
Xbox Head: We Are Doubling Down On Gaming, Not Abandoning It

Earlier this week, DFC released a report stating that Microsoft’s E3 show this year was evidence that the company was on track to leave the console hardware business eventually, and that all of its announcements at E3 this year were indicative of this move. Even at the time, I found the report to be a bit odd, especially given that Microsoft had just announced two new consoles (including one directly in response to the criticism leveled at the Xbox One), as well as multiple new games in the pipeline.

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Mystogan2900d ago

That article saying that they're leaving consoles is pretty damn stupid. Anybody with half a brain after seeing that E3 conference would think that they're more invested in consoles than ever.

Eidolon2900d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

I think this writer doesn't understand the definition of a console, simply a device dedicated to playing video games, but Xbox is still more than that. But essentially, they're trying to bridge the gap between PC and console, it seems.. which I think is great. I would honestly rather buy a Scorpio than a PC with the same performance, and I would love for some major PC exclusives(mostly RTS and indie) to come to console with Dx12. It's actually great for MS at this point. PC is also going to be receiving some previously Xbox exclusives and MS is going to profit from PC only owners. Sure they might lose out on console hardware sales eventually, but software sales is where it matters.

Xbox will never outsell Playstation in hardware, but who the eff cares? If you want it, buy it, it's happening, don't go by sales. MS is basically, MAYBE(it seems), moving out of the business of exclusive console games, and if that IS the case, what will sell the consoles is just down to convenience and features, and Xbox has had that in the bag. Windows is heading towards the steamlined-ness of Xbox dashboard and features, but I think Xbox will always be steps ahead of PC as far as convenience. Same reason people would buy a streaming device over an equivalently priced PC with much better performance and capabilities, they just want to STREAM, and these devices make that easier and are dedicated to it.

Sounds to me like they're expanding PC and Xbox. Xbox is coming to PC, PC is coming to Xbox. Just giving consumers more options, no one can say how it will play out, but it has to be good, I'm thinking. You really think MS and Xbox are going down because of this?

Riddler892900d ago

I been wanting RTS games to come to console for some time but there fps crazy... hopefully we can see games like total war Come to Xbox in the future now

TheCommentator2899d ago

Eidolon, I ddn't think the writer understands anything. It wasn't even Phil who said MS was doubling down on gaming. It was that Deacon fellow that Phil was tweeting with at the time.

Come on, Gamingbolt, can't you even report accurate information based off of a few simple tweets anymore?

Kleptic2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

The big question with scorpio remains how the 'service' works exactly. Will it be a traditional Xbox with it's own OS/dashboard, XBL, etc. Or will it be almost a steam machine type thing for the win 10 game/app store? It's unlikely to be a full PC, as in, I highly doubt scorpio will be able to access other distribution services like Steam, Battlenet, Origin, etc., but I also don't think it's going to be another 'xbox console' in the sense of what the first 3 were.

There are a lot of unanswered questions regarding that. Xbox exclusives are over...everything is coming to the win 10 store, too...but what about XBL? How is MS going to keep console users behind a paywall but let win 10 users open? They have zero chance getting anywhere if they try GFWL again, where PC users basically buy in to XBL...but I also can't see them letting one group play the same game online for free, while charging the other...nor can I fathom them dropping users costs for XBL on Xbox one and/or scorpio (although, that would be disruptive enough that they just may try it)

It's all just a really odd situation...I've said it a few times; this is definitely the weirdest generation i've ever watched unfold...

ONESHOTV22899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

Kleptic--- everything made sense until you reached the second half. let me ask you do you own a crystal ball can you see into the future ? i dont get you people sometimes why talk about things you know nothing about i'm no fanboy but i had to get that out.

now to your exclusive argument i dont want to repeat this but you do know MS owns windows plus it's store right so i want to ask you what exclusives is MS losing when they release their games on a platform they own ? if their games were on steam that would be a different story but that's not how it is .

just put this into your brain MS is making money either way if you buy your games on the xone or windows store they are not losing any profits. i guess you can't please everyone if you dont want to support the devs that create the games then dont buy it no one is holding a gun to your head. i'm asking some of you loyalist to just calm down and look at the bigger picture i shouldn't have to tell you guys what to look for.

GameNameFame2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

"You really think MS and Xbox are going down because of this? "

Who said anything about MS going down? Jeez. Rhetoric here is just amazing...

You guys are talking about a same concept as SteamBox. Same product so many xbox fans has ripped on and scoffed at. MS has essentially left console market. MS just slashed value of owning a Xbox One. Xbox fans changing the meaningless goal post really dont help either.


Lol. You are the prime example.Do you understand how Xbox makes its money?? It takes cut of third party revenues. MS dont get revenue for "bridging the gap between PC and console". First party exclusives are never major source of profit for consoles either.

It is always third party revenue cut. If MS is incentivizing more people to get PC over Xbox, then they LOST REVENUE. MS gets no cut of third party revenue of PC. So if your new goal post is somehow "more revenue for Xbox" it is dead dead dead wrong.


"just put this into your brain MS is making money either way if you buy your games on the xone or windows store they are not losing any profits."

Is that what you tell yourself to go to sleep? Exclusives are never significant source of profit for console makers. The real money always came at revenue cut from third party developer.

Guess what MS gets ZERO of that on PC. So yea. MS do lose money on Xbox.

Instead of blaming "loyalists". You really need to take your head out of the sand

Eidolon2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

You should work for MS and feed them your knowledge, GameNameFame.

Steam Machines was same shit, smaller form factor, it did not provide the convenience and standard features of a console. Xbox One and PS4 also provided equivalent performance for cheaper.

GameNameFame2899d ago


MS already knows what they are doing. they are stepping on xbox to get leg up on windows 10.

If you listen to actual MS conference call, you would know MS is doing everything to push windows 10 at cost at anything.

Eidolon2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

Oh, so that's why they're releasing 2 new Xbox consoles! How is that helping Windows 10, though? I don't get it..

GameNameFame2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )


Lolol. Just like steambox!

Also, did I say MS is ONLY doing things that helps windows 10? Lol. Those are unrelated items

BattleAxe2899d ago


"I would love for some major PC exclusives(mostly RTS and indie) to come to console with Dx12"

Great post! I agree, and I think that we could see cutting edge PC games, that may not be able to run with less than 6Tflops of processing power, end up as possible console exclusives on Xbox Scorpio.

Kleptic2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

@ONESHOTV2, was that a reply to me, or someone else?

the Xbox One, or any xbox console, does not have exclusives any more...EVERYTHING is coming to windows 10 users on PC that have windows 10. Are you saying otherwise? I didn't say they were losing exclusives, and I pointed out that these games are coming only to a controlled windows 10 store, not steam...that comment had nothing to do with whether or not MS makes money 'either way'...This was, what MS considered, to be the most important bullet point of E3 along with scorpio...

this is a discussion about the future of MS and specifically closed Xbox hardware...there is pretty clear writing splattered all over entire buildings, let alone walls, that it's more questionable than ever...


yes...3rd party software sales make a majority of profits for console makers...this was never the case for PC gaming, though. PC games were no different than any form of windows software. There was a license fee for using the windows logo in advertising, and some other costs depending on how the software was distributed...but windows has always been the android of desktop OS's...Its mostly open, but with a bit of policing, and the advantage of 1st party software development generally fuels the user base...

this windows 10 store is different...This will probably be treated as a gaming environment were MS does get a cut of sales through royalties per sale, but also covers distribution bandwidth, etc. which is what Steam does....both of which are more in line with console business models than traditional disc based PC gaming. Back to the windows/android example; anyone can make software for either...but you have two choices...distribute it yourself...or let them do it...for android you have to agree to some royalty payments and fees to be loaded into the play store...and I bet this windows 10 store works almost the exact same way...

anyway, xbox is spreading out to work on more than a single console each generation...This is all a move towards a service, and less a tightly closed and controlled hardware/software suite...and honestly, it's about time...

Eidolon2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

IDK what you're arguing here, of course they're pushing Windows 10, they're also heavily pushing their gaming platform(software and hardware), Xbox.

GameNameFame2899d ago


"for android you have to agree to some royalty payments and fees to be loaded into the play store...and I bet this windows 10 store works almost the exact same way... "

Wrong analogy here.

1. Distribution is NOT same as platform. Xbox takes cut on for distribution AND platform royalty. Platform royalty is where the money was at. There is no platform royalty on PC.

2. Most third party games wont even be available on Window store. Ever. Because EA, ubisoft has their own stores.

3. Most people dont even shop on Window store to begin with.

Don't try to substitute distribution fee for platform royalty. Completely different things. Also, Spencer said he is working with Steam to bring the Xbox games. So there is that too.

Eidolon2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

If consumers want an Xbox/MS exclusives, they will 1) buy it on the Xbox store on PC, or 2) buy an Xbox and buy it on Xbox store. MS striking a deal with Steam to distribute Xbox/MS games could be good for MS and Steam, like you said, no one shops the WINDOWS store, but what about Xbox Store?

GameNameFame2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )


Except first party games is not where Xbox division ever brought most profit on. Most of the profit is on third party revenue cut (platform royalty).

So less consumer buys Xbox and buys PC instead, MS has missed out on all the future game purchase royalty they wouldve had on Xbox.

No one is saying this is bad for MS. It is just bad for Xbox division, but good for MS( they have a long term goal that isnt really gaming related).

starchild2899d ago


Microsoft having their games on both Windows and Xbox won't have the effect you think it will. PC and Xbox have always shared a lot of exclusives going all the way back to the original Xbox. Games like Halo, Halo 2, Chronicles of Riddick Escape From Butcher Bay, Jade Empire, Half Life 2 and Knights of the Old Republic were some of the Xbox's most defining games, but they were also found on PC. There are plenty of examples from the 360 generation too. But none of this stopped millions of people from choosing to game on Xbox consoles instead. Do you really think a few more Microsoft exclusives a year is suddenly going to cause a mass exodus of console gamers to PC? If you do, please come back to reality.

And as for all that wonderful third party revenue you are talking about, I hope you realize that if a mass migration of console gamers to PC did occur it would be just as damaging to Sony. Once all these console gamers switch to PC they are generally also going to be playing their third party multiplats on PC too, which means that Sony's consoles would basically become boxes to play exclusives on. Sony would lose all that third party licensing revenue and their business would no longer be sustainable.

Luckily for Sony, Microsoft and gamers none of that will happen. Most console gamers will continue to game on console and won't care what is or isn't available on PC.

Eidolon2899d ago

Also, you say windows Store... they're integrating Xbox and Windows.. I look at the Xbox store and there is tons of EA and ubisoft games.

Kleptic2899d ago


I agree it wasn't the best analogy, but I should've mentioned I was more speaking on how the windows store would function as a distribution service only...not a 'platform'...It's kind of a given that a windows OS can't function as a closed gaming platform, or if attempted, would be rejected...only that software can be linked to a certain dist. channel.

As far as 3rd parties...I would never jump to conclusions on that...

Steam is the PC distribution gatekeeper...EA, Ubi, etc. do have their own channels, but there is no argument that they're all struggling to compete against Steam on their own...

EA and MS already have working distribution relationships...Early Access or w/e they call it, etc. I don't find it it that unlikely that 3rd parties opt in to a linked situation between xbox consoles and win 10 store as an all encompassing thing. It's not like the win 10 store couldn't eventually have simple plug ins or something that then launch an origin client to buy/play a specific EA game...I just mean Steam is the one they're all after...I have little doubt MS has been money-hatting as many 3rd party pubs as they can over the past year...I mean Peter Moore runs EA now, he used to run Xbox...I promise something is cooking on the win 10 store and 3rd party offering side...trades with azure and some EA content being available on win 10 store and not just origin is far from unlikely...

thekhurg2899d ago

They're leaving the traditional console industry and instead going to an ecosystem format. They've realized they can't compete with the main players and have shifted their focus.

UltimateMaster2899d ago

How about releasing games only on Xbox One?
That'll eventually give people a reason to pick up the console.
And it will stop insulting your Xbox Only fanbase. They are getting ripped apart by the PC fanboys.

freshslicepizza2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

i have a little secret to share. there is a small group out there that are very vocal about xbox and want the divsion gone. they will regurgitate such nonsense that ms stakeholders want them to drop the xbox but in reality it was only one guy who no longer works for them. they also implied there would be no other console after xbox one. my how things come crashing down on them.

microsoft also had doubters claiming they would do the same half assed attempt they did many years ago supporting the pc. now they are eating crow but likely taking the lead on the forums now that microsoft just killed the xbox brand.

so instead of being happy microsoft just opened up more options to play their games on the rhetoric is still stuck on what microsoft is doing wrong. ironic isn't it?

2899d ago
GameNameFame2899d ago


So you are referring to time period (Original Xbox) when Xbox and PC shared games?

You do know that Original Xbox did poorly in sales. It was the Xbox 360 who started to have its own exclusive that did very well.

So your own example proves you wrong. Not to mention the fact that, you are basically stating games have no effect on console sales. You do know it is "gaming" console. Ofc games or exclusive games have huge role in it.

rainslacker2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

The money will come by making the Windows store the only place to download software for the console itself. This is why Steam will never come to the console itself, because MS would make no money doing so. Licensing fees could be waived, although compliance will likely still be required, if MS can just make the money off the sale of the software, just like Steam makes it's cut off the sale of software.

This is in fact is the exact direction that MS is trying to go with WIndows 10 itself instead of relying on the sale of the OS which can be hit or miss between releases. They are giving away Windows for free, because they want to try and make UWP/Windows store more of a thing, in order to capitalize where the is an ongoing revenue stream over a OS purchase every 2-3 years. This model has been extremely successful for their two biggest competitors, Google and Apple, and it's plainly obvious that MS is headed in the same direction if you take off the fan boy blinders and look outside the console market.

In no way is MS going to lose money from software sales, and the licensing is not as much revenue as the actual sale of the game digitally(MS gets an added cut on top of licensing for digital purchases). MS is going to try and leverage the fact they have a console pretense, as well as a PC store front, to give themselves a larger potential userbase for publishers to release to.

However, going forward, for this to work, it would mean that the console itself will basically be a closed PC environment with compliance standards. SteamOS was a little more loose in how it worked, as it was licensed to hardware vendors. If MS goes that route, which I think they might in the future, then it will work exactly like SteamOS, and MS will finally not bother with the hardware itself, while reaping the benefits of the Xbox branded closed PC through licensing hardware standards, and significantly lower the resources required to release a console. Scorpio is just the first step to achieve that goal IMO, because if they tried to do it the same way as SteamBox, they'd fail.

I said a while back this was a possibility, and all this Scorpio/Win10 talk just makes me double down on that belief. MS isn't abandoning gaming. They are abandoning the hardware. They are just taking the long road to make sure it's a successful shift. People will disagree, but time will be the ultimate judge, so I don't really care. To much evidence of this track outside the Xbox brand itself, and all I see MS doing is leveraging the Xbox brand in order to promote Windows 10, not using Windows 10 to promote gaming.

freshslicepizza2899d ago


i agree with most of what you said but i am not so sure microsoft will abandon the hardware. yes most money is made on software and services and yes hardware is low-margin profits to them but they have a long long ways to go to compete and offer a worthwhile alternative to pc gamers from stores like steam and gog. their only leverage right now is their exclusive games that won't be coming to alternative stores and xbox live accounts which ties all of your history. how this will work on the pc is beyond me since they tried and failed miserably charging pc gamers to use xbox live.

which means to me they will continue to leverage and market the xbox as a more afforable entry point as opposed to pc gaming in a closed environment to keep console gamers happy.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 2899d ago
Gaming_Cousin2900d ago (Edited 2900d ago )

I feel that they are more invested in Windows 10 than consoles. Hell they even force the updates on you

Kleptic2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

not trying to sound like a dick...but:

you're saying they 'almost' care more about what makes like 98% of their profits? I think the Sony vs. MS rivalry around this site has some forget that both corporations are in very different financial situations...Playstation is Sony's life line...it's literally helped hold them out of the gutter for over a decade...and is absolutely critical to its survival...

but MS? Xbox isn't even close to important, and has been deemed a waste of time on the business side of things...shareholders have been asking for its head since inception, and my guess is this win 10 integration is the cleanest way to go about it.

GameNameFame2899d ago


Exactly, MS is willing to step on Xbox, so that Windows 10 becomes more successful.

_-EDMIX-_2899d ago

I don't disagree, but why should they?

W10 is still something they use to make money.

XB is still used to make money.

Why should they "invest" more into consoles when they can merely just do both?

Will investing MORE in console help MS as a company?

I support them going PC as it makes 100% sense to do so.

Large install base, MOST gamers FACTUALLY buy consoles to play 3rd party games

Software makes more money then hardware etc.

They made the right call doing this. Folks might feel burned, but they are not funding XB, their damn jobs are NOT on the line.

XB is still getting games by MS, maybe no longer exclusively, but that is pretty much irrelevant to MOST consumers. If you want to buy XB to play Halo, you can still do so.

Someone playing it on PC won't kill someone else.

_-EDMIX-_2899d ago

@Gaming Cousin- "Exactly, MS is willing to step on Xbox, so that Windows 10 becomes more successful"

? Nope. MS is merely not cannibalizing software sales to ONLY move XB when they can move that software for W10 too.

You can buy for XB or you can buy for PC.

If you see that as "step on Xbox" then so be it, but the goal for MS is to MAKE MONEY, not just ONLY release stuff for XB. It makes zero sense.

The damn money is going in the same pocket bud.

Kleptic2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

^overall it just shows what the DX12 on xbox one announcement was really about...

this back and fourth between PC and an MS console never would've sat well with developers because it would've involved porting and everything else...but with DX12 it is all one game; the xbox one, one S, and scorpio's are just PC's with weaker/better hardware as far as the api's are concerned...and since 95% of modern gaming is developed for PC anyway, it's merely a scaling issue...

So I agree that this makes sense, but I'm also on the side that this is a bit of desperation...Ed, don't be so quick to act like this is simply 'MS playing fair', as MS was stepping on PC gaming for about a decade and a half because of Xbox...It's not like this is a company that is all about sharing experiences between different products/services they sell, they had no problem releasing exclusive Xbox content, with zero interest in PC gamers, until consumers at large had little to no interest in their latest device...If the XBO was walking away with it this gen, I don't know how quick they'd be to try and compete with Steam on PC again...they've done this before, and lost horribly...Planning began a while ago, but probably around when windows 8 adoption was laughable, and the xbox one announcement will go down as one of the worst in history...All I mean is that I'm not willing to call it all an act of brilliance, but more a caged lion getting tired of being poked with sticks...even though I'm all for this move, and wish it would've happened a long time ago...

Gaming_Cousin2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )


Why are you quoting me for something that I didn't say?

GameNameFame2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )


"Large install base, MOST gamers FACTUALLY buy consoles to play 3rd party games. Software makes more money then hardware etc."

So you just defeated your own point there. 3rd party games pay royalty to Xbox. 3rd party games on PC, dont pay anything to MS. So MS just lost all that royalty. LOL. MS owns Xbox userbase. MS do not own PC userbase as explained in royalty situation.

" You can buy for XB or you can buy for PC. The damn money is going in the same pocket bud. "

Lawl. Lawl. Money for Xbox goes to MS. Money for PC DONTgo to MS.
So no. Sorry to break it to you.

This damage control is getting quite desperate.

BossBattle2899d ago

I still have windows 7 on 2 of my computers. No one is forcing anything. If you're getting prompted to update, you can just turn that off.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2899d ago
jessionpc2900d ago

They are definitively leaving consoles. It's just not next weekend man...

They are specifically trying to tear down the walls between pc/console and transform into some gateway or bridge between the two. At least, they are ATTEMPTING. Only time will tell.

But M$ future in the console market is looking for low. They are very unpolular, they don't have consumer trust anymore and with how good their competitors are year to year their value in the market is shrinking quickly... The only reason Xbox even has a brand right now is entirely due to western mentality in favor of big action spaceship go BOOM.

Well... In the end it's all subjective, only history will tell, but it's still looking like they are going down this road.

slate912900d ago

2 cool things to do on gaming sites. Act like you can put the "west" in a box. And use "M$." I want to be like you.

Xb1ps42899d ago

So let me get this straight... Ms is going to give you a 4K console and release the xb1s but because ms has a play anywhere feature, pc, they are leaving the console market?! And it's only popular cause of "western mentality"

My goodness what has the gaming community come to?😥😤😂 🤐

Xb1ps42899d ago

Appearantly they are not leaving next yr either...

BattleAxe2899d ago

@ jessionp

First of all, the west is the best, and secondly, to say that Xbox is really unpopular, when the Xbox One is outselling the Xbox 360, is just a dumb statement to make.

XanderZane2899d ago

Last I checked the West has the largest gaming market of the big 3. So, they are in the right market to thrive.

BossBattle2899d ago

Microsoft wouldn't do too well on pc alone. They need both PC and console.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2899d ago
Omnislashver362900d ago

The big questions that remain are Halo 6's fate, and if matches will be console vs PC (unfair) in any games

Erik73572899d ago

What? I cant hear you over the sound of killing grunts in Halo on my pc

starchild2899d ago

I love being able to enjoy Microsoft exclusives on my PC, but rubbing people's nose in it seems counter productive. Acting like it is such a bad thing for Microsoft to put their games on two of their platforms only works against this positive turn of events. Good thing Microsoft probably knows better than to take it seriously.

Why don't you spend your time telling Microsoft that you're happy they are bringing more of their games to PC but you would like them to fix the issues with their windows game service on PC? That's what I'm doing.

Mystogan2899d ago

that's good for you. You were never getting an xbox anyway. So now Microsoft still gets your money and xbox gamers can still play Halo with their friends on PC. Its not like Xbox One lost the ability to play Halo. Nothing has been taken away from us.

jb2272899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

"Why don't you spend your time telling Microsoft that you're happy they are bringing more of their games to PC but you would like them to fix the issues with their windows game service on PC?"

Exactly this. It is nonsense to take MS to task for opening up their ecosystem to more players. To me a console exclusive is as good as a full one because Console gaming & PC gaming are two entirely different beasts. I personally don't care for the PC side of things & I'd more likely stop gaming altogether before I'd take the time & funds to build a gaming PC just because it doesn't really speak to me. That said, the idea behind Play Anywhere is a great one, and it'll allow for more players & more sales. Assuming MS doesn't wall out Steam entirely and they work to make their Win10 store as user friendly & full of features and positives as Steam, there is no way to spin this initiative into a negative in my eyes.

Then on the other hand you have people blindly praising MS to the rafters for any message they put out w/o actually looking at the current playable state of things. PR is exactly that, they are going to give best case scenarios & spew them as gospel. Consumers just need to be informed enough to realize that the reality is typically somewhere in the middle. The idea of a unified platform is absolutely great in theory, but for now poor ports like QB & Gears doesn't start the Play Anywhere push in a great place. MS has a long road ahead of them and it'll be interesting to see it play out.

I don't doubt that they can get this system up of the ground & working properly for every gamer regardless of whether they are playing on XBO, XBO S, PC, or Scorpio, but it's not gonna happen overnight. The conversation needs to be about what MS can do to realize their vision, not dismissing the vision entirely and arguing over semantics & marketing wording. That's a rabbit hole that just doesn't really need to be followed.

Kiwi662899d ago

But some people are drunk on stupid so even though it keeps getting said over and over what their plans are for xbox the haters ignore all that and spread their brand of bs as not even a jack hammer would get through their thick heads as they have one track minds

rainslacker2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

I don't personally ignore their plans, I just don't really know what their plans are. I know MS is a company who's announcements and plans shouldn't always be taken at face value, and that they can take very long term views of eventual outcomes to serve their own desires within a market. As such, it makes me less than excited for whatever their console plans are, because I feel they are leveraging their console for something that exists outside of gaming(Windows OS and Windows store).

Now, there is nothing wrong with them using their products to try and promote their other products. So I'm going to make that perfectly clear. Every company can do that, and most do.

However, when you say people ignore their plans, I am also going to say that just as many ignore any and all possibilities that things aren't going to turn out as great as MS or the fan boys keep touting. I will also say that many people, particularly on here, ignore almost all of MS history, and often prefer to take a very positive view of everything, in order to derive their conclusions that this current move is somehow going to strengthen the Xbox brand, when every indication is that it's meant more to strengthen the Windows brand, more specifically drive sales to the Windows Store where MS will actually make money off windows.

So don't act like one side is at fault. The extremes of both sides make the discussion of what could/is to be pretty much pointless, because those extremes just chalk up everything to "drunk on stupid".

You say people have one track minds, but do the proponents of these new things really go out of their way to read what people say when they point to historical things MS has done, or current trends which indicate that the console has a different purpose to MS now? I'd say they don't, because I've been pointing that stuff out for years on here, and all I get is silence or disagrees, or people just outright saying I'm wrong with no real reasons why I'm wrong....which incidentally, is my biggest complaint on this site...people can't often tell me why I'm wrong without the fan boy rhetoric which ignores the actual facts that may be presented.

DarXyde2899d ago

I think consoles are too particular. I subscribe to the idea that Microsoft is focusing on their "platform" rather than consoles.

starchild2899d ago

I agree. It truly is a positive turn of events for gamers. The people being toxic and trying so hard to make it into a negative don't have good intentions.

PC and consoles can and will co-exist. They always have. None of the platforms are in danger of dying out, so people need to stop feeling like they have to be so antagonistic towards other platforms. Game on what you like and just be happy that there are plenty of choices to satisfy any taste.

rainslacker2899d ago (Edited 2899d ago )

That is probably the best way to say it. Xbox console is part of their platform. How long that remains the case is an unknown, as MS has made quite clear for decades that they want their platform everywhere, and not tied to particular devices.

What I see happening now is MS long term plan taking a step towards that fruition. They've inched towards it for decades, facing set backs along the way due to a rather narrow view of market changes, but they're in a position now where they can take advantage of several different markets to promote the idea. And I have to say for the first time in 30 odd years, they actually seem to have a real plan to make it happen.

It's not all bad they're doing this, and it doesn't spell doom for the Xbox brand itself. Just the nature of what that brand is, or what it may become. Some people assume the best. Some assume the worst. But it's probably going to be somewhere in the middle, and it'd be nice if people could stop thinking of the extremes, or chalking up anyone who doesn't agree with their particular viewpoint as a fan boy.

Understanding what MS goals are overall, outside of just the console, would go a long way to help people understand just what MS is trying to do right now. Just reading some PC sites about what MS is trying to do, that don't focus on consoles because those sites are way too narrow minded IMO and only look at that portion of MS plans, would really make people make a lot more sense out of MS current actions. Most people that have been into PC's(not just gaming) for a long time will see what's happening, whereas the console fans really only have a very brief and insular view of MS as a whole for the most part.


I don't personally believe anything they do would really be bad for gamers. I mean, shoddy releases on PC isn't great, but not really related to this overall shift in how they're doing things. While I agree being agnostic towards other platforms is rather tiresome, I doubt this particular move by MS will change that. If anything, I've seen all sort of stupidity on the topic, more than is typical, as people seem to be going full force that this is the best thing every for gamers everywhere....when in fact, it's just another option that is coming about, and will have some effect on the Xbox brand, but as of now, it'd be impossible to say what.

I highly doubt MS would leave gaming, or abandon it altogether. There's good money to be had there, and MS isn't all about just the OS. If there's significant money to be made, they'll stay there. Couldn't say what their long term plans for the console are, but at least for the next 5 years or so, they seem to have plans to stay in the console market.

My only concern...which isn't really that much of a concern more a thing to wonder on my part...is that they are doing all this to make it so people become more accepting of Windows devices, instead of trying to promote a gaming brand in Xbox itself. I see the Xbox becoming more a closed PC type device, as opposed to something that is primarily considered for gaming with some added features thrown in.

_-EDMIX-_2899d ago

Well it is clear they are not supporting it with software exclusively any longer. I don't see them leaving console either, but I don't see them exclusively supporting it in the future either after their comments on PC.

nix2899d ago

I don't know about the doubling down. Looks more like rolling down the hill.

AngelicIceDiamond2899d ago

This whole "MS is leaving console buissness" is not even played out its beyond it. For 3 years now Analyst and journalist have been saying that. I understand there was a shake up at MS around 2014 with rumors suggesting but obviously here we are 3 years laters MS been releasing games and now releasing more consoles.

boodi2899d ago

if you see lately 90% articles grouped on n4g are stupid/pathetic/clickbait

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2899d ago
2900d ago Replies(3)
2900d ago Replies(8)
Sweendog0072900d ago

Any one who thinks they are leaving one of the biggest markets in the world , and can't see they are expanding their brand and market is badly miss informed or don't have a clue what they are talking about.

Also all this talk about lack of new games is a joke too ... You don't make 2 new consoles if you are leaving it , announce a custome controller scheme through your own website if you are leaving the gaming

And you don't announce a new console for next year without big games to come on it , a lot of people will be in for a shock next year and all this lack of gamming talk will change by the media to ... Microsoft nailed it , they showed what gaming is , games games games , the tortoise is catching up. Honestly people need to start using their brains rather than their own personal views when writing articles and blogs , the facts have never added up to the leaving the gaming business so why say it ?

slate912900d ago

Youre making too much sense for this site.

Sweendog0072900d ago

Haha that's why 3 people disliked my comment then lol

Xb1ps42899d ago

I agree.. A lot of ppl here are miss informed and fail to see the big picture..

bleedsoe9mm2899d ago

@Sweendog007 don't worry they were picking their nose and eating it as they clicked dislike

theRedDragon2899d ago

Luckily, outside of this forum, this is not how the majority of informed gamers think and act when feel threatened. Most gamers love choices and able to play their games on as many gaming platforms as possible. Having another platform that plays the same game as the one you already have doesn't affect anything. Console gamers will always preferred console gaming. Nothing will change.

sammarshall1022899d ago

I fully agree and I'm a fan of your YouTube channel you have some great content

2899d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2899d ago
TheColbertinator2900d ago

Either way Microsoft is the winner here.

Dissolving their entire gaming division to push its Windows 10 software further isn't a bad idea. The OS is incredibly lucrative and its profit margins are through the roof.

Microsoft thrives with or without Xbox. Clearly.

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HexGaming Launches Kickstarter Campaign for Hex Phantom

Custom Controller Company HexGaming launched a Kickstarter campaign for their latest pro controller, Hex Phantom. - IS

Read Full Story >>

Evercade Alpha Reveals Affordable Mini-Arcade

This looks fun and affordable for fans of Retro Cabinet games.
Introducing Evercade Alpha, the first Evercade-compatible arcade machine. This bartop-sized arcade gives you everything you want in a home arcade machine with one big feature - full compatibility with the Evercade cartridge ecosystem.

darthv722d ago

I like the Mega Man one more as it has a better variety of games. Strider, Carrier Airwing, Final fight... The other is all SF. Plus i like that i can pop in any of my evercade carts to play as well.

Garethvk2d ago

As long as it is durable; it's a deal.


Sony Says The PS5 Is Its “Most Profitable Generation To-Date"

During Sony’s recent business segment meeting and investor presentation regarding its game and network services, the PlayStation company revealed that PlayStation 5 is the company’s “most profitable generation to-date.”

It’s the top slide of the presentation, showing that in its first four years, the PS5 generation has already hit $106 billion in sales, having almost caught up to the PS4’s total $107 billion generated.

Operating income for the PS5 generation has also already surpassed that of the PS4, having now reached $10 billion.

ApocalypseShadow2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I wouldn't doubt it. They released a high quality system. A lot of high quality games from themselves and their support of 3rd party developers and indies. They released many high quality remakes and remasters. They released a high quality GaaS game going against the naysayers thinking Sony would abandon single player games. And they most likely are profiting a lot more than PS1, PS2 PS4 and the loss leading PS3 that drained all their profits.

Now, I'll wait to see what's cooking tomorrow. But can you use some of those profits to better support your high quality VR headset? Because, by supporting it, you can sell more games and more systems and make more profits?

jznrpg2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I want RPGs for PSVR2! Good ones of course

shinoff21832d ago

If it had some rpgs I would buy right fking now. It looks dope and alot of fun, but it's biggest game resident evil 4(maybe) I've got no interest in. I'm not a fan of racing games, even with that metro game coming i was never much into that series. Rpgs would be fantastic.

MrNinosan2d ago

Lemme know if ya wanna play some Zenith 🙌
Bought it at release, but haven't played it more than 1-2 hours but for sure on my "todo list".

Cacabunga2d ago

Normal when they released mostly cross gen games so far. That’s a lot of money saved..
We haven’t seen what PS5 can do yet. 4years in and PS4 games still look great to me. The gen leap isn’t quite there yet.

--Onilink--2d ago

The interesting metric for me is the $106billion in operating income/profit (not sales as mentioned in the article) reaching the same as the PS4 did with only half the consoles sold.

In particular because they all are supposed to be making the most per hardware sold after a few years when manufacturing costs are down.

So even putting inflation aside(and the higher console price), it is interesting that they could reach PS4 $ with just half the consoles sold.

Maybe there is more to the metric thats whats seen at face value, but they have clearly been making a lot more money than before on the software side (with also less games released I suppose, given its only been half the generation so far)

VersusDMC2d ago

The bulk of the money has to be coming from the 30% cut on all games and microtransactions. Especially on all the free to play juggernauts like genshin, apex, fortnight, etc.

--Onilink--2d ago (Edited 2d ago )


They are definitely making a lot on that for sure (which the $70 price increase factors into as well), but its not like many of those games werent around for the PS4 too.

They might be counting the gen as a whole and not just PS5 itself (so extra profit from PC sales, whatever that may be)

PS+ price increase and different tiers probably amount to part of that too.

But in general, its still quite a surprising metric. Half the time, half the consoles sold, less first party games released so far and still already making more of a profit than last gen is quite something, and as mentioned, there is probably more to it that we dont know, after all, since we are talking about operating income, all the expenses they have also factor into it, so it is also possible that they have found ways to significantly reduce that + all the means of increased revenue that appear to be factoring into the equation

All in all, just an interesting situation from a business perspective

porkChop2d ago

It's for the whole generation, so it would likely be including PC. They also make much more profit on digital sales vs retail, and digital is far more prominent these days. The generation also started at the height of COVID when everyone was home, spending far more money on gaming/hobbies. It makes a lot of sense for this gen to be more profitable.

Abnor_Mal2d ago

This will surely shut up all the new trolling accounts trying to spread lies and non facts in other articles comment sections before this article is posted.

Hofstaderman2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Obscurely, those trolls or troll will not show in these articles as the truth is contradictory to his or their orchard-sized daily dose of copium and hopium.

Tacoboto2d ago

Or... They're intentionally trolling you guys specifically. Because they know it upsets you so easily.

Name-dropping Orchard, after this many months? How long has it been and he's still in your thoughts?

Elda2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I'm quite sure the individual is reading these positive comments downvoting & seething at the same time. Edit: It just downvoted my comment...lol!!

Hofstaderman2d ago

No I'm entertained by this individual. I love unhinged people, they are so interesting lol.

repsahj2d ago

Wow! I am super impressed that in just 4 years, ps5 already caught up to the PS4's. Congratulations.

JackBNimble2d ago

That happens when half of your games are cross platform. I'm still waiting to see what the ps5 is capable of, because they sure haven't pushed any limits.

And where are all these ps5 exclusive games?

sagapo2d ago

Not really surprised as Sony barely has any competition at the moment.

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