
DualShock 4 Has A Deceptively Large Size, Side-By-Side Comparison

According to an image, the PS4 controller's size seems to be pretty big.

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Cam9773994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )

Wow! I saw people holding the DS4 in videos and it looked quite small, so it seems the Xbox has the smaller controller this time, not Playstation. I wonder how this will play out among those who complained about the PS having a "tiny" controller?

It is my personal opinion that the DS4 has the nicer aesthetics as I firmly believe that the ONE's controller resembles a brick (this is MY opinion, I know some people won't agree so apologize if I offended you).

From this it seems that the DS4 is superior to the ONE's controller, no? If this is the case, then a superior controller is yet another area that plays in Sony's benefit for this upcoming generation. The DS4 also doesn't require a battery pack and is more fit for those with larger hands, however, I have to credit Microsoft for making the XBOX ONE's controller look more mature and less like a child's toy as the XBOX 360's controller seemed to be with its bright colours. Moreover, I have to credit them for removing that stupid mound that was on the underside of the controller in which the battery lay, that was ridiculous and uncomfortable.. It seems that Sony have learned from their mistakes made on the PS3 and improved significantly by individually addressing them. For example:

- The sometimes slow XMB during games - they've tackled this by stepping up the RAM

- The controller that received lots of hate (the DS3) - they've blown the new controller out of the park in term of upgrades.

As well as more upgrades. Sony really are stepping up their game for the new generation, let's hope they return to the height of glory seen during the PS2 days.

CRAIG6673994d ago

Both pretty ugly IMO, the DS4 looks like a MASSIVE step in the right direction though...

justastranger103994d ago

X1 for me. The dual shock controller looks ugly with that gimmicky touchpad and share button.

SuperLupe3994d ago

I prefer the Xbox Ones controller design and feel. Looks less toyish too.

InTheLab3994d ago


gimmicky touch pad and share button...

gimmicky kinect and tv "features"...

You clearly have no issue with gimmicks...

The_Con-Sept3994d ago

Dualshock 4 looks like a great improvement. The Xbone-80 controller looks like a bat man throw toy.

3994d ago
Salooh3994d ago

You really hate the ps do you . Why did you choose the share button instead of the option button ?. lol

Buuuuurn with your own hate muahahahahahaha . I apologize , I'm evil when i get excited >.< ..

NewMonday3994d ago

the large footprint on the Xbox One controller makes it look bigger.

what I like most about the DS4 is that it has subtle curves that make it fit the hand grip more comfortbly

pete0073994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )

Sony fans keep your ds 1/2/3/4 even 5. It ll allways be better, for you.now Xbox and Pc only players prefer by miles the Xbox controller. I had both, xb and ds3 Wich i sold With the PS3 cause after 1 hour playing my fingers hurt real bad.
Now letz see, from a ergonomic pov Xbox has the edge. But i keep my reservations.

kayoss3994d ago

"...Wich i sold With the PS3 cause after 1 hour playing..." I maybe taking this out of context but if it means what i think it means then I know you are lying.
How many people go out of thier way to buy a PS3 (or any game console) and a video game and plays it and sells it after and Hour? A person with common sense would at least beat the game first before selling it.

Crazyglues3994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )

All of that won't matter, (the fact that it's big compared to an XB1 controller) All that will matter is how does it feel.. http://bit.ly/11Y2AE5

-And from the reviews I've been reading the new DS4 is very comfortable... can't wait to start gaming on my PS4

What they really should be comparing it to is the DS3 and when you do that it's really about the same size as the old controller - http://bit.ly/1211R64

So really nice job Sony...

||.........___||............ ||

AlphaJunk3994d ago

@InTheLab - If you're an NFL addict and love fantasy football (like me and many of my friends that do a $1000+ championship pot every season), then XBone's "gimmicky" TV features with exclusive NFL license and doing instant fantasy highlights are as cool as it gets.

HammadTheBeast3994d ago


More like a massive waste of money. I can do those same things on my phone.

MoveTheGlow3994d ago

The enthusiast press pretty much sums it up this way regarding controllers:

"Everybody wins."

Giantbomb tends to side with PS4 on the controller, but both of them are great. I can't wait, the DualShock looks like it really went through an overhaul, even if the functionality's the same.

FamilyGuy3994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )

The X1s controller looks like a square box with winged tips at the bottom, it doesn't even look like a controller. It's got a lot of extra space for no reason at all. Visually, I think it's XYBA buttons are sexy and the glossy top with the X look good too.
On the DS4 the rubber grip handles make it look comfortable like a steering wheel cover. It looks durable, less like a plastic toy and more like something made to never slip from your hand.

Gaming wise, I've been with Sony forever and never understood why anyone would play with a controller that wasn't symmetrical. Some of you guys may like it but I just can't sand it.

andibandit3994d ago

Holy sh.t, why is the ds so gigantic??

abzdine3994d ago

microsoft need to hire designers

Denethor_II3994d ago

pete007 "Sony fans keep your ds 1/2/3/4 even 5. It ll allways be better, for you.now Xbox and Pc only

I play PC with my DS3. Thank god for DS3 Tool.

CarlosX3603994d ago

So what if the controller is bigger? Actually, those with big hands won't complain anymore. :)

MoveTheGlow3994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )

Also, I think this may be the end of the "Video games are toys for kids / Video Games are mostly played by Japanese people" preconceptions in Japan. There's a reason the Nintendo 3DS XL's controls are still cramped together on that big system - they design it for kids.

Sony's obviously looking west (bringing Cerny along to develop the architecture, for instance), and having a bigger controller suits the global audience far better than the "Wait, what if 6-year-olds think this is too small? Eh, who cares? *We* don't have gigantic hands, so whatever!" kind of design ignorance we'd seen in the past. It's something Xbox360 got right, and it's the reason I have that controller... for my PC.

On a side note, someone had better make good use of that touchpad. It's ugly. There needs to be a really good reason for that to exist.

PurpHerbison3994d ago

Aesthetically, the Xbox One controller has a better flow to it.

Syntax-Error3994d ago

You complain about X1 having the ability to keep track of fantasy football equivalent to what you can do on your phone? I can easily compare the sh!t you do on your phone can be done with a tablet or laptop, so what's your point? If inventors thought in a box like you obviously do, the iPHONE would never have been invented. Cellphones were made for wireless talking, but we can access music, web, video recordings, still pictures, texting, and games from them. WHY? What's the damn point? The point is INNOVATION. Everything at your fingertips. MS created a console that does more than games, so whether you like the features or not...ITS STILL INCLUDED. Grow up!

Heartnet3994d ago

Agreed... Dislking the X1 controller for some reason but the Ds4 looks way worse... it does look like a toy.. touchpad is coming out of the controller not nicely embedded, speakers below that... to much going on to look nice just a mess of thrown together features imho

THEMIGHTYDOOVDE3994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )


You're comparing apples and oranges there fella!

hollabox3994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )

I was never a fan of the DS controllers, analog stick placement is horrible for FPS games. I think the X360 is the best controller I've played. With that said I'm not a fan of the XB1 controller design or the PS4 DS4, but time will tell when I hold both for the first time.

I do wonder how the Japanese are going to respond to the DS4 since they complained about Xbox (original)controller size. But yet the Japanese love the Wii U tablet/controller which is the largest controller since the Atari Jaguar and N64 so it will probably be neutral.

superkidcupid133993d ago

i prefer neither ds4 still looks like ds3 but bigger and so does the x1c...no major changes..guess i still wont b playing fps on ps4 and im stuck with this annoying bigger lookin piece of stupid...both controllers lost IMO

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 3993d ago
Fez3994d ago

The DS4 in this pic looks absolutely hideous and deformed! Could just be the lens used but the Xbox controller looks a lot more stylish and sleek to me. In the marketing pic from the behind angle I like the DS4 but the front is not my cup of tea.

Just on looks, I would say the Xbox has nicer thumsticks, dpad, start/select buttons and is overall a nicer shape. The DS4 handles and share/options buttons are eyesores imo.

It all comes down to comfort really though, and I'll probably be more comfortable with the DS4 after so much use of DS1-3.

shivvy243994d ago

my only complaint was that the DS3 was small and the triggers were slippery ! both fixed :)

G20WLY3994d ago

Would you really put 'form' before 'function' for something as important to gaming as a controller??

It has to be tactile, it has to feel right and be easy/intuitive to use. 'Looks' are way down the priority pecking order, and rightly so.

With that said, I like it - but I haven't seen or held one for long enough to know how right they've got it anymore than you have, so let's be patient and fair... ;)

omi25p3994d ago

Yep i agree, 360 controller is easily the best this generation and the X1 controller will be the best next generation

brave27heart3994d ago

From the article:

"As you can see the controller feels very comfortable to hold..."


Heartnet3994d ago

not taking into account personal experiece, Logically the X1 is more ergonomic in terms of shape and analog placement so that will be more comfortable naturally... and yeh the ds4 looks gimmicky and horrible... more like a 3rd party controller than an offical and that light thing on the back could make it awkward to hold, like with the battery pack on x360

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3994d ago
RE_L_MAYER3994d ago

How do you know if xboxe one controller is not simply smaller than 360 thus making ps4 look bigger

titletownrelo3994d ago

PS4 controller looks so huge in comparison

Hows the little sackboy supposed to reach and grab both joysticks? D:

lol, LBP FTW

ceed9113994d ago

I can never get used to the thumbsticks for FPS games. Anything like that I can't play on the playstation its too uncomfortable.

pkb793994d ago

yeah its a real grind having your thumbs symmetrically placed...

Kurt Russell3993d ago

I think the slightly larger controller will improve the thumbsticks (especially for us with man sized hands)

RedHawkX3994d ago

i agree xbox fanboys really have no excuse or really anything to say about the ps4 or the ds4 because both are just superior to anything on the xbox one. there are some people that work at microsoft though that are on forums trolling and spreading bs though. thats how they opperate. they are scum bags. just dont be fooled by them.

strifeblade3994d ago

and then there are fanboys that spread just as much if not more bs. "ds4 and ps4 is superior to anything on the xbox one", spreading stuff like this makes you look like a scumbag, and im not going to bother telling you the redeeming points on xbox one or the negative points on ps4- trolls like you are better left in the dark.

hellvaguy3994d ago

Both have some great features aside from personel comfort preference with the stick layout. Xbone has wifi direct and tactile triggers. Ds4 I like that share button and larger size.

Other changes like improved d-pad and touchpad, don't add anything for me.

Ace Killa 083994d ago

LOL xbox employees trolling ... funny. This whole comment section belittles xbox one controller and anyone who defends gets a massive disagree bomb.

"i agree xbox fanboys really have no excuse or really anything to say about the ps4 or the ds4 because both are just superior to anything on the xbox one." this is completely stubborn as you have no validity to this claim. Just your fanboyism.

Zhipp3994d ago

I'm not a fan of Sony or M$, but the most comfortable controllers for me are the 360's and Gamecubes. I think the One's controller is aesthetically gorgeous, and the slight adjustments they've made to the size and shape sound almost as though they were tailored specifically for my hands. Honestly, I'm eagerly looking forward to the day I can use it with PC games.

The fact of the matter is, though, that controller preference is the very height of subjectivity. To pretend that anyone's opinion on the matter can be absolute is delusional.

BitbyDeath3994d ago


Will you still be saying you don't like the touchpad if RTS and Sim games start taking advantage of it?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3994d ago
tuglu_pati3994d ago

This is a good thing IMO, I always thought the PS controller was to small.

OcelotRigz3994d ago

"It is my personal opinion that the DS4 has the nicer aesthetics as I firmly believe that the ONE's controller resembles a brick (this is MY opinion, I know some people won't agree so apologize if I offended you)."

If people actually get offended by something like that then they need to take a good long hard look at themselves in the mirror. Then headbutt that mirror.

Cam9773994d ago

I've been temporarily banned for posting things like that (believe it or not!), so to reduce the chances of it being marked as "trolling" I added that.

Polysix3994d ago

I agree - the DS4 looks great, can't wait to hold it. The xb1 pad doesn't look as good at all, same crap plastic, same hard buttons.

Gardenia3994d ago

This is just like the famous magic trick. Put 2 half moon shapes of the same size, one above the other, and the one on top will look bigger than the other

boldstarr3994d ago


u dont need it, because u r the controller lol

SniperControl3994d ago


Whoopy do!!!

It's called "da internet".

I can do all that with my T.V and laptop/tablet.

ZBlacktt3994d ago

This is what it looks like in a users hands. Note, not that big at all.




LOL it looks tiny in that pic, cant wait to get my hands on the DS4 and see for myself.

overrated443994d ago

@SuperLupe Have you actually held the controller/controllers? Just curious.

Doctor_Freeman3994d ago

I still like the joystick layout and triggers on the Xbox controllers better.

kickerz3994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )

So with your Sony fanboy eyes PS4 controller looks better LOL who woulda thought. How about you read what lensoftruth says about each controller rather then just looking at pictures.


Oh would u look at that, Xbox one is better

Dark_Overlord3994d ago

Yeah the totally unbiased LOT :/

I'm not even gonna list how many times they've been called out for their blatant fanboyism. I'll take the opinion of far less biased sites.

kickerz3994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )

Well personally I like the look of Xbox one controller better BUT I do think pS4 looks awesome too, and will get the job done

showtimefolks3994d ago

i am fine with bigger design but i for one didn't have a problem with dual shock 3 either

but i know many complained so now its bigger and better, in a way sony listened to all its critics and improved everything they could from system,price and controller

yet keeping up with ps3's tradition of being more powerful, now ps4 is more powerful

Krew_923994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )


Yes because you speak for the whole community. I myself use MotionJoy and connect my PlayStation 3 controller to my PC. I have no issues with it, and it's better than buying attachments or a whole new wired 360 controller just to play it on the PC. All you need is a USB cable or if you want a Bluetooth dongle and of course the (free) software.

I also don't understand how people get pain when they play on controllers, I only get pain when I play on portables for a long time. My hands get numb on those after an hour or so.

RenegadeRocks3994d ago

I like DS 4 over th eXBone one. Xbone controller looks a like chinese product or something

VR-4nic3994d ago

The offset analogs are pretty stupid if you think about what a controller is meant to do when playing games. Its meant to be an extension of the body that one doesn't even think about when use, its just natural and like my body needs to be symmetrical just like my arms, eyes, legs, ect..... Maybe there's a lot of inbreeding in the Xbot community and that why they all like asymmetrical lopsided retarded sh**? Lol! PS4 > xboner 180

Lwhit63991d ago

I used to be one of those people complaining about the size of the controller! (Thats actually what swayed me to buy the xbox 360 over the ps3) This time NUH-UH! not making that same mistake again. Definitely going with the PS4!!

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3991d ago
Hellsvacancy3994d ago

I wanted a slightly bigger controller, I havnt got 16 year old hands anymore, theyre bigger

SjaakHaas3994d ago

U guys never heard of a wide angle lens? Closer looks bigger and further away looks smaller trough a wide angle lens. Not newsworty... but hey... it's N4G!

despair3994d ago

lol, people believe anything on the internet or haven't you heard.

Smurf13994d ago

Both controllers are placed together, the wide angle lens would affect them both.


explain to me what advantage a wide angle lens would provide one controller and not the other? THEYRE RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER.

SjaakHaas3993d ago

Well, the lens is taking the picture right on top of the PS4 controller. So it will look bigger than when the PS4 controller would be on the X1 position. Try searching teh googles for wide angle lens and even fisheye lenses. Like this: http://bizzara.deviantart.c... ...

OMG that cat looks soooooo fat. And those trees OMFG i can't believe they are so crooked!

bub163994d ago

i hope it still feels the same as ds3, i dont think i could handle a different xbox like controller :(

sAVAge_bEaST3994d ago

naw,, don't think you have to worry there, the sticks are asymmetrical(:
It seems that it just fits in the hands better while using the triggers, more ergonomic for shooters and such.

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Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2662d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

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Godmars2905107d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5107d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905107d ago (Edited 5107d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5107d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5107d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5107d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5107d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495107d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5107d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5107d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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Bless Online Korean MMORPG Gets Server Merge

This is not the first time that Bless Online receives a server merge in Korea. An announcement was made on the official Korean site.

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2698d ago
Bismarn2697d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One