
PAX 2012: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is Coming to PS3

At PAX 2012, Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima showed off 15 minutes of the first gameplay footage from his upcoming PS3 game. Though running on a PC, Kojima stated that the footage was comparable to what would be seen on the PS3 version of the game.

“We’re not going to say that it’s Metal Gear Solid 5,” Kojima said after the demo, “but it is a prologue.” Kojima also confirmed that the demo was running on PC hardware that was similarly equipped to PS3, and that the final game should closely resemble the demo video."

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THC CELL4291d ago

Woo, really lol we knew it would

Nimblest-Assassin4291d ago ShowReplies(2)
SPAM-FRITTER-1234291d ago ShowReplies(3)
hulk_bash19874291d ago

Wow, for Kojima and company to pull off that from current gen consoles is GODLY. I can't wait to own this game. Hurry up and come out already.

NewZealander4291d ago

surely theres no way the game could look that good on current gen consoles?

i would expect textures lighting and physics to be well below whats seen in that demo, but hey if it looks close to that pc footage then i will be happy, im impressed!

Ziggyvertang4290d ago

Yeahbits on pc but if youbdone your research you would have seen that its on a pc that is set up with similar hardware as the ps3...a devkit in other words.

TheDarkTyrant4287d ago

This isn't the first time Kojima pushed the power of consoles to the limit... MGS1 showed off the power of the PS1 and MGS3 was a technical masterpiece for PS2. MGS4 which is already 4 years old, still looks amazing... And don't get me started on Peace Walker on PSP...
The only way I believed this game could be on current gen consoles, instead of next gen, was that Kojima was directly behind it.

Mounce4285d ago

Yea, there's no way for them to run that on Current console graphics, its impossible, last time I said the 'visuals of a game are impossible'(Aka AC3) MAXED, on current consoles, is impossible, Screenshots Ubi tried to show to imply the visuals were what it'd be like were just idle boasting of engine capabilities and not In-Console-in-game visuals, its just what the built engine is capable of....

Though, being a giant MGS fan, I would just scream, SHUTUP AND TAKE MY FUCKING MONEY asap, no matter the visuals. If it were to be on PS4, it'd be My console seller, if it was Vita exclusive, I'd say FUCK YEAH, if its Vita/PS3 crossplay? More awesome. Hideo does love to use every feature that is available or at his table.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4285d ago
v0rt3x4291d ago

Oh really? Did we?

I got trolled for days after saying that the new Star Wars game could possibly come on current-gen - nobody agreed.

Now look at this game - there's still a lot of power on the PS3.

Gildarts4291d ago (Edited 4291d ago )

its not on ps3 lol,its on a pc with similar specs to ps3, it will never look that good on PS3 and Xbox unless Kojima has magic powers.

and whats with the PS3 fanboys lol at the end of the trailer it clearly says Xbox 360.

Its multiplat wether you like it or not.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4291d ago (Edited 4290d ago )

A lot more power on ps3? My pc has 8gb ram comapred to ps3's 512mb or maybe even more than ps4... Stop the lies. No 1080p or 60fps MGS for you. = absolute fact. If ps3 has more power tell sony to put planetside 2 on ps3 then. They will luagh at you when your not looking.

This is power.
high setting, 35fps in 4k.

If this game is really open world then I wouldn't trust kojima's ps3 statement. Why after being a playstation developer so much would he just suddenly show a realistic open world mgs on a pc? Why not the ol ps3 or 360 since the fanbase is bigger there? Putting 2 & 2 together is fun!

Maybe is really is a ps3 but inside a pc case! lol

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4290d ago (Edited 4290d ago )


lol this is coming to ps3 also! Good luck!

Also it's funny that it's a ps3 spec pc but 7800 & 8800 cards have been discontinued for 4+ years! Interesting.

Ziggyvertang4290d ago

@gildarts "its not on a ps3 lol, its on a pc with similar specs to a ps3" Whats that then a dev kit!!! Think about it we all know consoles are geting on abit now so why would they show a new game on a old pc and not make a game en better for a new pc and still as nice as they can for ps3...its most likley a ps3 devkit its that simple. So it still might not look like this when the game comes out but more or less will.

They also may have cut corners to have like the physics which probs has nothing to do with physics and is a animation instead that just repeats itself if you watch it long enough. And this whole the ps3 has only 512mb of ram they ps3 is set up not to work like that and when i consider that my computer which is old and has 4gb or ram all being used thanks to 64bit system plays fallout 3 worse then the ps3. This MGS might be the top of what a ps3 can do

v0rt3x4290d ago

@Shutupandtakemymoney - I didn't say "a lot more power" - I said there's still a lot OF power on the PS3.

I don't see how people have suddenly lost faith in the PS3 capabilities, ever since there is so much talk about Next Gen.

Go back and look at God of War 3 - and then come back and look at the new MGS footage and even the new Star Wars game....

It's definitely a possibility to have these games on current gen and I firmly believe in Hideo when he says that even though the footage was from a PC spec - the PS3 version will look very similar.

yesmynameissumo4290d ago (Edited 4290d ago )

I don't see how on Earth you got 13 disagrees. There is OBVIOUSLY a lot of power left in the PS3. Last of Us and Beyond kinda already proved that point already. For people to be acting as if what we witnessed in that trailer isn't possible on PS3, is astounding. I'd be more surprised to see what the 360 version looking anywhere near as good as that. Fox Engine may be a beast.

Yukicore4289d ago

@Gildarts If it actually would be on PC WITH SIMILAR SPECS, then the footage would be far from it, they are complete liars, I doubt that they would have went trough optimizing the game on low spec PC just like that.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4289d ago
Nimblest-Assassin4291d ago

I don't understand why people are denying the game is coming out to 360

At the very end of the trailer it says PS3 and xbox 360

Pc is not confirmed yet... but since the demo ran on one... its going to happen

MGS is a franchise everyone should enjoy... the fact people are complaining that other people are able to enjoy these great games is repulsive

The same thing happened when ME2 was announced for PS3... people complained

I don't understand why people get so defensive when a game goes multiplat

I think the 360 owners are grateful they can play this game too

Now the real question is how many disks it will be.. lol I kid

Tito084291d ago

Despite being a third party game, MGS will always be known as a Playstation series, no matter how many platforms it'll go to, just like Mass Effect & Splinter Cell as an Xbox series... BTW, this post comes from the PS. Blog, maybe some thought it'll be an exclusive game, you not gonna see a Sony site mentioning or show an Xbox logo since it isn't their product!!!!

dirthurts4291d ago

You do realize that MG was original a Nintendo series right?
Metal Gear, and Metal Gear Solid were NES games.
MG1 was on pc. MG2 hit the xbox.
MG Solid Twin Snakes was on Game Cube.
Am I missing something, or how is it that Metal Gear is a Playstation game? Playstation has actually had fewer MG exclusives than Nintendo.
Perhaps it's a Nintendo game by your logic.

cruxito4291d ago Show
Autodidactdystopia4291d ago

From my understatnding this is a multiplatform engine. Just like cryengine 3

Also from my understanding this engine has from the start been designed for a workflow on pc.

meaning play as you edit. again just like cryengine 3

the engine has similar features to all of the other big time engines coming out lately. the game will be designed on pc, therefore more than likely there will be a pc port by definition given the fact that the development engine is based on pc.

the engine/editor then compiles all code and assets for the ps3/360 simultaneously.

so in essence they are developing for all three hardwaresets at the same time.

I would be very suprised if this didn't come to both pc and 360.

the fact that the demo is running on a pc, tells me that there is multiplat going on.

unfortunately for ps3 fans is that this engine will be developed natively for the PC and via compiler ported to both the 360 and Ps3.

Its a native port per se because each system's compiler in the editor has the potential to be optimized or left standing.

the only thing that i can guaruntee given the engine doesnt undergo drastic changes between now and then, is that the Pc/ps3 will be identical given the fact that the fox engine is PC native, and also that the ps3 is the preferred platform.

the 360 I cant really say.

all that aside this looks fantastic as it stands. but i would expect realistically a downgrade in resolution for all consoles in comparison to this footage... which is running on PC

also i dont think i believe him when he said that this was a ps3 specd machine as a pc has more overhead i can tell you that this would not run on a 7800Gtx this pc is definitely over the ps3 equivalent spec.


zeddy4291d ago

probably still run better on ps3. it will be on atleast 3 discs for 360, mgs4 was over 30 gb. probably sell better on ps3 too since ps3 owners out numbers xbox like 7 million to around 1 million in japan.

this sort of stuff evens itself out since every other multiplat game runs better on 360.

_-EDMIX-_4291d ago

I think that as much people try their best to downplay the DVD'S on the 360, it's just undeniable that the room is needed in gaming. for God sakes there are PlayStation 2 games that used DVD 9. the problem does not lie with switching disk, it has to do with the content being displayed to do with the open world map etc. metal Gear Solid 4 took up almost 50 gigs.... mind you it wasn't even an open world game, now look I'm not a fanboy looking to make excuses on why it shouldn't be on the 360, I'm merely stating the facts of the situation. now if I know Kojima he has most likely found call way to get the data on the 360. I believe 100 percent just like gta 5 ,metal Gear that it's going to be a mandatory install. this is nothing more than a technical limitation there is no work around in terms of compression all they really need is space, if that's the case I believe both games would need a mandatory install. I almost 100 percent guarantee both games require hey mandatory install in both games will be on more than 3 or 4 disc. again this is not a factor in terms of switching desk, when it has to do with an open world it has more to do the content on a single disc. so yes switching desk would not be feasible in such an open world game (ie I just crossed the mountains let me switch the next desk). this is where the true hatred comes from multi platform games regarding PS3 exclusives. I know if the 360 had mandatory installs on such games were larger format I would have 0 problems with such a move, games like Final Fantasy 13 in gta 4 were absolutely notorious for being the worst franchise history based on both use basically the same format they just use the last generation, but this is completely different Kojima is a developer that creates with passion. im very confident that this multi platform move was made because he could successfully pull it off, you would have to question if it was known to be multi platform whyl make it open world? Metal Gear Solid 4 & Metal Gear Solid 2 were both linear games. I believe just based on the sure fact that it's an open world game that there is a work around on why it's also on the 360 which I believe is a mandatory install.

as a metal Gear fan I'm okay with it being on the 360 so long as its not gimp the rest of the versions. my problem has nothing to do with the system as much as it has to do with the hardware limitations that caused so many franchises to be gimped this generation.

Razmossis4291d ago

@ dirthurts

Actually, Metal Gear was a series first created for the MSX2 platform, a lot of different companies could manufacture consoles for it, one of which was Sony. Kind of like Windows today, with different branded PCs.

It was then ported to Nintendo in the U.S because the MSX platform wasn't so hot over there. I'm not even sure if MG1 made it to Nintendo, or even out of Japan back then

Genmu4290d ago

because if games continue to go mutliplat there will be no point to buy a console anymore,no more competition so the devs can imrpoves new franchises etc and will eventualy die sooner or later

srcBFMVBMTH4290d ago (Edited 4290d ago )


Agreed, I actually don't mind this being multiplat though. It's kinda like a trade off really.

Bioshock and Mass Effect for Metal Gear and Final Fantasy. lol. Or Saints Row, Splinter Cell, and Dead Or Alive for for Devil May Cry, Dark Souls, and Tekken. The age of 3rd party exclusives is pretty much over. We just have to see who can create the best exclusives coming from their own 1st party devs.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4290d ago
BlindMango4291d ago

It should, but it it posted by the Official PlayStation Blog, so not likely that will happen =P

Tito084291d ago (Edited 4291d ago )

@ knowyourstuff- They demoed the game on the PC using the 360 controller, that didn't have anything to do with the debugger being easier since there are 360 controllers for PC, know your stuff!!

ALLWRONG4291d ago

There is a 360 logo at the end of the trailer

Tito084290d ago

I know that, I was talking about the debug, not the game being exclusive, I know the game will be on 360 as well!!!!

Muffins12234291d ago

Remember this is the PC VERSION there showing,this is almost like a next gen title ;O

camel_toad4291d ago (Edited 4291d ago )

Kojima said that the pc's specs it's running on are comparable to the ps3 (basically 360 as well) so it should look very similar, especially given the time by its release.

andibandit4290d ago

Kojima said this, kojima said that.....come on get real, he isnt gonna hurt sales of his own project by saying its gonna suck on this and this platform.

Im not saying that either, i just wouldnt read too much into that comment.

7ero H3LL4291d ago (Edited 4291d ago )

It clearly says xbox 360 and ps3. And from the looks of it, this looks to be the best looking Metal gear Solid game. still waiting for Metal Gear Rising making similar updates. Hope it does cause this blows it out of the water.

the bastards4291d ago

If this game is on the xbox 360 then MGS4 will be subject to make a port on the fox engine. A 2 or 3 dics port maybe, the 360 has about 5 metal gear games now.

Genmu4290d ago

keep dreaming u will not get mgs4

trancefreak4291d ago

Wow that looked amazing. Can't wait to play it. If the console versions look nearly this good as described we should be in for a treat with stellar game-play to go with this beauty.

Abdou234290d ago

I'd rather wait and play it on PS4 with this visuals than play it on PS3 with downgraded ones.

BlmThug4290d ago

All I can say I cannot wait and im over the moon that its coming to the 360 and PC too :D

nerdkiller4290d ago

i just hope its built around the ps3 then ported to the 360 because most developers that build it around the 360 do a crappy job porting it over to ps3 im looking and you skyrim

harrisk9544290d ago

8:28--- "Kept you waiting, huh?".... Awesome.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4285d ago
DaThreats4291d ago (Edited 4291d ago )

Like he didnt say it was for 360 and limit himself to a dvd of the system
Edit: PLASTICA-MAN take off xbox 360 in the tag.
No 360 was announced

Edit:Saw you do the change

despair4291d ago

actually it is multiplatfom. Even Sid said so in the comments section.

despair4291d ago (Edited 4291d ago )

damn double post

4291d ago
feraldrgn4290d ago

The game looks SO good.
Also, is that Volgin from MGS3(Snake Eater)??



Nope, he is Galvez from Peace Walker, that's obvious:


TheRealHeisenberg4291d ago ShowReplies(1)
Gildarts4291d ago

did you even see the trailer? it says xbox 360 at the end loser.

Go cry yourself to sleep.

ALLWRONG4291d ago (Edited 4291d ago )

Careful, they will remove you for trolling for telling the truth. Haven't you noticed mostly pro Xbox comments are being removed?

You're supposed to scream "PS3 Exclusive!" and ignore (deny) the Xbox logo at the end.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4290d ago
jc485734291d ago (Edited 4291d ago )

I actually want to know if this is "officially" coming to the 360 or not. We heard PC (used for demo only?) and PS3 so far. Just curious.

dc14291d ago (Edited 4291d ago )

He said the PC was spec to PS3 requirements. And that the demo would be very similar to what folks would see on the PS3.

**slight edit for clarification.

doogiebear4291d ago (Edited 4291d ago )

Hellz no! DVD's will likely butcher this game. But maybe for the 720 if it uses blu rays. Strange how he said ps3 and not 360...even though he used a 360 controller. So it makes me think it may also come to 720 instead of 360. Especially since MS gets a 2nd chance to pick Blu Rays.

However, maybe the 360 can use dual layered dvd's? I dunno because i'd never buy a 360 since xbox live payments dont justify themselves.

jc485734291d ago (Edited 4291d ago )

yea that's the thing. He would be really pulling the balls if it weren't coming for the 360. If it's exclusive, then don't use a 360 controller to create more confusion. If it ain't, please clarify what you're saying. Maybe he is saying the ps3 is the lead platform? who knows really.


secrecy is something I commonly see in the gaming industry.


I actually wonder if Kojima is willing to make those sacrifices seeing how he is all about pushing the limits.

kane_13714291d ago

just to clear this confusion about Xbox controls, I believe that he is using windows controls which are totally similar to Xbox's but for PC.
In that case it doesn't really seem confusing, because MGS really is a controller based game not a Keyboard based game.
He could have used a PS3 controller, but that would be a pain to setup.

Biggest pain here though is the damn secrecy, will it be multiplat, console exclusive or exclusive?

Shaman4291d ago

DVD will only butcher this game if they pre record cutscenes and store them as avi. If they do it real time (like every other 360 game) than they'll be fine.

PirateThom4291d ago


MGS4's cutscenes were mostly real time (Source: cutscenes store your Octocamo/rigging choices and can be removed by shaking the controller at any point) and it took up a sizeable portion of a 50GB disc.

Unless they plan make the game more co-op focused and, thus, reduce the story aspects, it's an issue for sure. Multiple discs might work, but it depends on how the game is structured.

Shaman4291d ago (Edited 4291d ago )

Yes, thats because they stored same assets several time so laser doesn't have to search for them (less loading if any can be achieved). Same thing every Sony developer does these days...

Generally, only games with stored avi. files are on more DVDs (LA Noire, FF13 and MP3 for example).

AO1JMM4291d ago

Games on demand, I prefer to download it like I do all my PC games on Steam.

dirthurts4291d ago

If DVD's ruin game quality, then why does Battlefield 3, and Crysis 2 on my PC look so good that came on DVD's?
OH, that's because it doesn't. It's just a storage medium.
Learn your tech guys.

NewZealander4291d ago (Edited 4291d ago )

well rage was multi DVD on 360 and still looked better then the ps3 version, and loaded textures faster etc, so that argument is redundant:)

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solar4291d ago

at the end of the video there are logos for PS3 and 360. it will be multiplat.

Vandamme214291d ago ShowReplies(3)
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thorstein112d ago

That is a fantastic interview. Physint is a love letter to the fans. What a legend.

YourMommySpoils112d ago

I'm guessing OD will also be coming to PlayStation, as the trailer states for all players lol

RhinoGamer88112d ago

Love to know how much he works on a game. 10% effort --- 90% credit

F0XH0UND922111d ago

Ever see the credits of a Kojima game? The guy is a machine and does so much for his projects.

Trilithon111d ago

hes a decision maker. people don't always agree. but at least he has made a decision. imagine how many execs wanting the main characters outfit to have flowers cause their daughter likes flowers. this the power of being independent. only the real fans breathing down his neck

WelkinCole111d ago

I really really miss MSG. For me its not a PS gen if there is no MSG. So this news is a God send for me.

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contra157112d ago (Edited 112d ago )

Give us something new kojima