
PlayStation NEO: A Luxury Item Or An Insult To PlayStation Fans?

Gamers of the Lost Spark: This week the big topic is of course Sony's codenamed Playstation Neo. Antony and Darren discuss at length whether or not this is a good thing, a bad thing or just something we can be indifferent about and just buy if our existing PS4's break. Is the news understandable from a business

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Rude-ro2963d ago

Just a quick note, in life, all things that are not food are a luxury.
Making an advanced console is as luxury as the previous model.
How come Microsoft has the patent for two new versions of a console but no articles and there is no evidence for Sony but hundreds?
Even the leaked documents are hear say.
Man, talk about a blatant agenda.

Volkama2963d ago

Agenda? Sony news is dominating gaming media everywhere and we're barely hearing anything about the Xbox or the NX. Poor Sony must hate that!


darthv722963d ago

@rude-ro... escargot and caviare are food and yet also a luxury.

On topic though, this is the New PS4 XL like Nintendo has the New 3DS XL. No matter what sony says (if true) there WILL be games that require the Neo to play just like there are some games that require the new 3Ds to play. It would be unavoidable.

Arrow22832963d ago

That is a very good point. I was thinking the same thing.

S2Killinit2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

It looks like MS is doing the same thing. In fact it was MS that originally mentioned they were going to make an upgraded version of xboxone. So whatever people may think about this, it goes for all console manufacturers.

I was listening to a psiloveyou podcast, they read the official mission statement for PS4Neo and it specifically said It is mandatory to make the games for both SKUs and not just one or the other. And if you think about it, it doesnt make sense to do otherwise.

freshslicepizza2963d ago

probably because there are more than A 2-1 ratio of playstation fans here on n4g which is at odds of oevrall sales. not sure why that is.

anyways the article once again highlights the problems with a lot of copnsole gamers who seem to complain about anything. if the old ps4 can still play all the new games what's the problem other than suffering from superiority complex? sony isn't dumb enough to make exclusive games when there are already over 35 million ps4's out there.

_-EDMIX-_2963d ago

@Volk- LOL! Always good for the lolz Volk! I agree 100%. I don't think Sony cares, if anything I think they are loving that they are being talked about.

This could also help MS as it allows them to be the sleeping Giants at E3. While Sony is announcing something many of us already know, MS will be announcing something many of us might have had off our radar for the bigger shock. It could help.

_-EDMIX-_2963d ago

@Moldy- " if the old ps4 can still play all the new games what's the problem other than suffering from superiority complex? sony isn't dumb enough to make exclusive games when there are already over 35 million ps4's out there."

100% agreed. If the issue is "someone else got something I like" then its not really an issue at all. If its going to play all PS4 games and not have its own, no fragmentation should exist considering PS4.5 won't have its own market to its own.

freshslicepizza2962d ago


if anything it will be microsoft who will move forward with new hardware that does indeed fragment the xbox. they have been behind this whole generation. why would sony disrupt what is essentially a perfect launch with the ps4 and fracture what will be over 40 million ps4's out there by the time this new ps4 comes out? it sort of made sense when sega and nintendo tried to improve its hardware because they were technically behind the curve at the time. the ps4 is the most powerful console this generation, so there really is no need to make games for a new updated system.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2962d ago
Eonjay2963d ago

Link to patents please. I would like to read up. And not that Wifi thing.

Rude-ro2963d ago

That "wifi" thing is for two new models with one of the versions manual locked to private till June 29th. What goal post are you holding when it comes to actual evidence?
Sony ps4k evidence = nothing and everyone believes it to be real
Microsoft applications for approval with a owners manual locked to private = link me to proof bro.

Tsar4ever012963d ago

I think I can explain what the ps4 Neo is for, it's for the sorry ass, complaining bitch fan boys who can't stop crying about why can't they play their online multi-player games in 1080p/60! Or the online analysis or pcgamer heads who keeps comparing their hi_end builds the ps4 midrange specs. That's what I believe the Neo is really for, the hardware Enthusiasts! Shut them up. And of course to push the 4k media standard , and to better serve the power output of psvr.

Ark_2963d ago

Just a quick note: there are many things in life - besides food - that are not luxury.

We do not live in desperate times, where everything is about survival.
Take a car, Tv or mobile phone: they are items considered as living STANDARD in the western world. Luxury is a mobile phone with diamonds on it (diamonds add nothing to it's functionality), a hometheater for 30.000$ (instead of a TV) or a Lamorgini (instead of a normal family car). Another example: having a roof above your head and something to heat the thing is definitly not luxury, a villa with 10 bathrooms and pool is.

On topic: The PS Neo would neither be a luxury item nor is it an insult. Clickbait headline as allways.

kenwonobi2963d ago

Yeah for Microsoft it's opportunity but for PS4 complete different articles. Enough already Microsoft media. You lost. Get over it. There is nothing to jump on here. Just another option given by Sony. A great one. Just like Virtual reality. Just great options.

Fatal-Aim2958d ago

3DS XL: a luxury or an insult to Nintendo fans?

Like shut the heck up already.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2958d ago
OpenGL2963d ago

It's annoying and distressing to people that like the traditional idea of a console. I'll probably still buy one though if it's true because I waste a lot of money on luxury items like this, and I'll need a 4K Blu-ray player.

blackblades2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

No its annoying seeing all these stupid articles popping up talking about the same thing for like a month. Also annoying thing is that people keep talking about it like it's been confirmed.

sk8ofmnd2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

Well, usually when it runs this ramped and sony neither confirms or denies anything... Its most likely true... How true all this is, is all speculation. We know it most likely will be a slimmer, uhd streaming, forward thinking machine (psvr), but to what extent all of this other stuff is true, we will have to wait till e3.

I agree im tired of all this hooplaw AND hearing ppl bitch and complain. IF* sony does go beast mode and offer a bump in graphics ect... Either get it or dont... Nobody gives a flying f#!$ how you feel* about it. It will be bought in droves reguardless of the publicity it gets. I am a sony fan and have been since the ps1 days. As long as they keep making games that i want to play and services i appreciate, ill support them till its not fun anymore.

Same with nintendo. Go beast mode. Pleassse... Brinnng ittt

I know one thing... Sony has got to be rolling around like scrooge mcduck with all this free publicity right about nowww. I hope just to shut up all the naysayers it is this more capable machine and show everyone that it can be done offering the same game but two versions just one a tad bit more expensive for those not whining and complaining that can afford it. Its a win win. Gamestop will most likely offer a trade in special for ppl like me annnd it will make the og console even cheaper for those still on the fence. Which is sonys MAIN goal to get as many ps4/ps4k consoles in ppls homes to BUY sony products.

Shubhendu_Singh2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

I still not understand why PS4 users are angry over this.
PS4K will have no exclusives. No special content. Just minimum native 1080p60f games, with a Bluray drive.

No gadget or electronics does this weird 6-7 year cycle that consoles does. Basically if you want to throw more money at a shinier iPhone than there is option, if you're happy with the old one than buy whenever you want after 2-6 years. OPTIONS are always amazing, more so when they take nothing from the original product. I think some just fear to be feeling like second class citizens which is not true at all.

@OpenGL : Gaming PC. So ? It still doesn't shake the fact that PS4 will STILL get the same games, the same support till PS5 launches - doesn't matter if PS4K exists or not. Because of no Excl thing. Is it just annoying because it makes people feel like second class citizens ? How ?

OpenGL2963d ago

What you describe is literally a gaming PC.

sk8ofmnd2963d ago

I agree. Read my post above yours! i can see how salty i might be if i had just gotten this thing, but i didnt. I preordered the damn thing and got it day one. I was sooo close to spending 900+ $$ on a gaming pc but now ill think i will wait to see what sony does. Im not asking for much. Most the games all ready do 1080p all i want is 60 fps. Id gladly trade in mine and pay a set amount for a quieter, smaller, more capable machine! It cant cost that much extra!

uth112963d ago

You're assuming the PS4 will get the same support. In other areas of the industry where they have this incremental hardware releases, the old hardware tends to get software it can barely run-- done on purpose to entice them to upgrade.

Why would it be any different here? Sony will want to sell these things. It will be hard to do so if the existing PS4 is getting games that run perfectly well on it.

kenwonobi2963d ago

This is exactly that. A new shiny IPhone. They see this trend in phones. So nobody complains there about that. I see no problem. The problem is there are no problems left so the media tries to create one. When in actuality people are interested in this. It doesn't effect them though.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2963d ago
N82963d ago

I couldn't have said it better. I'm a sucker for this type of stuff. I'm already looking at my ps4 in disgust. I guess I'm part of the problem

medman2963d ago

LOL...I'm right with you. Though I would say "disgust" is a bit strong....I would say I'm more looking at my ps4 wistfully, knowing my time with it is limited, for when the Neo comes out, I'm sure I'll be buying one if it indeed has a better gpu, cpu, etc. etc.

kenwonobi2963d ago

Yep I'll probably buy it too. It's no doubt a luxury item that nobody needs regardless if it does com out. It won't effect anyone who doesn't either.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2963d ago
Vasto2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

Its an insult to people that have bought PS4 systems.

ShadowKnight2963d ago

So what happens when Microsoft does the same thing and announces their Xbox 1.5? Will it be an insult?

Vasto2963d ago

If it makes the original Xbox One totally irrelevant like the Neo seems to be doing then yes.

2963d ago
equal_youth2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

I feel in no way insulted by a new upgraded Ps4 Model. I played countless Hours on my ps4 and i'm definitely willing to pay for an upgraded version Day1. And even if i won't get one on the day it's released games will still look the same they did before. Only games on Neo Mode will look better or run better. That said The NEO will reach it's limitations one day and then it will be another console that will rise up maybe it's from sony maybe not.

I see no problem as far as there won't be any exclusives for neo over the next few years. Maybe there will be once another update arrives and then the cycle repeats itself.

Edit@volkama: yeah you're right but I know what Spencer said about US so called "second class citizens" :p

Volkama2963d ago

Yeah but you haven't heard what Shuhei Yoshida said about you behind your back.

GamerGT2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

I don't feel insulted either. I don't have a 4K TV in my house right now. I've been eyeing them sure but when I do get around to getting one then I can get the PS4 NEO as my primary gaming console and use my OG PS4 as my secondary console in my bedroom. It's going to capture 3 markets: PS4 owners who would like that second PS4(me), PS4 owners who want to trade in and upgrade, and people who haven't picked up a PS4 yet at all. And to say it's just like PC is not accurate. There's no additional costs for Windows Operating System, no Office Suite, No Email service. messaging yes. But not email. Just a gaming and entertainment device. That will always be the difference between a console and a PC.

_-EDMIX-_2963d ago

@Equal- Agreed.

@Volk- we need to give this man spiritual bubbles for the lolz today!

Eonjay2963d ago

I got the Galaxy Note 5 a few months ago and I think I paid more than the cost of my PS4.... should I feel insulted when Samsung releases the Note 6 next year? We can't have one set of rules just for Sony and another set of rules for everyone else.

equal_youth2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

Maybe once all those bitter feelings towards it will go away people will see the benefits.

Volkama2963d ago

You gonna let Samsung get away with that? Man up and shout some swears at them or something!

Ck1x2963d ago

I have no clue why people use the cellphone analogy, when phones are subsidized by the carrier under contract and ever since the boom of smartphones we all expect them to be replaced or upgraded the following year. Sony and Microsoft didn't go into the launch of PS4 and XbOne stating in a couple of years we plan on releasing new models. Many people probably would have just waited if that were the case for the new systems.

ninsigma2963d ago

America is the only place where paying a monthly bill for phones is extremely wide spread and the norm. I'm on bill pay but this is for the first time ever. Most people outside of the states will buy the phones at full cost.

Consoles are older than mobile phones and adapting to new market trends is what will keep them relevant. Whether this will be done correctly or not is yet to be seen (if this is even real) but if we're at a point where all the consoles can be backwards and forwards compatible (the move to x86 really helps that) then releasing an update roughly 3 years a part might be a happy medium. It wouldn't be every year so you get good use out of it and if they're forwards compatible then there's no need to upgrade every 3 years. Upgrade every 6 instead and it'll be just like an ordinary generation. This is all hypothetical anyway. Until Sony announces this, it's all rumour.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2963d ago
Kal-V32963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

How does the existence of the "NEO" diminish in anyway the fact that you bought a PS4 and it still has the same features and play the same games that it would have if the "NEO" never existed? Everyone getting mad are doing it over things that MIGHT happen but talking about them like they are definitely going to happen. The PS4 you bought isnt going to be changed and support isnt stopping for it anytime soon. NEO ISNT A DIFFERENT SYSTEM, lets stop talking about it like it is (if it even exists). It is a ps4 with slightly better specs. If you buy i new video card for your PC, does it all of a sudden become a new system with its own games? People have to stop letting manufactured rage think for them.

Vasto2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

It is a different system. Its more powerful with better cpu, ram and gpu.

Just because the same games will come out for both does not make the systems the same.

Software and Hardware are 2 different things.

equal_youth2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

@ vasto

Dude, seriously? Software has everything to do with hardware.
It will be the same sku just more powerful.

Edit @ vasto: Software builds upon hardware thats the way things get developed.

And they do share the same hardware one is just more powerful. Once Developers get used to this x86 architecture Graphic engines will be made on a much more scalable level then there made by now.

Vasto2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

@ equal_youth

What are you talking about saying Hardware has everything to do with software?

Hardware and Software are different. Even the software will be different because one version will be better than the other version.

Now back to the Neo and PS4

They are different consoles because they don't share the same hardware. For something to be the same it has to be identical. This is common sense.

Kal-V32963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

Slim versions of Consoles have different hardware, even CPU and RAM (See: Xbox 360 and PSP for a few examples.The PSP actually has double the RAM in one of its revisions. All PSPs still played the same game.). Doesnt make them "Different Consoles". They are different yes, obviously, but play the same games no matter what PS4 (or 360 or PSP for that matter)it is. PS3 to PS4 are different systems\consoles, what ever you want to call them. Different games, environment, application software and yes...hardware too. You seem to be confused to the fact that just because it's different hardware that it will be a different environment\ platform.

medman2963d ago

I would be interested to hear why you would be insulted. I bought a ps4, and I'm not insulted at all. If the Neo gives me the option to play games at 60fps instead of 30fps, that sounds pretty good to me. If playing games at 30fps doesn't matter to you, then why get upset? Have you looked at any ps4 games and thought they should look better? They look pretty good to me....the graphical bump they're talking about would be a nice bonus, but by all means if I were to buy a Neo, it would be for the improved fps. I don't see how that is anything to get bent out of shape over.

HawaiianDreads2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

The only reason I can see why vasto and the others are complaining is because they now have the inferior product. Even though it been rumored may times that both consoles will share the same games and the user base won't be split up, they still feel betrayed. That's the only thing I can think of this outrage they feel. I mean it's not like the devs are going to drop 40 million users for this upgrade console. Honestly they have a few choices.

1.Just ignore the Neo and enjoy their base PS4. (what I'm planning to do)
2.Go out and buy a Neo if they want the upgrade (doubt they will do this)
3.Feel betrayed and sell their ps4 and go to the other competitor consoles.
4.Build a PC.

S2Killinit2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

MS is doing the same thing so yeah if its an "insult" to these guys it has to be an "insult" to them as well. As for me im just excited for a better PS4 and my PSVR.

"Totally irrelevant"? Care to explain? From their official mission statement the exact opposite seems to be Sony's aim. Also with the number of consoles in peoples homes it wouldnt even make sense from a business point of view.

ninsigma2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

What has been rumoured in no way makes ps4 irrelevant. Way to blow it up astronomically.

"They are different consoles because they don't share the same hardware. For something to be the same it has to be identical. This is common sense."

Actually it's not common sense. They may be different hardware wise but if the architecture is the same then it's the same console just more powerful. If neo exists and architecturally it is built exactly the same as ps4 only with better hardware then it's the same console. If I swapped my gpu out for a better one, does that make my pc a different pc??

_-EDMIX-_2963d ago

"If it makes the original Xbox One totally irrelevant" Yes...because it won't be able to play games after the new one comes out....../s

sk8ofmnd2963d ago

No, it was an insult for them to be so underpowered from the start... I was hoping we would have seen the same jump in graphics but no its only slightly better

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2963d ago
ritchi452963d ago

Think in terms of mobile phones. The Neo is an upgraded version of the Base model.

OpenGL2963d ago

Most people buy their phones subsidized through a carrier like Verizon or AT&T.

Genuine-User2963d ago

Most people don't live in America.

Clown_Syndr0me2963d ago

Most phones are on contracts though, I haven't bought a phone outright for around 7 years.

uth112963d ago

Like mobile? So Sony will subsidize it and sell me the upgrade for 1 cent then?

equal_youth2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

Yeah but ur still paying for ur new phone even if it is in smaller steps and included into your mobile contract.

Edit: Sry i wanted to reply to OpenGL :o

Eidolon2963d ago (Edited 2963d ago )

1. Games and apps are super scalable to hardware on Android and Iphone. I can still run games and apps on my old GS2, albeit I'm limited, but not that much..
2. PS4/Xbox1 have hardly been fully taking advantage of as far as a platform and squeezing out performance.
3. The user base will be split, for sure. Come on, a console solely to run current games at 60fps/1080p, you do know that they would have to create another version of the game, right? It's totally unmarketable, for a console to be released that won't be fully taken advantage of.. Hence, if there is a PS4.5 or a Xb1.5(with upgraded GPU/CPU/RAM), THERE WILL BE GAMES THAT WILL NOT BE FOR CURRENT CONSOLES, AND THEREFORE SPLITTING USER BASE. DON'T BE NAIVE!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2963d ago
Kal-V32963d ago

....OR "Clickbait nonsense to drum up controversy and clicks". Everyone is guilty of this, not just this site.

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We are on the same team brother!


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The actual gameplay looks jerky as hell. FC 24 level of stutter!