
The Division Beta 'Dark Zone' PS4 vs Xbox One Frame-Rate Test [Work-in-Progress]

Digital Foundry:

We had a number of requests to check out performance on the Dark Zone area of The Division beta. We missed our window earlier, but with the beta now open again, we dived back in to check it out. In truth, there's not a huge story to tell here, but there are some anomalies on Xbox One we hope to see fixed.

Genuine-User3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

The frame-drops and screen-tearing was noticeable in the the dark zone during my time with the closed beta on Xbox.

I have been playing the open beta on PS4, and as of yet, I haven't noticed any screen-tearing or glaring frame-rate issues in the dark zone. But contrary to this video, I did notice a few frame drops; quite uncommon I must say.

Genuine-User3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

To those that disagree, at least put forward your reason.

81BX3024d ago

They dont agree. I dont either. I didnt notice any screen tearing on xb1. Havent dwn loaded it yet on ps4 so i cant comment on that yet

Genuine-User3024d ago

If you didn't notice any screen-tearing in the DF video then maybe you're not susceptible to them.

Do you want me to time-stamp them?

dantesparda3024d ago


It doesn't matter if you didn't notice any screen tearing on the X1 version because the fact is, they are there, fact. Just because you didn't see them doesn't mean the game doesn't tear. Even when presented with the facts you're still denying it. Its tearing, a lot. Just like the framerate is also dropping whether people realize it or not.

PistolsAtDawn3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

As someone that has played both, it's obvious that you are seeing what you want to see, that is why people are disagreeing.

Not only did I see screen-tearing the PS4 version, but it's about the same as on X1...virtually identical actually....in fact I noticed that the PS4 version took longer to load too (although admittedly I use an external on X1)

dkp233024d ago

If people don't notice the tearing or slight stutter on xbone. They must not be playing he xbone version. It's quite prominent especially in dark zone. Occasionally on the normal missions or just free lancing.

hankmoody3024d ago

This is N4G, where blind loyalty trumps all logic and reason. Don't bother asking for any.

Errorist763024d ago


There simply isn't any screen tearing on PS4 because it runs with VSync enabled. Stop spreading nonsense!

81BX3024d ago

Actually it does matter. I didnt notice any doesnt mean it wont happen. Simply stated i dont agree that everyone has the same issue not that it doesnt exist. Hell ive encountered floating weapons... im sure not everyone will. Rofl i cant speak for everyone but i personally havent had this issue.

Artemidorus3024d ago

Xbox fanboys are in denial so use the disagree at any moment let them believe different.

SonyWarrior3023d ago (Edited 3023d ago )

i canceled my preorder because for the open beta i got too bored trying to make it back to the dark zone. having to do the boring story missions again made me realize how unfun this game is. its all about the dark zone which is very small area of the map

Hunkaloverbear3023d ago

I noticed from drops and screen tearing on ps4 and not on the xbox. I can do that too genuine :) anyways enjoy waiting a month for all dlc :)

Hunkaloverbear3023d ago

I noticed from drops and screen tearing on ps4 and not on the xbox. I can do that too genuine :) anyways enjoy waiting a month longer for all dlc :)

Pongwater3023d ago

"anyways enjoy waiting a month longer for all dlc :)"

Is that supposed to be a burn of some sort? Does anyone really care about that? If a one year exclusive game doesn't matter why would one month DLC?

Unspoken3023d ago

I noticed both versions are completely inferior to the PC version. This is why articles comparing the two are past their prime.

If you care that much about performance and have to decide between which console to get it on for a few extra frames or pixels, then you have the money and time to build or buy a better gaming machine.

PS4s inferior resolution and frame rate makes it a poor choice when you want the best experience.

That is a conclusion which can be derived from the video.

Enjoy the game folks.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3023d ago
3024d ago Replies(2)
Genuine-User3024d ago


I have played on both as well. It's obvious that I'm seeing what I want to see? What on earth are you talking about.

PistolsAtDawn3024d ago

Exactly what you think it means. Based on your comment history, and the fact that you always downplay anything X1/MS and over-exaggerate anything PS/Sony...it's clear that you are being overly critical of the X1 version, while giving the PS4 version a pass for the very same things.

I'm just saying, keep it fair. Based on the fact that I have played both and seen the results with my own eyes on a 70in 4k Samsung, what you are saying doesn't line up...and a quick look at your comment history tells why.

Genuine-User3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

Exactly what do you think I think it means? You got to stop talking in riddles.

My history is nearly 2700 comments long. And you're painting a really ugly picture without any substantial proof.

I'm neither downplaying Xbox nor exaggerating PlayStation.

I'm neither being overly critical of the Xbox version nor giving the PlayStation a ubiquitous pass.

PlayStation doesn't screen-tear. And frame-rate is more consistent - can't say the same for Xbox in the dark zone. What's the fuss here?

I have played both as well. And if you can't notice screen tearing or frame-drops then you're either lying or susceptible.

Did you see the video and do you think DF has a hidden agenda against Xbox? Are you a conspiracy theorist?

DarXyde3024d ago


Are you actually trying to use Genuine-User's comment history against him/her? Really, you? "Amusing" would be an oversimplification here.

Honestly, I would doubt very many people would actually beta test this game on both consoles. That said, I don't really believe either account, but there is a DF analysis here that does appear to agree with Genuine-User.

Considering your account contradicts an actual comparison video, the least you could do is actually offer some form of evidence to support that. Heck, you have both consoles, right?

Prove them wrong.

killer8763024d ago

You failed to mention that horrible pop in at 0:28 in the video

Both consoles are underpowered. Accept it

Genuine-User3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

"You failed to mention that horrible pop in at 0:28 in the video"

You failed to read the title.

Both consoles perform exceptionally well taking their price into consideration.

twister753023d ago (Edited 3023d ago )

I played both PC and PS4 beta....and I'll stick with PS4 version.The game needs a lot of work on PC before release...on my R9 280x Toxic with frame target enabled to 60fps and V sync ON I have dips to 28fps from 60 fps with an average 40fps making game stuttering like all the time.My setting are High(...forget Ultra...dips to 18fps).Also compared to PS4 the similarity in graphics is just amazing.Here cames WD days again....remember?? ‘This is PC, who cares’....I love my PC because I have spent a small fortune on it but....only me??Why??I'm sick tired hearing all the time PC version is more than a port...for me is still a port.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3023d ago
YinYangGaming3024d ago

Jesus DigitalFoundry is comparing literally everything these days they need to stop being so nitpicky. That being said, if it's still an issue come full release in March then I'm more than happy for them to make a video on it

SirCharles3024d ago

Digital Foundry's whole purpose is to nitpick technical details. Get over it or don't watch.

YinYangGaming3024d ago

I've been watching them for years so I'm fully aware of their purpose. But they've never picked apart beta tests like this before recently and it's a bit much to put unfinished products under the microscope like this

81BX3024d ago

Yeah i dont mind as long as its done correct. Some people like to know before they spend their money. As long as they dont bash its cool and good for consumers

MCTJim3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

Here I am watching and he says clean bill of health on the PS4, but the pop in during the first 30 secs is blatantly noticeable on both consoles. And for the whole 4 frames that lasts less than quarter/half a second..come on really?

dantesparda3024d ago

Yeah I saw that too, they both have some bad pop in, but this video is about investigating the frame rate issues in the dark zone that people have been complaining about, not pop in, hence why that's all they are talking about. But notice how it pops in much later on the X1 as compared to the PS4. And btw, they are at differenct times of day, hence different shadowing. The shadow is literally an extra layer

dantesparda3024d ago

I disagree Yinyang, I like them being as "picky" as possible. I like to know. I have both systems and I want to get the better performing one. I'm a grown man, so I don't chase after where "my friends are", I don't have or care to have a controller preference (though I do think the DS4 is the better control), so I want the best performance and I hate tearing.

But we all know what this is really about. Its about a fanbase not liking it when you point these things out and downplay them. So they can instead say things like , "oh I didn't notice any tearing or frame drops", And pretend like that's a fact.

donthate3024d ago

You don't sound like a grown man....

You know, using arguments like "I don't have to chase after where my friends are", but I only "care about the best performance".

That sounds to me more like dismissing another persons preference for your own, which doesn't speak of maturity and acceptance, or being a "grown man".

To clarify, the best version is what suits your gaming preferences regardless of it being the social aspect, the controller, the pixels on your screen or any other reasons. A grown man, and a mature person recognizes that!

GamerfromOz3024d ago

"I don't have or care to have a controller preference (though I do think the DS4 is the better control)..."

So you do have a preference? :)

Angeljuice3023d ago


He's saying that he has no loyalty to a brand and is independently capable of making a choice based on his own research without being influenced by outside forces such as wanting to game with friends playing on a particular console.

3023d ago
dantesparda3023d ago (Edited 3023d ago )


Stop hating.

"You don't sound like a grown man...."

Then I guess you don't know what a grown man or maturity is. And you seem aweful hung up on that statement btw, why does it bother you so much?


Its means that I don't pick games for the systems based on the controllers, but ultimately do think the DS4 is the better controller, why is that so hard for you to understand? Its not that difficult.


And you sound like a young corporate loyalist. If you don't care about graphics then why even care about the current-gen of systems when last-gen is cheaper, more matured and have more games for cheaper?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3023d ago
meche3343024d ago

i didn't notice any frame drop on the one while playing last night. but in closed beta i did

meche3343024d ago

didnt say they weren't there. not noticible by me though

Khaotic3024d ago

These articles are for nothing more than to give reasons for console fanboys to come out an beat there chests and say, see I am way better and smarter than you because my console runs at 30 fps and yours drops to 27 for 2 seconds Evey 30 minutes. Get a life people.

Paytaa3024d ago

I understand why DF does this but I also hate all the things you just described. Petty fanboy arguments are just that, petty.

3024d ago
dantesparda3024d ago

Its not just dropping to 27fps for 2 secs every 30 mins, its dropping and tearing like 20 times for over a min. And that's just what they showed, I have the beta and its dropping and tearing almost the whole time you are in the dark zone and encounter a few guys.

Khaotic3024d ago

I have the beta and I don't have any of these issues...curious 15 hours played

3024d ago
dantesparda3023d ago

I need a better internet connection eh? Is that your excuse? Well then DF also needs a "better connection" since its happening to them too even with their fiber optic connection. Heck, screw proof and facts and the truth, let's just go by our own biased, subjective, anecdotal opinions.

Facts, people, facts, learn to except them because they are the truth. Doesn't matter what you believe, the fact is still the truth.

OutcastMosquito3024d ago

Haven't noticed any dips on PS4 really except when you enter the hub/base, it does but just for a split second

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rpad114d ago

did you edit out the parts where the author repeated everything you asked?


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Flawlessmic420d ago

I am in absolute agreement with the OP 👌

shinoff2183420d ago

I hate when I see single player games and see people begging for multi-player. Jeez guys it don't need to be on every game. Latest one I seen was atomic heart.

-Foxtrot419d ago

Multiplayer or even co-op

If it was always a single player game then that's how it is

Inverno419d ago

It's a trend that never really went away. For me multiplayer in a primarily SP focused game was an excuse for DLC. Then there's the mentality gamers had that adding multiplayer makes a game worth the price, otherwise it should be half price for half a game. A way of thinking devs reassured when they started adding multiplayer to their sequels. We see the same with multiplayer focused games getting SP in their sequels.

Flawlessmic419d ago

Tbh multilayer now is a way to add live service and mtx elements, very rarely does it come of well.

What single players game used to be in a lot of cases now require 3 other people for keeping to really enjoy it and I hate having to rely on others to get the maximum from a game.

Sp should be sp, if devs want to add a separate multi mode then that's fine with me, the legends addition to ghost of tshushima was fricking sick but totally separate to the main game. Sick of co op too.

Hofstaderman419d ago

I remember when certain single player games had them as included optional modes that was played on the couch. Had brilliant times with Syphon Filter and Golden Eye. Me and my bro used to used to fight over who would play as Gabe even though it was technically just a skin. Good times.

Dagexon419d ago

I didn't notice your comment before I added mine.
But good times indeed

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