Even those exclusives Xbox does offer. If you are referring to the pay for online comment good reading. Microsoft brought Gold long before Plus even. Sony claimed for some time they would not go the same route, pushing that point with PS3 & Vita. Yet PS4 has paid online. In other words Microsoft brought it at their own terms, Sony commented they wouldn't follow the path but did. It's not about paying for online as I have Gold and had Plus since inception. It's about being honest which Sony was not.

@MuzikGuy: Your comment is flat out face palm worthy. Why do I care about NUMBERS over QUALITY OR OFFERING? PS4 offering so much doesn't make the library better but maybe more vast. Even then as was pointed out many of those same titles are remasters or throw away titles. You further talk about a backlog meaning you haven't played those titles along with titles you want to buy but also tells me you haven't played them. So while you're talking about offerings you're continuing to say that a bunch haven't even been worth your time yet if at all.

BlackTar1872627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )

LOL @ Undertaker your response is a joke

candystop2627d ago

All of this madness from the Sony side to try and slow down the momentum of Scorpio. All i will say is games are coming as well as exclusives. There was a time Sony even struggled with exclusives and all we would hear is patience, so i ask you motor mouths to do the same. Also last gen ps3 and xbox 360 practically tied in sales. Xbox 360 had more games especially when you add in XNA but you will always hear claims from those that dont know jack!

Muzikguy2627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )


Way to completely construe what I've said. The reason for my backlog is because I have a lot of games and no time to play them. It's not because I don't find them worthy of my time. Games upcoming that I want are ones I'm interested in buying but again, I know I don't have much time to play them. Doesn't mean I don't or won't pick them up. Games in the past that I don't have yet also have nothing to do with finding them time-worthy. I have to have money to buy the games I want. Between bills, the wife, and raising my son, I have to make choices

dcbronco2627d ago

Many, if not most, say Nintendo has the best exclusives. Yet Nintendo has ended up third in two of the last three generations. Sony's president came out and said six or seven of ten exclusives lose money. If exclusives were such a huge selling point six or seven would be profitable.

With a 50 million install base 2 million units means 4% of the owners bought a game. That is not important. There is no amount of spin that can change that. The majority are in it for the big titles. With the exception of a few titles with each manufacturer, the big games are the bread and butter.

The only people that believe otherwise are a few that frequent gaming sites. I do applaud Sony's pushing unique experiences that cater to their home audience, but Sony knows going in they aren't console sellers or profit producers.

rainslacker2627d ago

The most talked about games on consoles are always exclusives when it comes to fan boy discussion, so I'd say they matter.

Maybe in the grander scheme of things, with the consumer and what not, they aren't as important, but I think we can all agree, regardless of console preference, that it's the games that matter. Because of this, if one console has more games, with more of those games having a chance of appealing to more people, that it's probably going to be a more attractive console.

DAEMONIFEAR2627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )

At the end of both their cycles the last 11months is when Sony pulled ahead with ps3 after price drops were finally realistic and yeah they finally had games

Ceaser98573612627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )


" I owned 3 PS4s, numerous Vitas & PS3s, along with multiple other PlayStation consoles. I now own a Xbox One. "
"Many titles for PlayStation 4 are remasters or little throw away titles. The level of excitement is also lower than PS3 "

Surprising you say you owe so many stuff from Sony and just got the Xbox one and you speak like Xbox fanboy.. Anyways that's something a xbox fanboy would say, nevermind..

Well were you aware of those games released on PS3 early? Also are you aware that the PS3 got release around 2006 /7 ? Also i hope you understand the quality and the budget and the risk and so many other factors have increased since PS2 era to PS3 era to PS4 era.. The PS4 did started with Shadowfall and Second Son as launch release and that's fine you cant expect 4 to 5 AAA exclusives in a year. There are more Third party devs now also Sony needs to place their Exclusive such that they dont clash with a major third party games.. Exclusive sales Console and with over 55 mil units PS4 has moved i am sure its doing great.. That being said This E3 gonna be amazing like last year..

Utalkin2me2627d ago

When you have alot of great exclusive and have better 3rd party games then the competitors its a recipe for success. While Ms wasted money on other things, they should have putting money into first party studios.

frostypants2627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )

Yep. If exclusives didn't matter there'd be little reason for multiple systems to even exist beyond sundry graphical differences. The drive to sell system hardware pushes first party devs to make games that might not otherwise happen in a market devoid of console competition. And people forget, exclusives have ALWAYS been a thing going back to the first video game systems. This industry would be so dull without exclusives.

Unspoken2627d ago

PlayStation, the console where you need as many new games as possible because their games are only good for one play through. One of the main problems with PlayStation exclusives is the lack of replay-ability. Whatever floats your boat, no PS4 here and haven't had any issues with playing new games or having favorites with strong multiplayer to go back to again and again.

Critic4l_Strik32627d ago

@ Undertaker

You went full retard

fiveby92627d ago

I like and support first party exclusives. I am not a big fan of third party timed exclusivity.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 2627d ago
lelo2play2628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

Everybody with half a brain know that exclusives matter.

If not for exclusive games, then what's the point of owning a specific console?
Microsoft execs fail to understand that simple logic.

Eonjay2628d ago

With Microsoft it is understandable because how do they leverage PC? Like how? Still that doesn't take away the fact that they don't have exclusives. But Xbox isn't really struggling. The main thing is that PlayStation is more popular period and that the Xbox One was designed to well, preventing Microsoft from selling 3 units to the same person. Their actual base is probably around 30 million. Its one of the reasons for Scorpio. They have almost maxed out their Market share and now they need those same folks to buy a new console. 30 million is a really good number if you can get them to buy hardware over and over. Even better for Sony but I think Microsoft wants to make sure that no one is satisfied with the Xbox One so you are compelled to get the new system. Whatever games they have will only be released when the Scorpio is released. To hell and be damned with the Xbox One. Its time for the base to upgrade.

uth112628d ago

I think to the higher ups at MS, protecting Windows gaming from the threat of SteamOS getting a foothold was more important. So windows got the Xbox exclusives to the detriment of Xbox.

UltraNova2627d ago


You Sir get it. They lost to Sony so they had to protect all that remained...windows gaming.

darthv722628d ago

I agree with this notion. It really sucks there arent more games for the XB1 (exclusive or otherwise). I will say that the only exclusive games should be those by the parent company or its subsidiaries. All 3rd party devs / pubs should be open to the public.

No doubt there are a crap ton of exclusive games on PS4 that should not be exclusive to begin with. But... I got a PS4 so it's no big deal. To those with only an XB1 then they should get with the program and get a PS4. I find that they compliment each other quite nicely.

81BX2628d ago

I think there is this common misconception that because a console doesn't have games you like it has no games. Not true at all.

Fist4achin2628d ago

I think gaming is in a bit of a flux right now bc at the beginning of this generation, Ms tried to push always online gaming. With MS thinking they know what's​better for everyone, it hurt them pretty bad. PS is doing well right now and I can't think of a better time to game on my PS4 bc of all the exclusives.

I hope physical media sticks around for a long time, but every generation seems to be making steps towards that future.

I don't want to see Ms go away bc competition is always a good thing and it can drive an industry in good directions.

The scary thing is that I see the future of gaming being a subscription service based industry with consoles disappearing. Exclusives will then drive the fans towards the subscriptions.

darthv722628d ago

Well obviously the platform has games. That is such a tired argument and I tend to laugh at those who try to use it (not you 81BX). I just wish the system had better games in general. I get the feeling that MS has all these ideas and when they want a company to make a game then they start contradicting themselves with other ideas that can be counter productive with their first set of ideas.

They need to let up on the reigns if they want to achieve the quality of games like what Sony's teams are capable of delivering. They also need to have patience and not be in a rush. If they had more games in development and spaced them out accordingly then they wouldnt be in a rush all the time around the holidays.

I have to admit that the way Sony delivers is significantly better than how MS does it. Chalk that up to experience and knowing your target demographic.

Aceman182628d ago

Please explain the exclusives shouldn't be exclusives part for me lol.

darthv722628d ago

What's to explain Aceman? 3rd party games like SFV, KoFXIV, Nier... etc.

Ones that were not published or developed by the platform holder or its subsidiaries. SFV is a Capcom game and has only ever been exclusive one time (SNES), KoF games are SNK and have never been exclusive unless you just count the Neo Geo. And just last gen there was Nier and was published by Square for PS3 and 360.

DarXyde2627d ago

Wasn't Drakengard exclusive?

Nier didn't start at Nier, you know.

admiralvic2627d ago

I get the concept you're getting at with the exclusives, but I can't help but feel some of these choices are purely business. For instance, Nier was on the 360, yes, but the sales were probably crap. VGChartz says the PS3 version sold more than double and it goes without saying that Xbox has little to no base in Japan. The weekly hardware chart on the front page claims that 89 (yes, eighty nine) Xbox One's were sold in Japan.

So, obviously, a lot of Japanese companies that make things with smaller appeal (Drakengard/Nier, Toukiden, weird anime games like Berserk, Neptunia, Disgaea and many more) on a platform that they think they will turn a profit on (I imagine we see a lot of PC ports because of how easy it is to port and the numbers are there.). Especially when you can look at things like Cross Edge Dash, which is the ill-fated Japanese Xbox 360 version of Cross Edge, supposedly sold 10,000~. With a number that low, I seriously doubt they turned any sort of profit and it makes sense they wouldn't invest in another when the PS3 version sold 23x as many copies.

Anyway, the point is, it probably has nothing to do preference and everything to do with sales. This would explain a lot of them, even KoF (SNK isn't in the best shape), with the odd man out being Street Fighter V. As for why that is exclusive, at least a console one anyway, I would guess it has to do with development time. No one can deny Street Fighter V released in an incomplete state, so adding Xbox would've set them further back, resulting in them picking the one where they expected the most sales. Remember, companies aren't your friends and just want money.

yeahright22627d ago

Mostly agree, but Nothing wrong with a 3rd party being contracted to make an exclusive game. Where the problem comes in to me is when that's done with an established multiplatform franchise. Then there's something morally wrong with that to me. Street fighter and tomb raider come to mind. At that point you're paying money to keep gamers from the titles they love. dick move.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2627d ago
bluefox7552628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

Exclusives matter a lot, but they're not the only thing that matters. If they were Wii U would have been a success. There needs to be a comprehensive approach.

XanderZane2628d ago

Agreed. Exclusives aren't the only thing that matters. If the PS4 only had their 1st party exclusives and nothing else, I doubt it would have sold over 55 million units. They obviously got huge help from their Japanese 3rd party developers who decided to make exclusives for them as well. With all the 3rd party games from other countries, it's a no brainer as to why the system is so popular.

houyi1112627d ago

I agreed. price, overall brand recognition, reputation, ad, performance, 3rd party support all matters. exclusives arent the ONLY thing, sure. but right now it seems ps4 has all of the things matter.

EddieNX 2628d ago

Zelda's wiiu and switch sales combined probs not far off Horizon, it did 1.3M on Switch alone in first week.

Bottom line, exclusives matter more than ever.

TheUndertaker852628d ago

Forza Horizon 3 sits at 2.09 million units.
Gears of War 4 sits at 2.76 million units.

Also that 1.3 million figure is both Switch and Wii U, not just Switch.

It should also be put into context to state Zelda needs to sell over 2 million units to break even. Now is likely more due to a lot of development moving to Switch from Wii U where it started.

TheUndertaker852628d ago

Forza Horizon 3 has moved over 2 million units. Gears of War 4 has moved 2.76 million units. The Xbox One as a console has moved 28.6 million consoles.

If your definition of successful is selling 2.6 million units to an install base of 55.6 million surely selling over 2 million to an install base of 28.6 million is also successful if not more successful.

Sparta072628d ago

Who said Xbox sold 28.6million consoles?
How long ago did forza and gears of war 4 come out?
Horizon sold more then those two games in less then a month.
Not bad for a throw away title. 🤣

SardoNumspa2628d ago

"The Xbox One as a console has moved 28.6 million consoles."


The Xbox One is in the 24 million range.

Which makes it bombing in sales just as bad as the first Xbox marketplace failure.

There's a reason why Micorosoft won't admit to their sales numbers...

Trez12342628d ago

So you are saying if I was selling a game and it sold 2million on the xbox and 2.6million on the ps4 I would say my game was more successful on the xbox? Basically I would have made more money on the xbox because of that attach rate? In the real world, I'm sure I'll go where my games sell more. Wouldn't bother with attach rate and it definitely won't make my game more " successful.

By this logic, all xbox one games are more successful than ps4 and we know that isn't the case.

CP_Company2627d ago

why are you counting just xbox? those games were released and on PC,so 28M+400M=428M install base against 55M,so ?

Chevalier2627d ago

Except Gears and Forza has been out for 4-5 months through Christmas. Gears 4 during a busy holiday ONLY did, 600,000 it's first week. Horizon is a completely new IP and did the current lifetime sales of Gears and Forza in 2 weeks. Are you one of those idiots that thinks sales stop after a couple weeks? You do realize that it will sell throughout the year right?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2627d ago
XanderZane2628d ago

They do need more exclusives and they are coming eventually. I don't think Phil will be able to put every XBox title on the PC and continue to grow the XBox hardware. He'll eventually need XBox/Scorpio exclusives to drive the hardware forward and into the future. PC can have their own exclusives from Microsoft as well.


"So there you have it. As Phil Spencer claimed, there will be both PC and console exclusives from Microsoft. Therefore, it will be interesting to see whether Microsoft’s triple-A games will remain on its consoles or whether the PC will actually receive a triple-A exclusive title."

Sparta072628d ago

I agree with you xander, but phill himself also said that every Microsoft game that comes out from now on will be on Xbox and pc.
So which one is it?

XanderZane2628d ago

Phil is flip-flopping again. I'm sure some games will be on both, but there will be other specific games that will only be on XB1/Scorpio or only for the PC. I actually think they need to get some 3rd party exclusives like Sony is doing with PS4. They had a lot of those for the OG XBox.

Mystogan2628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

They do matter. But it's not like Xbox isn't getting any more exclusives. Sure there aren't many on the list right now, I can only think of Sea of Thieves, Forza 7 and Crackdown 3 right now and some indie games like Cuphead but there definitely will be more announcements at E3.

The problem with Xbox right now is that they spent too little money on new IPs. Imagine if ReCore had more money behind it. That game is the very definition of under budgeted. That game could have been Xbox's Zelda.

Thatguy-3102628d ago

They have no sense of identity as of now. The variety of Sony exclusives that have been dropping and with Nintendo launching its new console they are pretty much left in the dark right now.

DarXyde2628d ago

I'm just surprised we needed an article to corroborate this when we, as gamers, are far more inclined to buy a console for the games you CAN'T get elsewhere.

I think this generation has a perfect setup: it MIGHT be a repeat of the sixth generation, but by the end, we'll have a burning question answered:

"What matters more, exclusives or power?"

Scorpio will have the performance advantage and PS4 will have the exclusives advantage. Back then, people wanted PS2 over Xbox because of the titles available, despite Xbox being more powerful.

I get a very strong feeling Playstation will continue to dominate, but you never know with changing times. Should be great to get some actual empirical evidence.

Scatpants2628d ago

If it wasn't for Zelda the Switch would be dead in the water.

Vizigoth042627d ago

Yet you own 3 PS4s?

trooper_2627d ago

Exclusives always mattered.

modelgod2627d ago

And after Zelda the switch is done! ! This title is soooo weak. It's obvious that exclusives still matters, it's obvious Sony is on a roll; so much that I actually invested in a PS4 yesterday, and it's also obvious that the Switch is trash, and the X1 is still outselling the 360 during it's product lifecycle. Will X1 recover? No.....I doubt it. The cancellation of Scalebound coupled withe the fact that they aren't doing anything as far as a Lost Odyssey 2, Alan Wake 2, a new Knights of the old Republic, and a Ninja Gaiden exclusive, spells doom for MS. I didn't purchase Halo Wars, Cuphead is a indie game and it wouldn't be fair to praise Cuphead, while during the early stages of the PS4, xboxers we're saying " all Sony has is TLOU remake, and a bunch of good indies." It's so funny how everybody is sucking Nintendo and throwing them into the sleuth of what Sony is doing, when in fact all they really did was release a wack system with Zelda. It's Zelda for God's sake!!!

vergilxx32627d ago

Except that botw is not exclusive

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2627d ago
Relientk772628d ago

Exclusives do matter and it's silly that people would even argue that. One of the main reasons Sony is killing it

chrisx2628d ago

Yea the amount of exclusives pumping out of the Ps4 is Crazy, best part is they are all stellar games

XanderZane2628d ago

I was say at least have of them were worth owning. Games like No Man's Sky, DriveClub, The Order 1886, Godzilla, Killzone: SF, Knack, LBP3 and a bunch of others were not stellar. Games like NiOh, Uncharted 4, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Bloodborne, Ratchet & Clank, Infamous Second Son, Until Dawn, Rez Infinite, etc...were all great games.

Deep-throat2628d ago

If they do matter to the general people outside gaming forums, then why games like Gravity Rush 2 and Yakuza 0 flopped?

Where are those 50+ million PS4 users? They are missing out!

Oh wait, if exclusives do matter so much, then why the WiiU didn't sell so well? The thing had quality games like Super Mario 3D World, Bayonetta 2 and more...

Sparta072628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

If exclusives don't matter then why is the Xbox suffering?
Exclusives and multiplayer games matter.
I chose the PS4 over xboxone because of the exclusives.
People choose to get xboxone because of halo.
You can spin it all you like. But at the end of the day exclusives matter.

Gravity Rush 2 and Yakuza 0 are Japanese games that did pretty good here in the states.
Nobody thought it would sell millions of copies on the first day.
Also you forgot to mention that Horizon sold close to 3 million in less then a month. Guess exclusives do matter. 🤗

DashArrivals2628d ago


Wii-U, just had exclusives.
Xbox mainly just multiplats.
PS4 HAS BOTH. HAS BOTH ON IT'S SIDE. That's why it's the best console IMO.
Thanks for coming

Why o why2628d ago

Lol. . Loving the tantrums. The 'general public' is supporting the ps4 to the ratio of 2 to 1 over your precious. We have choice of quality titles spanning many genres. . It's the new downplay many detractors use nowadays. . Games sales whilst missing the irony of ms keeping quiet about their consoles sales all of a sudden. .I'll enjoy my 'flop' yakuza and gravity rush whilst you enjoy vapours and Scorpio gasses . Lol

BlackTar1872628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

it's hilarious to me the xbox fans hinting at exclusives don't matter. EXCLUSIVES are the only reason Xbox is a brand that still exists. If it wasn't for the Halo Exclusive and Gears of War xbox would have died.

Mostly halo and i'm reaching possibly here but i would imagine 50% of Xbox OG owners bought it for Halo.

I also think Deppthroat you summed up why Sony is so good. They let games sell 1 million and grow and not cancel them or see that they are a niche title and still put backing behind it. That speaks to the consumers they are targetted and gets you long term appreciation. Maybe if Xbox spent a little more time on long term goals instead of short term hype and buzzwords they'd be in a better spot.

Cohagen4202628d ago

Sega and Sony seemed happy with the way they both sold. I'm certain of one thing, they sold more than Scalebound :D

Razzer2628d ago

It isn't PS4 gamers who are missing out. Sorry.

Legatus2627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )

Self proclaimed member of the PC masterrace fiercely defending Mircosoft/Xbox and blindly attacking and trolling anything Sony/PS related.
Hmmmm, i think this article revealed we have another die hard Xbox fanboy in disguise.

GamingCentaur2627d ago

Horizon Zero Dawn already sold 2.6 million. Uncharted 4 is like 10 million plus.

Exclusives matter. Even those that didn't sell millions of copies. PS4 has popular exclusives, niche exclusives and 3rd party support. That's why it's king. It has games for every kind of gamer.

DarXyde2627d ago

Oh my, this one here.

While I'm bothered by Gravity Rush 2's lukewarm sales, that game is the successor to a Vita title so most people didn't play it. Even with a remaster, people were likely reluctant to buy it because it looked charming in a child's way and Sony made the mistake of not advertising it well, if at all. Odds are, the budget was small and the game could turn a profit easily, so that's likely a non issue. Yakuza is pretty niche, despite being 7 games in. It's very quirky and overtly Japanese.

You're a blatant troll, but I'll humor you and ask you a question: since you seem to have a thing against Sony, why do you think people still prioritize Playstation and Sony keeps making well received exclusives?

admiralvic2627d ago

"If they do matter to the general people outside gaming forums, then why games like Gravity Rush 2 and Yakuza 0 flopped? "

Just because you release something, doesn't mean it will sell.

"Oh wait, if exclusives do matter so much, then why the WiiU didn't sell so well?"

It lacked third party support. Some people seem baffled by a fairly simple concept.

The whole notion that exclusives matter assumes both companies have relatively equal third party support. Since you can get most of the games on either platform, there needs to be SOMETHING that makes you pick A over B. In the case of Xbox versus PlayStation, I am missing out on something like 50 games for a platform that probably has that many released by Sony themselves, so that is the deciding factor. If Nintendo had the same level of third party support as Sony, their sales would likely be significantly higher.

guyman2627d ago


Yakuza zero didnt flop. it sold at least 500000 copies already.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2627d ago
alstruck2627d ago

The awful XBOne announcement is first big punch (or punching themselves), then Sony's first party with bloodborne in second year, then Uncharted, then early 2017 happens..

First year Xbox's exclusive was actually pretty good with Sunset and Titanfall..

ruefrak2627d ago

I'd argue it. XB1 was struggling when they had all the big exclusives and Sony had none. Up until lately, the situation was the exact opposite. Microsoft had all the big exclusives and Sony had nothing. It didn't matter and PS4 sales still continued to dominate. Exclusives are nice, but they're not enough to sell a console, as Nintendo has learned.

I think the better explanation is that despite all the talk at the beginning of the generation that "it's a marathon, not a sprint" the reality is that it is a sprint. Sony jumped out to a quick lead which created an online community that others want to join. They became the defacto standard early on, and it's going to be hard for XB1 to ever overcome that.

Phill-Spencer2627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )

What about x360 vs ps3 then? Ps3 released when 360 already sold 8million(?) consoles, but it kept outselling 360 because of the brand appeal and its lineup it has to offer and eventually caught up by the end of the gen. Ms just doesn't have the games to compete with sony period!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2627d ago
SpaceRanger2628d ago

Anyone who says otherwise is delusional. Sony has released a handful for quality exclusives in the last 3 months and Nintendo is off to a strong start with its current/future lineup.

MS, as always, has their focus on only one thing at a time. Halo Wars came out....and now what? Another E3 of false promises with hardware focus and another 8 months of waiting?

If that's your cup of tea. Then continue as you please to condone such practices. BUT...don't complain when your console doesn't get as much support as everyone else, and don't make it seem like it's top quality.

-Foxtrot2628d ago

Microsoft don't really try to make a franchise a bigger success if they don't meet Halo, Gears or Forzas numbers with the first game. I'm not saying Sony is perfect for this it would be nice to see them get another developer to make The Order sequel for example but Microsoft just don't seem to care at all.

Take Alan Wake for example that had potential and it was great for the first game...a sequel could have improved on what they built every single way but in the end we got Quantum Break despite Alan Wake ending on a cliff hanger. It's obvious Microsoft would only publish another game if they made something brand new to TRY again in getting bigger sales numbers day 1.

Germaximus2627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )

Why does nobody ever play Alan Wake American Nightmare? There was no cliffhanger. Go play it.

-Foxtrot2627d ago

I have but it still didn't conclude the story in anyway

This was just Alan getting lost more in the darkness...that;s all and it's clear it was made to try and get people to like it with it's action vibe.

Wasn't that good in my opinion

Shadowolf2627d ago

Foxtrot you make a great point, with Alan Wake for example. If Alan Wake as successful as it was for the Xbox 360, was a PlayStation exclusive, I am sure we would have seen a sequel on the PS4 or in the works before Quantum Break.

rainslacker2626d ago

Might be a bit early to assume what either company is thinking of for the future of their new IP's for this gen.

Not that I dsagree with you on your point, just thought I'd point out that maybe there is stuff in the works.

The thing about both of your examples though is that they were games made by 2nd party devs. For AW, the IP isn't even owned by MS. QB I think was pretty costly for them to develop though, and I think ti's dead in the water for any future release.

stuna12628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

No Duh! But when it comes to Microsoft it's a big DUH!!!

Having powerful hardware is one thing, but having the Exclusive titles that are only reserved for that hardware is where the true magic is! It's what gamers find the unique appeal that differentiats one competing console from another.

A gamer shouldn't be able to look at a PlayStation Ip and have to entertain the thought that it is better played on another platform other than a PlayStation platform!

The same applies to Nintendo and Microsoft as well.

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anast6h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics4h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX4h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon3h ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie14m ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.


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RhinoGamer887h ago

The actual gameplay looks jerky as hell. FC 24 level of stutter!