
Grand Theft Auto Parent Publisher Defends Microtransactions

GS:Virtual currency and microtransactions are hot-button issues in gaming today, and now Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Grand Theft Auto parent publisher Take-Two Interactive, has spoken out to defend his company's implementation of such measures in its games.

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NYC_Gamer3656d ago (Edited 3656d ago )

NBA 2K14 is the prime example of everything wrong with VC/Micro..I'm not surprised that [Strauss Zelnick] supports a greedy & wrong practice that brings in more profit for his company.

showtimefolks3656d ago (Edited 3656d ago )


couldn't agree more, we all blame EA for doing this but about we blame everyone the same way. Just because its Take Two doesn't mean they get a free pass

at every turn NBA 2k14 reminds you to spend money, everything is locked. As a GM you can't even make changes to your damn lineups after a trade even that is locked

I hope in 2k15 that goes away but in their last investors call they revealed they made a lot of money from it so its here to stay meaning never buying another NBA 2k game again

moving forward every good features will be locked behind a pay wall, and than they will say well you don't have to pay. Guess what if i am paying you $60 plus tax at launch i deserve all of the game. Not some, not most but all of it

we finally get rid of online passes and now this thing, its like when one bad thing goes away another is brought out

UltraNova3655d ago (Edited 3655d ago )

I wouldn't be suppriced one bit if one day they force us to pay a fare to cross one part of the map to the next in GTA, like in real life when you cross a boarder or city zone... Those greedy suit wearing bastards...

We're fucked surely..time to find a new hobby guys just in case...

Mankey3656d ago

Yeah. . . just no to this guy.

-Foxtrot3656d ago

Just don't...you can't defend them. They should never be put into games like GTA in the first place

The problem was though they reduced the money you got from missions as a way to try and lead you on to buy MT.

Joe9133656d ago (Edited 3656d ago )

I have been playing GTAV since online was released I have not once been made to buy money and I have everything I want so MT in GTAV is not a big deal and I have time to put into the game but for example my brother has two jobs and soon to be 3 kids and he play online with me and our other brother so I do not see anything wrong with the fact that a person that does not have the time to grind through the missions can just buy some money so he can buy a nice place and have 10 spots to put his cars I know some games really make the MT format look bad but GTAV is not one of those games now when I have to buy money to access a level or something like that so for those who have major issues with MT you must have all the time in the world to play cause I do not see any problems giving ppl choice you can grind through it or you can buy it out right.

pompombrum3656d ago

I was fortunate enough to have been able to grind rooftop rumble for a day and make enough money so that I probably won't have to worry about making money again however I won't forget my first three days trying to make money and keeping it. Maybe they've changed it but back then it cost a fortune every time you died and found that doing things like deathmatch etc cost me more than I was earning. Maybe it's changed since then but it it didn't start off being very friendly to those who tried to earn their money and don't even get me started on the cost of weapons/ammo.

MegaRay3656d ago (Edited 3656d ago )

Microtransections in a $60+ game is unacceptable, even if its from naughty dogs.

Valenka3656d ago

I have to disagree here entirely; there is no defending microtransactions and as soon as I read the title of the article, I rolled my eyes and chuckled. The fact of the matter is, microtransactions are nothing to defend as they are not necessary. They are merely a ploy to get customers to spend more money when they shouldn't be asked to.

With Grand Theft Auto Online for example, which seems to be the hottest topic of microtransactions today, Rockstar Games simply wants to make more money without effort; they have succeeded as they earned a revenue close to their earnings from the game itself and they barely did any work to achieve the proceeds of microtransactions. We're expected to exchange real money for virtual currency to essentially play the game it was intended to be played. It's essentially full/lite versions of games; you get access to enough, but unless you plan on paying more money, you won't be able to experience everything the game offers and that is simply unacceptable.

With Grand Theft Auto V, gamers have already paid between $60 and $150 - depending on which edition of the game they purchased - to own the game; being expected to pay more to experience more is scummy and outlandish.

Bottom line: microtransactions need to go.

Joe9133656d ago (Edited 3656d ago )

Okay so what in GTAV is blocked behind a pay wall name one item you can't grind and get you have to buy via MT? The problem is ppl want everything with out putting effort into it for ppl who do not want to pay MT then grind and get what you need if not pay for it with real money I have everything I want in GTAV with out paying a cent in MT and I have not played that game at all in 2014 cause I got everything I need and I still have like 250,000 lol.

thricetold3656d ago (Edited 3656d ago )

What don't you understand about the fact you shouldn't have to "grind" in a game like gta?

You seem to be under the impression that everyone here lives in their parents basement with nothing to do but play videogames. The entire online currency is designed around MT's in gta5 and it's clear as day.

It costs you more money than you make in deathmatches, most race payouts are now a fraction of what they used to be. It used to cost players $5000 every time they died, regardless if it was a mission or a job or free roam! They only changed it because it was the brightest example of their greedy intentions.

Most of the glitches they've fixed only pertain to currency, while reducing payouts in order to "steer" you towards sharkcards. Of course no one is holding a gun to players heads "forcing" them to buy, but very few players are going to grind for months upon months just to buy a single car or tank or apartment.

They are just as greedy as the rest, might as well add lazy as well because it's money they don't/didn't have to work for.

mhunterjr3656d ago (Edited 3656d ago )

I really don't hate Microtransactions as much as the typical gamer. I think they CAN work well if implemented well. The problem is, I don't see many good implementations. Take-2's insistence that they 'delight' there consumers stands in contrast to the reality. 2k14 was gimped by MT's and gta online is unfair because of them.

Cyb3r3656d ago

And I thought games were expensive enough it annoys me that they try to extract even more money from their customers. Gamers need to boycott microtransactions on games that are not free to play

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Take-Two CEO on GTA VI release, upswing in mobile gaming

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Take-Two CEO: We're So Focused on Delivering More Value Than We Charge

Take-Two head honcho Strauss Zelnick states every time they establish a price, they want to make sure it's "good news for consumers."

Petebloodyonion12d ago

It's the why we close servers after 2 years, why we re-use the same assets every year, and why we bundle our game with enjoyable microtransactions.

neutralgamer199212d ago

Running digital casinos in every game

Rebel_Scum11d ago

Re-using assets is not a bad thing tbh. Development is all about re-using code, assets and components.

neutralgamer199212d ago

Can you please focus on delivering enough quality content to justify the $70 asking price? While I appreciate the idea of over-delivering, it's essential to ensure that the base content itself is worth it. I have concerns that GTA6 might have less single-player content because most of the focus seems to be shifting towards online play and microtransactions

Inverno11d ago

The sleaze oozes out of these gaming CEOs faces. It's honestly disturbing how distorted people look when you've realized how money obsessed they really are. He gives off "in one ear and straight out the other" vibes.

jambola11d ago

I really don't get it
do they think anyone believes what they say?
is it that being in charge surrounds you by so many yesmen that they get deluded into thinking everyone is like that?

JackBNimble11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

Well if you look at the last 10 years you will notice there wasn't as single paid dlc. Every update was free whether you want to complain about sharkcards or not.

They're going to make billions on this game especially if they keep the same formula as last in regards to updates.

Good-Smurf11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

Selling Shark cards and removing content are not exactly "good news for consumers" lol.
The last time they released any DLC worth playing was 15 years ago.
GTA V is so broken and unbalanced that people would rather do stupid cringey stunts with than do heists.

JackBNimble11d ago

I'm sure the player base would disagree, and gta5 is still being supported, much longer then most games, after all I bought gta5 day 1 on ps3....

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Take-Two Head Denies Closing OlliOlli World, Kerbal 2 Devs

Take-Two head Strauss Zelnick has denied closing Rollerdrome developer Roll7 or Kerbal Space Program 2 studio Intercept Games.

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-Foxtrot15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

That's hilarious because he did and said the same thing with 2K Marin who developed Bioshock 2

They've been closed since 2013 but not officially acknowledged

He just doesn't want the backlash so pretends there's no issue.