
Project Phoenix. Japan's indie RPG with AAA Talent. Doubles first goal in less then one day.

Kickstarter's FIRST Japan-based video game project!
Bringing together top-notch talent, combining Eastern AND Western developers with TONS of AAA experience!
Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu's FIRST indie game project EVER!
Art that balances Western functionality with Japanese aesthetics!
A JRPG primarily built for a worldwide audience, not just Japan

Platforms: Mainly for Windows, Mac and Linux via Steam and our website. iOS and Android will have a different version to the PC counterparts due to limitations.
We are also working to have the game released on PlayStation 4 and other platforms but is yet to be confirmed.

Project Phoenix is a JRPG with a squad based RTS game design, brought to you by veteran developers and creators from the East and West.

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Cyb3r3946d ago

Just passed the kickstarter funding goal on day one Impressive

Convas3946d ago

Hell yes!

I really like the combat mockup art. I'm going to support next week as soon as I get paid.

NewMonday3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

this is some great talent they have, especially on the Art/Story/Music side.

I have to say for me this is the most exciting KickStarter yet and hope the stretch goals go very very far.

the reason the main goal is only at 100K is because most of the developers will get paid by royalties, that means they are betting on their own talent and we have to admire that.

also:"Currently we are in negotiations to have our game released on the PS4 and the PSVITA. The negotiations are still ongoing and we are 90% certain we will be able to release on these wonderful devices"

this would look fantastic on the Vita

Edit: can a NeoGaf member post this news on the site if it wasn't already?

DrakenSilverwing3946d ago

it already has been posted on neogaf. And yes. more then likely since they are finalizing the contract for the ps4/vita versions. yeah. its goin to happen. just when is the question. can't wait!

paul-p19883944d ago

I want the Vita version, all the Vita love at the moment is brilliant, finally the handheld is getting the games it deserves :)

HammadTheBeast3946d ago

Looks to be the essence of the Final fantasy games with it's own identity. I'm in.

3-4-53945d ago

The music alone should be worth it.

solidsheep3945d ago

Had a wicked final fantasy 8/7 vibe listening to the music.

DrakenSilverwing3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

Come on people this is epic! everyone needs to see this! Just watch the video! So much Awesome!

I got so hyped i took alot of time in Tumblr earlier to get some posts moving around. as well as a few other sites.

Initial goal made in less then 9 hours!! At this rate tho it will hit the final stretch goal in just weeks. or less!

G20WLY3945d ago

Holy crap! It's at $250,000! :O

Good work DrakenSilverwing! ;)

DrakenSilverwing3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

lol, thanks, heh. btw. here in the next few moments it should be at $300,000! Since this is doing so well i hope kickstarter starts letting more projects from japan and all on there. cause according to kickstarter its only available for US and Europe. so i'm glad to see strings were pulled for this!

SilverSieryu3946d ago

Wow! I can't wait to see more of this! i wish i had some more money to back this and get some of those good looking perks i see!

e-p-ayeaH3945d ago

This only goes to show that people care about old school games

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