
Sony’s Bend Studio Hiring For Unnamed PS4 Game; Involves Cutting-Edge Rendering, Animations and more

Just after it became clear that Sony’s Santa Monica Studios began a hiring spree for what could possible be the next God of War, now also Sony's Bend Studio has placed several new vacancies online for their unnamed PS4 AAA title.

The jobs involves developing next generation animation systems, cutting edge graphic techniques and contribution to the technical development of characters and animation.

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DarkOcelet3370d ago (Edited 3370d ago )

I wonder when will we get to see that Open World Horror title from Sony Bend. It would be great for E3. And i love how PS4 has more horror games lately. Its really nice. The concept art looks sick!


Also hopefully one day a studio give Syphon Filter the attention it deserves.

chrismichaels043370d ago

First we find out Sony Santa Monica Studios is on a hiring spree....now we hear Sony Bend Studios is also on a hiring spree. Its going to be a really interesting E3 for PlayStation this year.

BartMoons3370d ago

Might possbily be a new I.P. but I'm really hoping for a Syphon Filter reboot.

DarkOcelet3370d ago

Its a shame it Syphon Filter will not be their next game, but i am very interested to see what Open world horror title they are cooking.

3370d ago Replies(1)
Rashonality3370d ago

a studio that developed a game in an established franchise for a handheld is working on possibly a new I.P that with cutting edge rendering animation and more....

hmmm....didn't hear that before....

BartMoons3370d ago

The Order is an amazing title ;)

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PlayStation Has Bend Studio in “Evolving, Multi-Genre” Category for In-Development Project

While Sony hasn’t revealed what some of its first-party studios like Housemarque is cooking currently, the company has revealed what focus they’re aiming for at the very least.

senorfartcushion2d ago

If it's live service it's a "no" from me. I'll take a Days Gone sequel though...

Cacabunga2d ago

It’s confirmed Bend Studio next game is gaas… what a shame!

And why Returnal thumbnail?

Crows902d ago

That's what I was thinking....

outsider16242d ago

Well this sucks. I just completed Days Gone last week and going through new game plus...and my God..i just love this game.

Days gone 2 would have improved a lot of features over it. God damn it Sony!!!

Tacoboto2d ago


Because the real headline in the article is:

"PlayStation Lists Housemarque in “Single-Player, Narrative-Driven Focus”; Bend Studio in “Evolving, Multi-Genre” Categories for In-Development Projects"

Kind of an odd way to have posted the article here with that title and description.

cthulhucultist2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

According to this article


"In today's Business Segment Meeting 2024 for its Game & Network Services Segment, Sony confirmed the names of the seven studios focusing on single-player games with a narrative focus - Asobi, Insomniac Games, Santa Monica Studio, Sucker Punch, Naughty Dog, Firesprite and Housemarque, and the nine working on pure live service games or hybrid titles - Bungie, San Diego Studio, Firewalk, Haven and Neon Koi for pure live service games and Guerrilla Games, Polyphony, Media Molecule and Bend Studio. "


it seems that Bend was placed in the live service game category

Psychonaut852d ago

Glad Housemarque isn’t doing live service. And Guerrilla is doing a hybrid title? Wonder what that’s gunna look like. Makes me nervous

-Foxtrot2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Seven for single player but nine for GaaS

Come on Sony…sigh

You don’t need 9 GaaS titles. It’s over saturation and competing for players time with your own studios

cthulhucultist2d ago

I am also curious about that one. Guerrilla is a top tier developer, and I like their single player games.

I really hope they dont ruin this

RpgSama2d ago

Bend, Media Molecule, Polyphony and Guerrilla on "Hybrid" titles? I wonder what they call Hybrid, PvP? PvE? Single player AND multiplayer? Hopefully we will know soon.

The_Hooligan2d ago

@Psychonaut85 and cthulhucultist

I think the rumors said they were working on Horizon multiplayer game.

Cacabunga2d ago

I will boycott every single one of the gaas games.. i do not want that shit. If i want to replay them in a few years there is no way because the servers will be down. Forget it, even if it’s GT and Killzone

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
-Foxtrot2d ago

The funny thing is the cancelled sequel to Days Gone sounded like they were pitching this online co-op focused game which just didn’t sound appealing to me at all

I loved the first game despite its flaws but the sequel needed work yet they wanted to jump to online and co-op…that’s a massive red flag. Sort your main issues first before trying to do more complicated things.


If Helldivers 2 is anything to go by, and I think it is, then GaaS can clearly work if they aren’t designed to milk the community slowly with diminishing quality of follow up content.

Cacabunga1d 23h ago (Edited 1d 23h ago )

Replayability zero! In a few years it is worth nothing you cant even play it.. you can boot it, thats it

S2Killinit2d ago

I’ll play anything they make that is a GOOD game. I play single player games mainly but I am not opposed to any genre as long as it is good.

shinoff21831d 23h ago

Single player days gone sequel would be ideal.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1d 23h ago
CrimsonWing692d ago

I’m not going to war with people who like GaaS. Lord knows everyone went apesh*t for Helldivers 2, but I will never buy a GaaS game and while PS5 is my system of choice I will not support Sony games that go in this direction.

I hate it, I don’t care how much Helldivers 2 was “GaaS done right,” and if the argument is these are the only way for the industry to make profit then all I have to say is something has gone terribly terribly wrong.

On the flip side I guess I’ll start saving more money if it’s mostly going to be GaaS games.

Crows902d ago

There's nothing inherently wrong with a multiplayer only game....but for fucks sake don't make me have to pay more. If they got those shitty mtx out then it would be fine. Release big dlcs every year or so...but instead these gaas oriented constipated individuals had to push monetization where it is easiest...online multiplayer games were the target.

CrimsonWing692d ago (Edited 2d ago )

MP only games are fine, GaaS is my issue.

You literally have to ask yourself why choose the GaaS model over a traditional game model, even if the game is MP only? There’s literally only one reason GaaS exists and the same reason it’s being chosen over traditionally made games.

MP only games are fine and in the past they existed without being GaaS. Again, my only issue is with the GaaS model and no matter how “good” it is, it still only exists to generate recurring revenue through battle passes, microtransactions, and hoping to string you along for an eventual “finished” product at some point before they shut the servers down and make it completely unplayable.

-Foxtrot2d ago

Yeah it's sad that one GaaS game comes out that isn't built as bad as the others and suddenly everyone is fine and dandy with them.

Helldivers 2 is still a GaaS game, there's no beating around the bush.

There's still a ton of people playing but from my friend circle and people at work, they've all went back to other games like Call of Duty, Rainbow Six Siege or Apex for example. The sparkle it had wore off pretty quickly.

Sony will bring all these GaaS titles out and all it will do is split the audience of their other released GaaS titles. Sooner or later they'll be competing against one another. It's insane thinking.

shinoff21831d 23h ago

Yea I'm not with the gaas games either. Don't want any part of that stuff. The way people went for helldivers 2 I didn't understand myself but that's probably cause I'm strictly single player.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1d 23h ago
jznrpg2d ago

Bend has said they are making a multiplayer game for a while now. What that entails we have no idea yet

Demetrius2d ago

Online only title already been confirmed, sad to say but I'm not keeping in tune with this, idk why most devs hype up live service games after seeing the amount of failures past online titles caused for others smh DOA

ZwVw2d ago

Stop hosing Bend around and have them make a new Syphon Filter (or Days Gone 2) entry already.

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Sony And Bend Studio Need To Bring Back Syphon Filter, Not Some Vain Live Service

The iconic stealth-action Syphon Filter series is nowhere to be seen, while Sony's busy planning more ridiculous live services.

Skuletor28d ago

Sometimes bringing back an old IP is like digging up a corpse and peeing on it, just look at Duke Nukem Forever, be careful what you wish for.

Jingsing27d ago

You are essentially asking Sony to make a better game than MGSV. That is risky given were stealth action games are right now.

Eonjay27d ago

If Sony can make a multiplayer component to go with a story mode like the great PSP games I think people would like this alot.

ApocalypseShadow27d ago

I've always wanted a reboot of Syphon Filter 1 at the quality level of Uncharted 2 or better. But the game has been abandoned like many previous Sony games that made other generations memorable.

The music, the voices, the story, the weapons and the amazing Taser were awesome for the time. The boss battles cool. But Bend and Sony don't care about bringing it back. About as bad as many other properties from Sega, Capcom, Namco, Konami, etc that we'd love but won't be getting.

Psychonaut8527d ago

Yup. Seems like Sony is dialing back on the live service plans but not completely. I wish they’d just can them in general. Maybe just let Bungie do Marathon and pivot everyone else.

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Bend Studio celebrates its 30th anniversary with new official merchandise

Kevin McAllister, Community Manager, Bend Studio: "This year, we are celebrating an incredible milestone of 30 years at Bend Studio! Time sure does fly by when you’re having fun. Since 1993, we’ve had the privilege to develop video games for three decades in beautiful Central Oregon. From the early days of puzzle games to the iconic Syphon Filter series, Resistance: Retribution, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, and Days Gone, we are motivated to continue the evolution of Bend Studio with our next game to go another 30 years and beyond."

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closed_account368d ago

It would have been a good time to announce a Syphon Filter reboot/reimagining!

Christopher368d ago

Or announce anything about future game(s).

SullysCigar368d ago

I expect they're saving their next game announcement for the rumoured second PlayStation showcase. Awesome studio - can't wait to see what they've been cooking up.

purple101368d ago

You mean the Tokyo game show.

TiredGamer368d ago

What about Bubsy 3D, their first game?

Venoxn4g367d ago

The remake of first 3 Syphon Filters would be amazing.